Fan Fiction

SWASAN: The Sword of Love… Chapter 4 [by Raina]

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He just stared at her, his mind going blank when he felt her breathe, her whisper. There were tiny water drops on her forehead falling from her wet hair. The sun started rising bringing light to the world, he saw her face glowing in the light. At such a moment when he didn’t realize why his lips were curved happily, he heard her whisper again, “I won!” and then she turned, making him feel the fragrance of her hairs. She went from there, she had gone a little far when she suddenly turned again. His eyes still staring her every moves. She came near him and knelt down taking his sword, she kept it in his hand, “unable to digest that you lost?” she asked smiling raising her eyebrows. “I have lost so many times, Princess!” and then she saw his tears. She blinked her eyes shocked hearing his painful whisper, tears ran over his cheeks, her hands reached his face unknowingly to wipe them but he just turned and went from there, all the way to his tent… she looked at him going, confusion engulfed her with tears brimming in her eyes. What did she do? Why was she crying? She wiped her tears before they could come out, she didn’t do anything wrong! Did she? She just did a fight and won in it. And she was teasing him, she definitely imagined his angry face, but she didn’t expected him to cry like this. She never wants to give pain to someone, her eyes became moist again while she continuously wiped them. His tears and the intensity and the pain in his voice that had managed to make her shiver with tears. she just walked to her tent drowned in her own thoughts, why was this complicated? Why does he look sad? What did she do to make him sad?…
Sanskar sat on the cold floor looking at the sword in his hand, yes! He had lost so many times, he had stood helplessly in front of the royal people when they were doing injustice. He was a common man, a slave! He hated it when the royal people did any mistakes with their pride but today he himself was going to do a very big sin following the orders of his ruthless master. He has lost! Lost to himself, lost in his own life. The indescribable feeling he felt when he was close to Princess Swara should not be felt. He should have not smiled when she stood close to him, he should have not lost himself in her eyes when they both were fighting. He had to do his given tasks, acting like a Prince. The lifestyle that was making him feel sad and suffocating for an unknown reason, his guilt killing him for whatever he was going to do. It brought him tears and made him feel like a loser to realize that he felt something really different with Princess Swara Mithra whom he had to kidnap and take to his master in just a few days…
The competition was started, numerous Princes and an only beautiful Princess and an only slave in the name of prince stood keeping their head high with confidence, to achieve the sword of power at any cost. There were few talented kings in front of them instructing about the competition and repeating the same line again and again that their only ambition, their only dream, their only mission should be ‘the sword of power!’ The first level of competition is sword fight. Princess Swara smiled hearing it, she loved and was an expert in sword fighting. Sanskar’s gaze immediately went to Princess Swara, with his just few meets with her what he had understood about her is, she loved sword fighting. Prince Laksh Prathap just sighed and prayed to god to help him. the competition was started, everyone started fighting with each other like it was a war, but everyone used only one weapon and that was sword. The rule was that no one should harm anyone. If anyone’s sword fells, then they will be out of the competition. Princess Swara was fighting bravely in a particular side, she didn’t go to the side where prince.. hold on! It was then when she realized that she still don’t know his name, but she wanted him to be in this competition for an unknown reason. Slowly, many started losing the game. The timeline was finished and there were ten lands which were going to the next level. It included Sanskar, Princess Swara and Prince Laksh!
Sanskar took a deep breathe keeping his sword on his bed, he was about to sit on the floor, when he sensed someone coming, he immediately sat on his bed. He was first time sitting on such a soft and a royal bed. The cloth of his tent opened and he saw Prince Laksh Prathap at the entrance of his tent. He stood up from his bed confused. What was he doing here? “can I come inside?” Prince Laksh asked to which he just nodded. His fate! No one has ever asked permission to enter in his residence, he really didn’t expected that a day will come when a Prince will ask permission to him. “why were you fighting with me alone particularly?” Prince Laksh asked making Sanskar shocked. “it is a competition!” Sanskar said hiding his shocked face, keeping himself brisk just like a Prince which he can never become. “if it is really just for competition, then fine. But I felt you were just concentrating on me, trying to fight with me and make me out of the competition!” Prince Laksh said. A silence prevailed between them, Prince Laksh was just staring at him. trying to think what enemity did the prince in front of him had with him that he was only fighting with him. “I may be wrong! But I said what I felt!” Prince Laksh said breaking the silence and then walked out of his tent…
Sanskar sighed seeing him going out and then sat on the floor hugging his knees. How to tell him that it was his brother’s order? He had to make him lose, he wanted to be out of this place as soon as possible and he can be out only if he finishes his mission. If Prince laksh Prathap is in the next level.. Sanskar closed his eyes, then he have to be here for few more days stopping him from winning. He clutched his head, his eyes remained close, enjoying the darkness he loved to be in. but still tears managed to come out of his closed eyes…
Princess Swara sat near the lake and was applying turmeric on the small wound she got on her foot while fighting. She felt so proud of herself, she was very happy that she was in the next level. She had gone a one more step ahead towards the sword of power. She smiled remembering Ragini, if she would have been here, then she would have not let herself treat this wound. Ragini would have snatched the turmeric from her and would have applied for her, she gets tears remembering her home, her father, her Ragini! “you got hurt while fighting?” she turned to the source of voice and saw a king looking at her concerned who was one of the organizers of the competition. She was about to stand up to give respect to him, but he himself sat beside her, she just smiled at him. “yes! Just a little bit, I will be fine soon!” she said smiling. “I saw a spark in your eyes today. You were fighting so happily. You love sword fights?” he asked, she nodded to him still smiling. “even I have a daughter, she is still learning the fights. She is still young, but she was adamant to participate in this to get the sword. It took me so much time to convince her, I see my daughter in you!” she just looked at him while he continued, “she wants a Princess to win this sword. She will be very happy if you win this! God bless you!” her lips curved again, she gets so much happy to hear him, he stood up and started going when something suddenly struck her. “your majesty!” he stopped and turned to her as she called him. “do you know everyone who stay here?” she asked, he smiled and nodded. She stood up and went near him asking, “I will show you a Prince! Can you tell me his name?”…
The sun has started setting spreading darkness everywhere. Sanskar was standing outside his tent and was just watching the sky. His eyes just focused there, and so many thoughts running in his mind making him feel lost. He had to make Prince Laksh Prathap lose somehow. Guilt embraced him at the thought of doing like this, but more than it, he was only thinking, how will he take Princess Mithra to the Prathap Palace? Can he even do this? “so, Prince Nikanj!” he turned hearing the voice and saw Princess Swara. He wanted to scream saying no. he wanted to shout, he was not any Prince Nikanj, he was just Sanskar! Swara moved near him and he saw her limping a little. “what happened to your legs?” he asked. She came near him and looked at the sky just like he was looking before sometime. “you love nature? I have always seen you staring at nature. At first, you were staring the river and now the sky!” he frowned, how to make her understand that in their first meet, he was not staring the river, he was staring at his own reflection, he was staring at himself, analyzing the changes in him that came after wearing the outfit of a prince. And now, he was staring at the sky. Only his eyes were staring but his mind and heart was thinking about his problems, the problems which he couldn’t share with anyone. “I asked you what happened to your legs?” he asked his same question again, but saw her just staring at the sky. Silence formed in between them but she replied after sometime, “I got a hurt!” he looked at her, she was still staring at the sky. “even you love nature?” she just smiled hearing him, she nodded to him without looking at him. “whenever I stare the sky, I feel I am staring my mother!” he just stared at her while she continued, “when I was young, I asked my father where was my mother, he said that she was with the god and when I asked where was god, he said god is above the sky!” he saw her voice going whisper with sadness consuming her. Even she didn’t understand why she was telling her personal things to him.. to a prince she had just met. “how did you get hurt?” he asked and she turned to him and before she could reply he said, “you didn’t even let me touch your horse, then how are you going to show your wound to me?” she smiled at his words remembering their first meet. “I just thought that a Prince will feel low if he treats a wound of a princess!” she said teasingly. Did she know that he has touched the legs of his masters? Did she even know that he was not a Prince? She saw a veil of paleness suddenly falling on his face. She went near him more and raised her eyebrows, “what happened?” she asked concerned. She was again so much close to him, he looked at her beautiful eyes that was so much captivating. “Stay away from me!” she gets shocked hearing him and before she could say anything, he said, “please!” he whispered it pleading to her and then walked inside his tent tieing the cloth of the tent locking it. As if locking the doors of himself from her to stop her to know about him. she just stood there looking at his tent remembering his sad whisper.. what is bothering him?…

Precap: ~Forgetting the words!~
A/N- hey guys!! i am so so so happy to be back.. i missed you all A LOT!!
i thought it will take time for me to come back, that’s why i asked my beloved Mahira didi to post it for me.. thank you so so so so much didi for posting you!!
and thanks to all those who supported me..
thank you all.. love you all!!


I love music... the rescuer of my stress and boredom!... I make a wish and blow candles every year on 23rd of November an ardent swasan lover.. currently obsessed with riansh

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