Fan Fiction

swasan is ” TEDDY LOVE” by Serena

Hi guys…Serena here…as today m not posting my ss so m posing my second short os … read it n plz comment..

Swara n sanskaar r best friends since childhood..
Swara loved sanskaar very much but she thinks that sanskaar thought her to be his friend only.. That’s why she never confessed…
Sanskaar is a very shy type of boy who speaks very less.
Sanskaar had a very strange habit of presenting swara with a teddy bear..
Swara always wanted to confess her love to him but whenever he meets her he just give her the teddy n used to went from there before she could say anything..

It was swara’s 17th birthday…she decided to confess to Sanskaar…so she invited him in her birthday
It was 11:45 in midnight only 15 mins left for swara’s birthday to get over..
She was waiting for sanskaar from morning but he didn’t showed himself .
Suddenly swara’s phone ranged n seeing the caller I’d her eyes glowed up…she picked the call happily n the caller told her to come near her home main gate…she ran to the main gate n saw sanskaar standing near the gate The gate holding teddy bear she ran to him n before she could say anything n she just stood there watching his retreating figure……she was angry on herself as today also she was not able to confess her love…
Now its been 1 month….sanskaar everyday used to come n give her teddy n webt from there without listening to her….
Now she was frustated coz she was not able to confess her love n she ws more frustrated coz of sanskaar’s behaviour….
One day sanskaar called her n said
Sans- hi swara..
Swara-(happy) hi sanskaar..
Sans- ummm.can u plz meet me on the highway road at1pm.
Swara-(more happy) ya sure…i will be there..
Sanskaar- ok…ummm…bye..
Swara-(smiling like mad) bye.
Swara reached the highway before time n started to wait for sanskaar when suddenly she saw sanskaar coming towards her holding TEDDY…..she got angry thinking that today also he will behave same…
Sanskaar’s handed her the teddy bear n before he could say anything swara threw the teddy in rage…
Sanskaar’s eyes were filled with tears…he looking down went in middle of road to pixk teddy n when he bend to pick teddy anskaar’s

Swara- sanskaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrr
A lorry came n hit sanskaar badly…he was lying in the pool of blood…
Swara went to him n took him in her lap
Swara-(crying bitterly) sanskar plz get up…plz get up..
Sanskaar just gave her the teddy n died in her arms…
After 2 days
Swara was sitting in her room n crying remembering sanskaar..when suddenly she saw that teddy bear which he gave her last day…she threw her thinking that this all coz of this teddy…
As soon as she threw the teddy she listened sanskaar’s voice…
She got shocked n looked at teddy…then she again patted the teddy n again she listened his voice…with the same three magical words.. Then she patted every teddy n heard the same voice n same words…
She sat on ground with thud n cried bitterly with sanskaar’s t shirt dipped in blood…..

Guys sometimes feeling does not need words n words r not enough for confessing ur feelings…

I know u all must now want to shoot me…so.
1…2….3. Bhaag Serena…
.stop stop stop…
Keep reading my ss Doorie….sahi jaye naa…
Now m going bye????


Life is like an enjoy it before it melts...??

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