Fan Fiction


“Be happy for this moment. This moment is your life.”
-Omar Khayyam

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Previous epi


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Episode 22

Sanskar searched everywhere he could…. He also told his body guard to search swara……. But he didn’t find swara…. With frustration he went back to badi…. Sharmistha and dida saw sanskar coming and went to him…. “Sanskar beta where is swara??? ”

“Aunty i didn’t find her…. Even police gets complaint after 24 hours of missing only…. I am restless aunty…. ”

“Sanskar, shomi what if its ragini work??? ”

“Ma y she has to kidnap shona??? ”

“Shomi she doesn’t want swara to be happy…. She came to know swasan love each other…. So may be she could have kidnapped swara na??? ”

“Haan aunty dida is right…. What if its ragini work??? ”

“No sanskar it might not be ragini’s work…… She knows that if any thing happens to swara we all will doubt her and ma u heard what that bhaiya told a man kidnapped swara…..if its ragini surely she need many men… i don’t think its ragini…..”

“Then who might be????any enemies for swara???”

“No sanskar she don’t have any enemies…..god pls keep my swara safe wherever she is….”

“Aunty i forgot….few days back due to security reasons we attached a gps in her dollar…..i will check it aunty…..”saying this he took his mobile and tracked swara’s location…..he located her location….. And called his securities to come to that place…..

“Aunty i traced swara’s location….u don’t worry i will bring her….”

“Sanskar wait i will also come….pls take me there…..”

“Yes sanskar take us also….we will come….”dida too said….. Without any option he took both of them….

After few minutes travel they reached a park…. Sanskar asked dida and shomi not to get down…. He silently went inside the park…. There park is decorated beautifully with lights….. Sanskar is confused….. As he went inside he heard some laughing sounds…. Sharmistha and dida can’t stay in the car so they too came there…. They too were shocked seeing the decorations….. Then all went inside….. There they saw swara laughing and eating chocolates abd talking with a boy…. Sanskar ran and hugged swara…. Swara is startled for a second…. Then she too hugged him…. The boy is confused….. After sometime sanskar parted the hug and cupped her face…”swara u r fine na???what happened????who kidnapped u???and how come u came here???is he the one who kidnapped u????”

“Sanskar nobody kidnapped me….. Actually he is my friend Nikhil…. We both were close friends till tenth after that he went from here…. I tried to contact him but can’t… Few days back he called me…. I got angry as he left me…. So didn’t talk to him…. He try to convince me…. But i was angry so he took me here and asked me forgiveness…. See there…..”all saw there…. There he wrote ‘swara i am sorry’ in chocolates…..(kept chocolates in that letter shape)”see he asked sorry cutely….. That too with my fav chocolates… i forgived him…..”

Sanskar glared angrily at her and turned to that man and said,”r u mad mister????if u want to ask sorry u should have asked her personally not by kidnapping her in the night…. Do u know how much dida and aunty are afraid????”

“Sorry…. Actually i thought nobody would find swara is missing as all were sleeping….. But they found she is missing…..”

“Don’t try this again mister…. I don’t know what i will do…. Swara come we will leave….”saying this he hold her hand and dragged her but swara stopped in the middle….sanskar saw her and asked whats the matter….she showed the chocolates….”Sanskar how can i leave all this….wait i will bring it….”saying this she turned to leave but sanskar didn’t leave her….”come with me….ur chocolates will reach u….”saying this he asked his securities to collect everything and took her….

Here Nikhil is standing in shock….. Dida went and twirled his ear….. He shouted in pain…. “Ahhhh dida leave me….”

“U devil didn’t change at all….al”before dida continues sanskar shouted them to come….so sharmistha and dida went behind him…. Nikhil came behind them….

Then all went to badi…. Sanskar dragged swara into her home….”swara atleast don’t u have sense to call and inform???”

“Sanskar even i didn’t expect this that this idiot will kidnap me…. And i didn’t take my mobile too…. I too thought all will be sleeping…. So didn’t want to disturb anyone….” she said with a puppy face…. Sanskar sighed seeing it…. He went and hugged her tightly….. Dida and sharmistha adored them and feel proud for their choice of accepting sanskar….. Nikhil went and kept his hands on sanskar’s shoulder….

“May be u didn’t know me…. But i know u not bcoz u r a big business man but its bcoz of swara…. She was talking only about u…. And sorry man i didn’t know u all will get to know and sorry i won’t repeat this again…..”

“Its ok Nikhil…. And i am sorry…. Actually i lost my patience a little seeing swara missing…..”

“Ha ha not little brother u lost it much….. And i was thinking whether u love her the same or not but u love her more than anything…..”

“Yes she is my life….. She is my everything….. I can’t loose her….”

“Its nice bro….. Ok then i have to go….”

“Nikhil where u will stay???”shomi asked him….

“Aunty i will stay in hotel…. No pblm…”

“Nikhil if u don’t mind u can stay with me…. And don’t worry i an staying alone….”

“Yes nikhil u stay with sanskar pls…..”swara said to nikhil and he accepted…. After that both went to sanskar house….. Next day both nikhil and sanskar came to badi…. Nikhil stayed with dida and shomi and swara went to office with sanskar…..

In the afternoon swasan were having lunch…. “swara after lunch i will go to airport to pick up Nirbhay uncle…. He got a mansion here which is near to mm…. So after dropping him i will come ok….”

“Sanskar i also come pls….”

“Ok sweetheart come….”then both went to airport…. There they saw nikhil…..

“Hello gorilla what r u doing here???”

“Oiii tomcat i have to ask u what r u doing here???”

“First answer me gorilla….”

“Offo will u both stop it…. Nikhil we came to receive our business client….”

“Oh ok sanskar…. I came here to pick my dad….” swara opened her mouth to say something but stopped seeing Nirbhay…. Both swasan and nikhil went to nirbhay and got confused…. Nirbhay hugged both nikhil and sanskar…. Then patted swara’s head…..

“Dad do u know them???”hearing dad word swasan were shocked and confused….

“Yes Nikhil this is sanskar and we signed a contract each other so we will be working together….. And this is swara my shammi’s daughter…..”

“What sharmistha aunty is ur shammi????”

“Yes nikhil…. How come u know her????”

“Offo dad swara is my tomcat…. The girl whom i speak to u a lot….”

“What???oh god is she ur friend???have she forgotten u??

“Yes dad she forgotten me….”

“What beta???u could have made him crave for ur forgiveness na???”

“Dad this is not fair….”he said with a pout….. Seeing this all laughed…..

“But nikhil how come he is ur dad???i have seen ur parents”

“Swara actually my parents died in a plane accident when i was in my college…. After that dad only took care of me…. Actually he is my papa’s bro…. I call him dad from childhood….”

“Oh!!!ok ok….”

“Ok then shall we move???”sanskar asked…. Nikhil came in cab…. So they asked the cab to go…. And all went in sanskar’s car….. After dropping Nirbhay and Nikhil swasan went to mm….. Seeing them coming inside mm ragini is irked….. Sujatha is happy to see swasan together….

“Sanskar beta u here that too with swara….”

“Yes mom…. I came here as i have an important work…..”

“What work u have here sanskar????”ragini asked with anger….

“I am not answerable to u ragini…..”

“Y not sanskar…. She is dil of the house….”Laksh told him coming inside mm….

“So what if she is dil of this house i am son of this house….. And i am just answerable to bade papa,ma,papa and mom…. Nobody else…. And i don’t want ur wife’s permission to come here…. Understand….”Sanskar said… Before laksh start to speak dp stopped him….

“Sanskar what important work u have here???”

“Bade papa wait a minute u will get to know….”

“Sanskar we don’t have time for ur nonsense….will u say it???”before sanskar said adarsh came there….

“Laksh i only asked him to come….”Adarsh said while coming with a girl…..

“Adarsh why u asked him to come????and who is this girl???”

“Bade papa i will say…. Actually….”before he start ragini interrupted….

“Sanskar i think u want to talk about some family matter…. Then y swara is here…. She is not of this family na…..”

“Ragini r u head of this family???that u r taking decision????”dp asked her angrily…..

“No papaji actually….”

“Stop it ragini…. I am not here to hear ur nonsense…. Adarsh or Sanskar anyone tell the matter soon…..”

“Actually papa this girl was blackmailing me from the past 6 months….. I was thinking how to escape from her but didn’t get anything….. So i took sanskar help….. And now everything is solved…. So thought to tell u all….”

“What r u saying Adarsh????what she blackmailed you????”

“Actually papa i and shiny were college mates…. Not only college mates but also we loved each other….. But u arranged my marriage with Parineeta…. So i left her and married Parineeta…. After marriage i started to love Parineeta but few months back shiny called me and said she is suffering from cancer and want to live with me in her last days…. So i gave her a job in our company and started to spend some time with her….. After 1 month i came to know she is just acting…. When i confronted her she blackmailed me saying she will tell about us to parineeta…. I don’t want to loose pari so that only i did whatever she said…. One day i thought to tell pari about all this but she fainted…. When i took her to the hospital i came to know she is pregnant but this blo*dy bribed the doctor and did abortion that time itself….. So i got scared….. And when i came to know sanskar is not mad i thought to take help from him…. But i can’t say openly to him as shiny had her eyes on me…. She also blackmailed me that if i tell to anyone she will kill pari so i was scared…. And i volunteerily showed me infront of sanskar with her…. So that he will doubt me…. It happened as i thought….. And now sanskar saved me from this mad girl…. Pari i didn’t think to betray you….” he went near pari and said the last line…. Pari just hugged him…. Swasan smiled seeing it….

“What this much happened??? Sanskar what u did???”

“Nothing much bade papa…. Actually swara went inside this girl’s house as a cooldrinks seller and made her faint…. Then we both went inside and took all the evidences….”

“Good now y u brought her here???Call the police and handover her…. Blackmailing is the most dangerous crime than killing…. I won’t leave that person simply if they blackmails anyone….”dp said and called police…. Adarsh smirked seeing ragini…. She got terrified…. She didn’t show it outside….. Then police came and arrested that girl…. Adarsh went and hugged sanskar…. Parineeta too went and hugged swara and thanked her…. After that swasan bid bye to sujatha and got blessings from dp and rp and went from there…. Seeing dp blessing swara,ragini got angry and went from there…..

Swasan came out with hand in hand….. They get inside the car and went to lakespot where they both met after raglak marriage….. They went and sat down….. Sanskar wrapped his hand in swara’s waist…..swara lay down in his shoulder…..

“Sanskar i am happy today…. NM came to Kolkata…. Now have to make ma agree to her marriage then i will be very very happy…..”

“Don’t worry sweetheart…. Surely aunty will accept to get married…. Swara y don’t we make uncle to stay in ur house????so that aunty and uncle will become close na….”

“Wow super idea san….. I will ask dida… If she says ok we will make uncle stay in our house….”Saying this she kissed sanskar’s cheek…. Sanskar acted like fainting….

“Oii dramebazz….. “saying this she slapped his cheek slightly…. Then both spent some time there and went to their home….

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Guys i know today part will be boring as it has less swasan scenes….. But needed for the story….. And i have to tell u all one thing next episode will be on sunday as i have exam on saturday…..

Bye bye….??


An introvert!! ? Hellyholic ? Muditholic ? Mishkatholic ? Wattpad-Id:Abirsha

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