Fan Fiction

Swasan -True Love OS

Hey guys ridhima here…

Here we go.

The scene starts with lot of fireworks in the sky.

Few boys were running in the street and they stop after travelling few metres and started burning crackers.

A boy came out of crowd he was none other than our hero Sanskar.
Then all started buring the crackers and likewise hadd fun.

By seeing this anyone can say diwali is coming near.

The happiness in everyone’s eyes is visible.

Everyone start preparing for diwali in his /her on way. Some by making rangoli, some burning crackers and so on.

Aftrr the day ends and it was nearly 11 by night.

Sanskar came in his room and lay down on his bed.

“Hey” he texted on watsapp.

“Hi” replied someone from other side.

“So how was your day ?” He texted

“As always good and urs”


“Hmm…diwali preparations.?”

“Yeah.. u know me so well swara.”

“Ofcourse i do aftr all you are my friend?”

“Oo…is that so.?”

“Yes ofcourse” replied swara.

Swara and sanskar two friends who know each other from maybe like last one year. But know each other like they were always together by birth. Have never met each other just accidentaly contacted on watsapp.
Maybe wrong number get right path??.

” So how are you going to celebrate it ?” Asked swara.

“Lyk everytime.. and most importantly firing crackers u know usmein kick hai??” he replied.

“??” she replied after 5 minutes.

Likewise they chatted for about half an hour.

“Swara.?” Sanskar texted

“What.?” She replied.

“Can i meet you? ” he asked

After not getting reply for much time.

“I m sorry but as a friend i wanted to meet you once.. maybe as a diwali gift… but only if it is okk with you… otherwise its kk ” he messaged again.

“No its okk.. i understand we can meet on diwali” she replied.

“So we will meet on diwali at **** place at 11 am …?? ” sanskar asked

“Okay” she replied.

After sometime they bid bye and slept.

Some more days passes and now it is only 2 days left them to meet each other..

Sanskar was soo much excited to meet her as for him it was more than friendship… may be he love her… but it sound weird loving someone without even seeing … the sort of attraction they have for each other is really not common…

If he didnt talk to her a day, then his day doesnt passes well. He feels lonely and remains upset and quiet…

As usual both were chatting to each other…

The clock striked 12..

“Happy Diwali” both wished each other at same time and laughed at there respective places…

“So madam be ready at 11” he messaged..

“Yeah…i remember” she replied…

They chatted for some more time and then slept…

Sanskar wakes up at 7 am.. before even his alarm.. he was soo excited to meet her.

Sanskar-(in mind)- I know i m meeting her for the first time but i do know her soo much.. dont know why i m feeling nervous.. may be because i m going to confess her my feelings… i dont know how i fell for her.. without even seeing her may be because i can feel her pure heart..
I m happy i fell for her but dont know if she rejected me… if she dont love me… if she even break our friendship.. but watsoever is the result now i cant stop my feelings…I love her and this is reality and i need to tell her…
I wl leave rest of the decision to her.. aftrr that even if she want to leave me i wl not stop her but i wl never be able to love anyone else..

After getting ready for long time??… he finally left to meet her and reached the garden before 10 minutes… the place where they decided to meet…

“Hey i m here” he texted…

“I m also here near the fountain ” on seeing her reply his heart started thumping loudly…
And he took baby steps towards the place…

And there he saw a girl standing wearing a white churidhar… his heart says he is the one…

“Swara..?” He called out…

She nodded her head. She was about to turn towards him…

“Swara plz dont turn i wanted to tell you something.” He said so she stayed still..

He closed his eyes and

“I love you swara.. i dont know how… but i do… i know this sounds weird but this is truth… i will not force you to accept me.. this has to be completely your decision”.

He opened his eyes which showed some tears and fear of being rejected…

But she didnt speak anything and just turned towards him…

She removed her duppatta from her face so sanskar can see her….

He was shocked to see her first…
She was having a burn scar on her face…

“Do you still love me Sanskar..??” She asked with teary eyes as if she knows the answer will be nagative… there is no doubt she loves her more than anything.. and for her even it had never been weird because she also unknowingly fell for him… without her consent…
She dont want to love him but she cant stop her heart from doing so..
She is afraid and somewhere sure that he will reject her aftrr seeing her scar..

“Sanskar.. u say that burning crackers have some kick in it. But it spoiled my whole life..
This scar is jst due to them. I never burnt them but my brother loves to do so. I was going to him while he was buring them.. i was 8 by then.. i dont know about them much..
The brother gets back but i wnt towards it and it bursted over my face..
I was saved with lot of dificulties..
No one used to talk to me and some feeH pity on me.. i was not able to live a normal life…. Never… i know u cant love a girl like me u deserve much better. So now i think i need to go” she turned and started leaving…while wiping tears from her face…

She was just about to leave but stopped on hearing his words…

“Will you marry me Swara?” He said…

She freezed on her place and turned towards him shocked….not believing her ears.

“I love you swara.. i loved you without seeing you.. i fell for your heart not your face.. and this scar is nothing more than a beauty spot for you.. I don’t know how to speak long lines and propose… i only know i love you and will always do.. and ofcourse this is not any sort of sympathy… this is only my love for you…
I never cared how you look.. i only cared how much i love you.. and still ofcourse i will not force you… this is completely ur decision…

I can only say

I loved you..
I love you
I will always love you…

You are the first and you will be the last girl whom i loved…”

He said.

Swara eyes were filled with tears but this time only of happiness and she was shocked that how can a person love her soo much… there wss only her parents who cared for her till now.. but he aftrr knowing about her.. still loved her she thought what good she did to get this much love…

“Will you marry me? “he asked again..

This question bring her back from her thoughts… she ran and hugged him tightly…

“I love u sanskar, i love u soo much… and yes i wll marry you” she confessed finally…

He was beyond happy and hugged her back with tears in his eyss….
Both stood their happily hugging each other….

*******The End*******

The enjoyment of few minutes become a curse for some other…
This was sanskar who accepted her but everyone is not like sanskar…
Many people live their life alone… they get which they dont deserve even…

Have a happy and safe deepawali?????…..

Thank u for reading….
Do leave your comments…??

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