Fan Fiction


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Episode 6

Next day morning as usual all got ready and came down…. Dp and family is having their food and here sujatha and swara is setting the table…. At that time sanskar and ram came…. All had their breakfast…. At that time ram got a call…. Seeing that call ram went aside and talked with them… After the call is over he looked very happy…. He came and sat againnin the table…

“Sujatha tomorrow a groom family is coming to see uttara…. Make things necessary for it…. And sanskar if u have any meetings tomorrow postpone it….”

“Papa but y suddenly???”sanskar asked….

“Sanskar its not suddenly…. I and ur mom was discussing it for more days…. Now a good alliance is coming…. And i think its her age of marriage…. ”

“Ya papa but now only she finished the college…. So that only…”

“Okie then lets ask to uttara itself…. Uttara do u have any objection???”

“No papa i am okie with any of ur decision….”

“Now okie sanskar???” ram asked sanskar and sanskar saw uttara she had some shyness… He thought she is okie for marriage and said okie…. At that time ap asked….”Devarji u took big decision but haven’t u thought to ask to us before???”

“Bhabhi its Before at that time u considered my children as ur own but now they are not ur children…. So i and sujatha has sole rights…. “saying this ram went…. Swasan bid bye to sujatha and went from there…. Hearing this ap and dp is shocked and felt very bad….

Swasan went to their office…. Sanskar made swara stay in his cabin…. He didn’t give separate cabin for swara…. Both shared the same cabin…. Seeing it swara is shocked….

“Sanskar whats this??? Both in same cabin???”swara asked… Sanskar wrapped his hand around swara’s waist in sideways and dragged her closer….. “Bcoz i can’t live without my swara na…. Thats y….”

“Oh is it so then if i am in home that time u have to be without me only na???”

“Thats different baby…. We were in different place but here we are in same place na…. So i can’t be without u….” saying this he kissed her cheek….

“U r tooo much sanskar…” saying this she took his hands from her waist and went to her seat….. Sanskar sighed and went and sat in his place…. Then both started their works…. After some time sanskar called his pa and asked not to schedule anything tomorrow…. After the work swasan went back to their home….

Swasan after getting ready both came out…. Though swara is tired she didn’t show that and started to help sujatha…. Seeing her sanskar too helped her so that their work will be lessen… Ap felt bad as sujatha neglected her…. At that time ram came home… Even dp was there….

“Bhaisa yes its my daughter’s life…. I will take decision…. But i will be happy if ur family too present there When groom family comes as u r senior of this house…. If u r not interested then no pblm bhaisa….”

“No no ram we will be happy…. Surely i will be there….”dp said…. Ram thanked him and went from there….

The day was very hectic for swasan…. After finishing every work both came to their room and slept hugging each other….

Next day sanskar got up first…. He woke up swara with a kiss…. Both went and got ready…. Swara came down and helped sujatha…. Even ragini came front to help but sujatha stopped her from helping….. Then every work is finished… All finished their breakfast…. Sujatha and swara went to uttara’s room to make her ready….

In downstairs the groom family came…. Ram and Dp welcomed them…. Knowing the groom family swara and sujatha came down…. They served snacks and tea for them…. After a formal talk swara went upstaits and brought uttara with her….

“Prakashji this is my daughter Uttara…… She knows to cook also…. She finished her studies too…. She is a carnatic singer…. ”

“Ramji we are happy with ur daughter…. We heard a lot about maheswari’s…. Ur son has his own company…. And we are lucky to get ur daughter as our dil…. We like her very much…. What say Rekha??”

“Ji i like her much…. And i think uttara and chirag have to talk so that both will get to know each other…. I am right na sujathaji??”

“Yes rekhaji…. Swara and sanskar take them to uttara’s room….”sujatha said…. Swara took uttara and sanskar took chirag….

After sometime all four came down…. They seems to be happy…. Seeing it the elders are happy….

“Chirag r u okie with uttara??? She matches ur taste na???”

“Yes papa…. I like her….”

“Then uttara beta do u like my son??”

“Ji uncle…”

“Then lets start the marriage work…. What say Ramji??”

“Ya we are okie with it Prakashiji…. Soon will discuss with the pandit and tell u the date….”

“Ya get a closer date so that we can get our bahu home soon….” hearing it all laughed…. Uttara felt shy…. Then after some formal talk the groom family went from there…. All were happy as a function is going to happen peacefully…. Till now starting from laksh engagement to uttara marriage all function had some hurdles…. Nothing go well…. So all prayed that atleast this time it should happen peacefully….

But destiny planned something…. In a far place a car is parked…. Three people are sitting inside it… At that time another car came…. Adarsh got down from the car…. From this car the groom family came down…. Seeing them adarsh smiled evilly…. He took some cash and gave a bundle to each person….

“Ha ha u guys acted very well…. No doubt my whole family believed u…. And listen now they might tell u that they have to see ur house…. For that i have booked a house…. And stop all ur illegal activities for few days…. If i see any of u doing ur job then surely i will rip them off…. U know about me na???” hearing it all are shocked…

“No no don’t worry…. We will do as u say….” all 3 said….

“Thats good have this key…. And address is in this paper…. So go to that house and live there for few days….” adarsh said and went from there… Three sighed and went to the place where adarsh said….

Adarsh came to mm…. Seeing him pari smiled…. Then she went from there silently to her room…. Adarsh is sitting with winning smile…

“Seems like u made it???”

“Yes parineeta…. U know now we can easily get the property from chachaji….”

“Ya adarsh…. Ur plan worked…” pari said…. At that time adarsh mobile rings…. He looked the call and smirked and took the call….


“Adarsh whats going on??? I am planning to break the family but they are celebrating their happiness??? When u r there how can u let them be happy???”

“Let me to speak first…. And the groom which came and saw is our person…. They will do as we say…. My plan is to make ram name all his share on chirag’s name before their marriage…. So don’t worry okie….”

“That chirag won’t betray us na???”

“No if he betrays then i will make his life hell…. He is a criminal… So he won’t do anything against us…”

“Good…. Now only u did a good job and proved ur worth”

“I am not useless…. Just that i didn’t get a chance…. Now got the chance… So won’t let it down….”

“Good…. And soon i will be there…. Seeing me the whole maheswari family is going to shake”

“Ya… Even i am eagerly waiting for ur arrival MOM”…. Adarsh said and kept his call….

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Mom??? If the lady is adarsh mom then who is ap to him???
What is this lady’s relation with maheswari???

Keep thinking…. Will post next chap tomorrow….?



An introvert!! ? Hellyholic ? Muditholic ? Mishkatholic ? Wattpad-Id:Abirsha

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