Fan Fiction

Swasan-TRUST (episode 3)

Sanskar’s POV
She forgived me but did not accept my friendship. I also did not force her into this. Its her life and she has her right to choose her friends. Maybe she doesn’t see me as a friend.
“What are you thinking sanskar?” Mom asked.
“Just thinking about swara..”
“Swara? Who’s she?”

“She’s nanu’s paying guest…” and i explained to her what i did bavk there.
She bursted out laughing “seriously? Have you lost your brains?”
“Mom please… i got worried seeing nanu not there and yea ofcourse i apologized to her later”
“Hmm but what ever it was you should stop over reacting on things. You should have her kindly also but…”
“Mom enough now..its set and done. I did whatever i was supposed to do and now she forgived me. Thats it. No more talks on this. I will be carefull next time”
“Hmm… now go and prepare yourself for your exams”

Exam Day
There’s a big rush on the doors as students are entering. Uttara is sited on her seat and looking out of the door as Sanskar’s not come. While Swara is sitting behind and relaxed. The supervisor distributes papers while sanskar enters in dashing on the door and everyone laughs at him.
“Quiet everyone”
Sanskar settles down behind swara and
then looks at Uttara who is giving him winning grin and sanskar irks. He then notices swara infront of him.
“Hey swara…hii”


“I was sited on my desk when a guy who looked familiar entered the class room dashing on the door like a joker. I dont know but this guy was looking very familiar to me. He settled behind me and then greeted me. No one knows me here and this guy….
A bulb glowed in my head. Sir’s grandson. His name was something…. but forget it. Supervisor already told him to shut up so i didn’t bother to talk to him. After the paper he stood infront of me.
“How rude of you? I know we are not friends but atleast say a hii”
“Ohh… i didn’t hear you” i lied.

“Anyways how’s your paper?” He asked.
I really hate this question. But the weird thing is i can’t remember his name and i m chatting with him. I am so embarrassed at this moment.
What if i say “sorry i forgot your name can you please tell me?” I thought and cursed myself.
He cleared his throat.
I looked up to him gathering my stationary “hmm it was good”
“Hey bro! You better get a gift now” a girl interupted and i thanked god. Atleast i will be free to go now.
“Yea fine” he said.
Then she looked upto me “hey? Are you new here? I mean haven’t seen yoi before”

“M uttara” she forwarded her hand.
“Hmm” was my reply which surprised her.
“She’s swara… and she doesn’t like making friends” he cleared to her.
I just moved out from there.
“How you know her??” Uttara asked.
“She’s nanu’s pg” he muttered as i walked out.
I had lots to do now. First study then part time job. But atleast m happy here and most of them are my own things here and not anyone’s. Hope this place doesn’t snatch this little happiness i get from here.
End of POV.

Flash back
A young girl is running down the stairs as her parents come.
“Ma…baba” she goes happily and hugs them.
“Ahh…get away swara. Can’t you see we are tired” and pushes her away.
Another girl comes and kisses her parents.
“Aww…my princess that’s so sweet of you.. come here i got this gift for you. Here take it” saying this the man hands over a gift to the girl.
“Thanks baba…i love you”

“Baba…where’s my gift?” Swara asked eagerly and innocently.
“Take ragini’s old toy..why do you need new things? Cant you use them? They are also good only. Why do you need new things every time?” Said the mother angrily and moved towards her room followed by her father.
Swara gets very upset and goes running and weeps in her room.
Ragini-shut up swara! Why are you a cry baby all the time? Just get out of the room.
Swara wiped her tears and goes out of the room.
Thanks for reading.??


Vishaka(vishy) Devil by thoughts and innocent by heart. Empty mind's a devil's workshop. So keep your mind empty while reading this coz this is my workshop. ??

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