Fan Fiction

Swasan – TRUST

College Canteen
M darn sleepy. Its the first time in my life i got up so early. I couldn’t go home and sleep because it was already 10 by the time i reached home and at home you can’t be on the bed after 10. What stupid rules are these. That swara is another one whole night she didn’t sleep yet she was not even yawning. Insomniac i suppose. She doesn’t even allow me to talk. I mean she’s new so i have to ask her questions to take the conversation ahead but no she doesn’t want to talk only. Actually she talks alot but doesn’t give me a chance to talk. M blabbering anything now.
I m sitting in the canteen having my 10th cup of coffee since morning. Couldn’t sleep last night because of my nightmares. I think i have to buy some hypnotic pills or else i won’t be able to sleep only. That project is another headache. That sanskar also has too come so early i don’t have any other option. First college and then i go for work by the time i come home it becomes 1 am so because of that i don’t even have another option. I m feeling bad for him. But now i see him coming towards me. Think of the devil and its appears.

Sanskar-i need your number… before you frown at me. Its because of this project only. In case something happens and if i don’t come on time or any emergency so i can call you and tell. Nothing else.
Swara-hmmm… m sorry
Sanskar-for what?
Swara-because you have to come so early but i can’t help it. That’s the only time i m free.
Sanskar-it’s ok… but what do you do in the evenings sleep?
Swara- job
Sanskar-why? Don’t your family send you money for your expenses?
Swara-you got my number right?
Swara-then just leave me alone.
Sanskar- aree but….
Swara gets up and starts walking. Sanskar follows her.
Sanskar- now don’t tell me you eloped from your house and came here. It will be so filmy.
Swara stops hearing this??.
Swara-you’re right. Now don’t ask me why.
Sanskar-but why?
Swara-yaar has god sent you to ask all the questions of this world to me? Or you are born with question mark tag?
Sanskar-fine. But if you tell me the reason i may help you out.
Swara- i don’t need help. I need space.
Sanskar- then you should join NASA you’re at the wrong place.
Sanskar- sorry bad joke. But whenever you need help i will be there.
Swara-why? Do you work in for NGOs or social services?
Sanskar-no… but as a friend.
Swara-we are not friends. Remember?
Sanskar-you’re right because we are best friends.
Swara- and when did that happen?
Sanskar-now. You shared your problem and problems are shared with friends. So in that theory m your friend.
Swara-you made me speak out. I didn’t share them willingly.
Sanskar-whatever… as long as you shared.
Swara-yaar if we aren’t friends and you keep talking so rubbish. I imagine what will you speak when we become friends.
Sanskar-but you agree…that you accept this friendship.
Swara-when did i say that?
Sanskar-you’re confused. Just now you were saying you imagine me as a friend.
Swara-i said if
Sanskar-yea but it doesn’t matter.

Swara-why are you so desperate to be my friend?
Sanskar-now don’t you think that god has filled your mind with questions too?
Swara-that’s why m saying stay away from me.
Sanskar-but we can’t project remember.
Sanskar-and the answer to your question is… i want to know your story so i want to be friends with you.
Swara-do i look like a storyteller? Its my personal life and its not supposed to be a public discussion.
Sanskar-but trust me. I won’t tell anyone.
Swara-sanskar… m getting late. Bye.
Sanskar-i can drop you.
Swara-no thanks. I can go by myself.
Sanskar-ok bye. Take care.
~At night~
Swara gets a call from unknown number while she’s at work.
Swara- hello! who’s this?
Os-how can you forget me swara beta? M your baba. We are so worried about you. Where are you?
Swara-shut up sanskar! Come to the point. M at work and m busy.
Sanskar-wow! Good guess haan.
Swara- did you call for this stupid thing? Then please stop wasting my time.
Sanskar-no no… i called to tell you that this is my number. I mean i thought if you had some emergency and had to go out so you can inform me and you didn’t ask for my number so i called.
Swara-hmm…you could have messaged.
Sanskar-i didn’t think of that only…
Swara-done? bye.

She cuts the call.
Sanskar-aree atleast say a good night. Let it be.. good morning tho kehna hi padega.
Swara opens the door for sanskar.
Sanskar-well its not a good morning for me but still good morning.
Sanskar-looks like it’s not a good morning for you too. Haven’t you slept last night?
Swara-yeah i did sleep.
Sanskar-doesn’t look like.
Swara gets into thinking
Swara comes after work and goes to sleep. The first fifteen minutes of her sleep are quiet happy. She’s enjoying with two people,having fun with them laughing loudly but then suddenly her fathet comes.
Swara-dad…no..please no. I don’t want to come.
But her father just drags her away and threatens her with a hunter.
The sound of the hunter made her get up and after that she didn’t sleep at all.
Sanskar snaps his fingers getting her out of trance-hey where are you lost?
Swara-nothing..let’s start.
Sanskar-are we friends now?
~hoping its a yes~

Thanks for reading??


Vishaka(vishy) Devil by thoughts and innocent by heart. Empty mind's a devil's workshop. So keep your mind empty while reading this coz this is my workshop. ??

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