Hi guys 🙂 how are you all.. 😉 after long writing something… so it might be not good… forgive me in advance..? nd yeah I gonna to add south Indian customs, if u have doubts then ask me in comment box.. ?
Meaning for some of words :-
Amma- Mom
Appa- Dad
Anna- elder brother
Anni- sister in law(bhabi)
Akka- elder sister
Athai- mother-in-law, paternal aunt, mother’s brother wife…
Mama- jiju, father-in-law, mothers brother, father’s sister husband..
Kolundhanar- brother-in-law (devar)
Enanga, mama, athaan, machan,mams, mamu- these are the words used to address husband..??
Pandhakal, nalungu, kashi yatra- wedding rituals…
She clutches her seat tight in nervous… she prays all the god to save her… she tried to hide her fear from him but she failed…her fear which is not unnoticed by him…her seat belt, her eyes shown… her eyes are crystal clear reflection of her emotion… it’s shows how scared she was..? after all It was her first flight journey… he held her hand and assures him through his eye with smile thn correct her seat belt… she nods nervously dnt knw why her heart tells her to trust this stranger who seating next to her in flight… Stranger her Husband SANSKAR RAM PRASAD, whom she met before a month at once for a secs… now he bcm her life… not only he even his family was strangers to thr family… It was a purely arranged marriage, everything was fixed the date, the meeting, the place and they… everything…
The meeting, they came to her home asking proposal bz of one common friend…
“Akka (didi) you knw mama(jiju) looking so handsome…” Ragini exclaims happily looking at her sister who is doing final touch up looking at mirror…
“Not yet Ragini, stop calling him mama… still I didn’t agree for this marriage..” swara replied her being irritated…
Rags: Oh just see his photo once na… I’m pretty sure u can’t say no to him… I was flat for him at first sight itself…
Swa: ohho really thn go and marry him, who stops you…
Rags: Yep I’m ready but what to do he want only you… she pouts… swara glares her…
“Swara still you’re nt ready…” her Mom sumi glares entering room…
Swa: amma(mom)…
Sumi: Swara Already u rejected 11 boys I don’t need any silly explanation anymore… get ready soon, they will be here in few minutes… he is ur appa (dad) frnd relative… appa already checked about him and his family background… they are very good…
Swa: Mom how could we select our partner in the meantime of giving coffee…
Sumi: even I select ur appa in the mean time of giving coffee…
Swa: but amma… she called her compliantly…
Rags: ohho common akka he is handsome, well settled, good family background… what u need more haan… dnt u trust appa (looking upwards) oh god if at all she does like this… dont knw when will my route get clear… she frowns dramatically… swara and sumi chuckles seeing her act…
Sumi: ur sister is right trust ur appa… she pats swara cheeks for which swara smiles nodingly but her mind doesn’t accept…
She trust her appa but Is it enough to be handsome settled good family background to marry some one… she sighs…
Sanskar family was sitting infront of shekar and sumi… swara comes followed by Ragini with coffee tray…
“Wowww Anna(bhai), anni(bhabi) is looking gorgeous just look her once” his younger sister uttra literally shouts… all Smiles listening her…
Sans: not yet uttara, she isn’t ur anni… he replied politely and only audible to her… uttara frowns listening him…
Swara greets everyone folding her hand in vanakkam (namaste)
after getting signal from her amma she gives coffee to everyone when she comes to sanskar her hand start to shiver, she bcm hell nervous…
“Kolundhanara (devar ji) just look ur fiancé once, we won’t say anything” his anni pari giggles teasing sanskar who was just sitting bowing his head…
“Pari u won’t leave a single chance to tease my bro na…” adarsh asked giggling with her…
Pari: ha ha ha… how could I leave a chance of teasing my brother in law… sanskar eyed pari after hearing her…?
While Ragini shouts “mama u can deal with ur anni later now see my sister and ur coffee is waiting…” all laughs at her statement but sumi gv her death glare for her act… Rags turn her head in order to avoid her mom…
“Sorry” sanskar murmurs and tk coffee from plate… swara lift her eyes and look him he lift his head and look her eyes… thr eyes met for a sec… immediately she lower her gaze…
Ragini is right he is indeed handsome; she thought… her eyes are really beautiful, he sips his coffee…Otherthan this they both doesn’t feel anything to each other… neither her heart beats faster nor his heart skips… all they can feel nervousness, an unknown fear… but deep inside his heart, he don’t want to be rejected by her… its bz she is the first girl he came to meet for a marriage… he not even saw her photo with blind trust on his parents he agreed to meet her…
Sumi signs rags and swara to go thr room… swara nods and take rags with her, uttara and pari joins with them… outside elders were talking some random things… uttara pari and ragini were indulged in thr own talks… swara was just sitting and listening the elders conversation keeping her ear on wall… afterall its about her marriage… Slowly thr talks go to dowry which always sucks swara… it’s also one of the reason why she rejected those 11 boys…
When topic comes to dowry elders were interrupted by sanskar who was till now just sitting and listening there talks nervously…
Sans: I’m sorry I knw it wasn’t a manners interrupting elder like this but… (he sighs) I’m not a selling material… I’m here with my parents to looking for my better half to whom I going to stay all my life, not to sell me… he said truly with genuine smile…
till now swara was confused how to select a man in the mean time of giving coffee but hearing his words swara lips automatically curved into smile… she too dnt want to buy a husband, she want a partner to whom she gonna to stay in her all life with every situation… but what about his family..?
His dad ram proudly looks him and turns to shekar…
Ram: U get ur answer regarding dowry… I’m not ready to sell my son… all we need is ur daughter hand to my son…
“if at all u want to talk about dowry then it’s we who need to give dowry to u for giving ur precious doctor to us” sujatha his mom said followed by ram…
“Even I selected ur appa in the meantime of giving coffee, trust ur appa” swara smiles reminding her mom words…
Both the families are happy with alliance; they fixed thr marriage within the month after discussed with priest… in this one month swara quite mingled with sanskar family… they daily used to talk with her over phone and frequently meets her but sanskar..? She doesn’t get a single chance to meet or talk with him… all she knw about him is, his name sanskar, 27yrs, his dad is business man but he want to stand on his own feet so he was working in MNC at Kolkatta, after marriage she wants leave to kolkatta with him…
“did she done right thing by accepting this marriage” she always had a doubt over this…
Swasan family was busy with the wedding preparation, shopping and invitation… before the week of wedding, thr respective home was decorated by the full grown plantain tree are tied in either side of the main entrance, thoranam (made using mango leaves and Palm leaves) flowers and serial lights are hanged in each and every door steps and walls of there home… rangoli at the door steps…home was filled with the relation and friends…
Followed by pandakal all the rituals are done with nalungu… they both doesn’t love eachother… doesn’t knw about each other… but they enjoyed all the rituals…
On the day of wedding,
Sanskar was making face lyk kid, sujatha was glaring him…
Suj: sanskar get ready soon… Sans: Mom is it needed, I already agreed for the marriage then whats the need of kasi yaatra and all…
Suj: sanskar it was our ritual u have to get ready right now…
Adarsh: ha ha ha… sanskar it was the last chance for u to escape from marriage man, wisely use this…
Pari: what do u mean by last chance… pari narrowed her eyes crossing her hand around chest…
Ada: wo I was just kidding… adarsh shows his tooth scratching his head…
Pari: ohho really I’ll deal with u later and now sanskar u have to get ready soon… dnt be adamant like kid…
Sans: but anni… Pari: no ifs and buts… Suj: u have to get ready right now… she said sternly, sanskar sighs…
Without any other option he get ready for kashi yatra ritual… he was in Silk Veshti and a towel around his shoulder… suju keep an black dot on his cheek for which sanskar make face… Uttara, Ragini chuckles seeing his attire as he was holding umbrella a hand made fan, walking stick, and a towel filled with rice and grains tied on his shoulder and wearing wooden slipper…
Sanskar pretend to be going kashi yatra, to follow bramachariyam as he lost the hope in his life… shekar follows him and stops doing so…. and convinced him by promising to give his daughter swara as companion to face all the challenges in his life together… he give a ray of hope in sanskar life to live through marriage… sanskar agrees with shekar and shekar takes him to mandap with all the respect…
(Guys it was ritual followed on wedding)
Swasan are sitting infront of holifire in mandap… swara was in kancheepuram silk saree with matching ornaments and a black dot on her cheeks to prevent from evil eyes… she was looking damn beautiful… both exchange garlands three times and did Paadha Pooja to thr parents..
Priest chanted some mantra and give him thaali(mangalsutra) by saying “Kettimelam Kettimelam” soon the sounds of melam and nadhaswaram are echoed in each and every corner of wedding hall… sanskar was adoring her neck by thali with tying 3 knots and tears are started to flow from swara eyes… soon her tears changed into smiles bz of sanskar who was counting the knot near her ear lyk kid while tying thali and he wasn’t allowing anyone to touch thali till he tie 3 knots… all are blessed them showering rice mixed with turmeric and flowers for thr happy life…
Now she is officially his, only his… MRS.SWARA SANSKAR RAM PRASAD…
he filled her maang with kungumam (kumkum), thy both takes 3 rounds in holi fire… thn he sits on his one knee… he make her walk 7 steps by holding her left hand in his right and left foot in his left hand… he keeps his foot on grinding stone and slip toe ring on her toe..
Afterall the post marriage rituals… both swasan setoff to kolkatta on marriage day itself bz of sanskar busy schedule…
Leaving her family, her friends, her home, her city… she holds his hand with hope, with trust that he will be her everything…
She looks his hand which was still holding hers… she trust him but love..? She sighs…
There journey was all silent both doesn’t utter anything to each other… like a puppy she silently follows him… Finally they reached his house nope thr home… a single bed room flat with a kitchen, living hall and a study room… that was big enough to both of them… he Switched on the light and fan after entering… she rolled her eyes noticing his inners and dresses which were hanging in rope in the middle of the hall… he literally pulls all his clothes from rope and throw on some corner being embarrassed… she bow down her head and pressed her lips to control her laughter… but her eyes went wide seeing a beer bottle rolling under from couch, he immediately push it back using his foot… a big poster of actress tamana and Katrina kaif, shoes on the dining table, newspaper were scattered on floor… a total messy hall by seeing this anyone can easily say it was bachelors room…
“Good family background” her mom words echoed… “Is this that good” she wonders after scanning the hall…
One thing make her happy.. he doesn’t show off anything… he was being him… she liked the fact…
they move to thr bedroom, swara bows her head being tensed while sanskar silently moves to bathroom to get freshen up… when he come back to room, swara slept in bed in sitting position because of the whole tiring day, he smiles and make her sleep properly without disturbing her sleep and lies on other side of bed…
Next morning swara wakeup shouting her amma to bring her tea… sanskar places a coffee in the table without opening her eyes she take a sip… and started to shout again…
Swa: amma dont u knw… I dnt lyk co…
her Word left incomplete noticing sanskar getting ready infront of dressing table… she jerked… reality hits her, she is married and now she is in her husband place… she jumped from bed tying her messy hair…
Swa: sorry… she utters…
“bed coffee..” He murmurs underbreath shaking his head which is quite audible to swara… Swara bites her tongue and bow down… he smiles slightly at her act and keep his visiting card and cupboard key in side table…
Sans: I’m leaving Ofc now if at all u need anything thn call me… my number is in the card and that was ours cupboard key keep it with you… she nods…
Swa: breakfast..??
Sans: I already prepared, it was in dining table… by saying this he left…
Swara opens closet her lips curved smile seeing half of the closet is left empty…
“Our cupboard key” remembering his word She smiles more… after getting freshenup she moves to living hall… a messy hall was now neatly arranged, she nods her head and sits on dining table to take her breakfast as she was damn hungry and also night doesn’t had anything…
Soon day passed night came… swara was busy in watching t.v… by Hearing door unlock sound she get alert… she start to sweat profusely… she take a nearby flower vase and hide behind the door… as soon door opened, swara tries to attack the person… before itself he shouts noticing vase in her hands…
Swa: you… she sighs in relief…
“Yeah”sanskar replied saving him..
Swa: sorry( she keep vase aside) u should knocked door… u scared me…
Sans: sorry I’m habitual… she nods and takes his bag from him and moves inside… he smiles at her gesture…
Sanskar get freshenup and sits in bed with his laptop engrossing in work… swara place a coffee for him and calls him for dinner…
Sans: hmmm will take later, u keep it in dining table…and yeah u tk ur dinner, dnt wait for me… he said without taking his eye from laptop…
Swa: wo I already had my dinner… he lifts his gaze from lappy… she bow down…
Swa: I’m habitual of eating earlier and I can’t be hungry so long… he just nods…
Swa: its nt good for health taking dinner at late… dont take too much time… by saying this she left from there…she cares for him… he smiles…
After sometime remembering swara word sanskar comes to dining area to have his dinner… but all he can see is sleeping swara in chair and his dinner on table… he stares her for a minute… her face was glowing lyk anything… a newly weded glow… a pinch of sindhoor in her mang, fresh fragrance of turmeric in her thali around her neck… all gives smile to him…she was looking cute while sleeping… she made her hand as pillow, drools were in her corner of lips, even her closed eyes are beautiful, he adores her…
after taking his dinner, he lifts her to bed and make her lie properly and thn he lies on his side…
Swara stares snoring sanskar being irked … how could someone sleep like this… she palms her ear and glares him… her eye get softened seeing him sleeping peacefully lyk innocent kid… after Wedding he doesn’t take rest at all and started to work… he might be tired… She thought and slept next to him silently…
Done with this part…. boring..?? sorryyyyyy? Thank you all for reading… ??
Sethu this one is for u dear… wish you happy married life… ?? frnds don’t forget to wish her a happieeee happieeee married life… 19th is her wedding..??
Note: Sorry I couldn’t upload Love Beyond Ages and the way you are bz of writer block… ?? my poor brain isnt allowed me to write anything… now the problem is its been nearly 3 months before I posted LBA… if at all u guys dont have any problem then I’ll post next epi after this TS otherwise will discontinue..!!!
Thank you all…??