Omg this much response , I just written it as I was upset so for distracting myself I thought to write something and this title also roaming in mine mind so thought to utilise it. Leave these things thanks for marvellous response and sorry I didn’t able to reply all all.
After 1 week
During this week they bonded so well, His attraction towards her was increasing only while she also trying to move on with him. They knew that their relation not have love but the thing which is greater than love that they having that is respect which every relationship needed and also unsaid promise ( trusting each other) which they made to each other is Keeping them tie together.
She well bonded with everyone specially with Anjali( sanskar dadi) and tashen between swara and ragini also reaching at new level surely which was not unnoticed by family members.
A fine day
Sanskar was sitting on sofa and sipping coffee while reading newspaper as he waiting for his wife so they can go to meet her parents. He just pretending to read paper but actually taking swara glance who was in simple white crop top and blue jeans and sitting with sujata who was forcefully making her eat.
Swara: mom I am just going mine home which is only 2 hours distance.
Sujata: 2 hours are not less, finish all this or else I’ll slap you.
Listening it her eyes turned little teary.
Sujata: Arre I can’t even say it. You’re mine daughter so I have all rights on you.
Swara: Yeah ma you have , I just remembered mom dad.
Sujata: don’t worry everything will be okay.
She nodded in yes and took her blessing.
Uttara come there and gave her a box of chocolates.
Uttara: bhabi , if na your parents shout at you then just make them eat these chocolates. Trust it works I do it with mom.
Sujata about to speak something but uttara make her eat chocolate, she angrily glare him.
Uttara: see bhabi, even you can try it with bhai. Yeah in your own ways.
Swara understood what uttara meant to say but sanskar confusedly looked at them.
Sanskar: What do you mean? Own ways?
Uttara: Ask bhabi when you both would be alone.
Saying it she run away from there while sujata mouth was open still and thinking her daughter same like her totally bold.
Sanskar: What she mean?
He confusedly scratch his hair, sujata supress her smile while swara become more embarrass.
Swara; nothing, she just did time pass. ( She turned towards sujata) Ma we’re going you don’t wait for us and ha eat food at time. And I kept dadi medicine in your room on second shelf ….
Sujata: Bus swara, I’ll take care of myself, lucky, your dadi, uttara and your dad too. Anything else.
She nodded in nothing.
Sanskar: glad it’s over or I thought we will leave in evening.
Swara and sujata glare him he just murmured under breath and took car key.
While swara was going to follow him at same moment ragini came.
Ragini: Swara ji, Can I come with you both? As mine parents are angry from me so thought to spend sometime with your parent. As they’re like mine parent na.
Before she could react or say anything sujata jumped in middle.
Sujata: Arre Ragini ji, I am also like your mother and sanskar dad is like your dad so spend time with us na. Also my head is paining so you massage my hair.
She wink looking at swara which was not gone unnoticed by Ragini and sanskar. Ragini fume in more anger.
Ragini: vo ma I need some change. Swara ji please take me with you both.
Sujata glared sanskar and sign him to speak.
Sanskar; ( monologue) don’t know what going on in my family mind they were mad before itself but after arrival of swara I feeling I living in pure mental asylum just doctor and nurse needed then I can rename my home. But those things I can do later or else my mom will started to beat me in front of my wife itself then what she’ll think about me so no risk.
Sanskar: I think ma is correct. Moreover swara parents too angry with her so I think it’ll be good if she met them alone.
Swara sees towards her and smiled teasingly.
Swara: I think..
Before Swara could answer he held her hand and left mansion.
Swara: Everyone only make me silent first mine parents give me swear and now mine husband is also not giving me chance.
He smiled listening word husband but just kept silent and sat in car. She sat beside him and looked other side.
Sanskar: I thought you’ll not like that she come with us, if you want to I can allow her.
Swara: you don’t think so much, sometimes give rest to your little brain. I about to say her that Ragini ji you can visit shopping but huhh you… leave it tell me one thing why your was to be wife call me swara ji? Am I older than her? See tell her I am still 20 … (He saw towards her with big eyes) …. Yeah 22 now fine… ( He smiled and set his seat belt)
Listening her complains he just smiling but soon it faded listening was to be wife. Yeah it was true that they were going to marry but he also don’t know now why it’s irking him. But again he smiled when she told about age. He also doesn’t able to understand sometimes she makes him upset but next moment itself she makes him cool.
Sanskar: Only she can answer you, As much I know her she’s not like this.
She saw towards him.
Sanskar: I mean she generally speak normally I was also surprised when she called you ji.
Swara: yeah you very well know her.
Sanskar understood her words actual meaning he started car and spoke.
Sanskar: I also wanna move on.
She mentally slapped her forehead and murmured.
“ control swara, one day your this habit will lead you in big problem.”
He again smiled but soon thought came in mind why today he’s smiling so much.
Sanskar: Is I liking her or her company or both. But how could be it possible that sudden I getting interest in any stranger. (Soon his brain mocked she’s not any stranger she’s your wife so liking her or her company is not wrong.)
He agreed with his brain and looked towards her who’s nervously chewing her nails and as usual muttering something under breath.
Sanskar: ( Monologue) Really unique piece sometimes I think her as mature but next moment itself she prove me wrong. I think I have to spend lots of time with her to know what exactly swara sanskar Maheswari is?
He smiled thinking it and continued to drive meanwhile swara slept on his shoulder yeah she soon fell asleep as he was busy in his own world.
After 2 hours
He stopped the car and saw towards her who is sleeping but her cheeks were wet like she crying while sleeping. He felt sad seeing it, a tear escaped from his eyes too which fell on her hand.
She opened his eyes but before she could see his tears he turned towards other side. She immediately wipe her tears and set her hair.
Swara: you should wake me na.
He also plastered fake smiled and turned towards her. He again became amazed seeing her, no one can say before some moments she was crying.
Sanskar: I thought let you sleep in car itself. Seeing you like that I only remember witch who sleeping after ages.
Swara: Don’t you think you speak lot, your brother told me that you’ll take time but I didn’t knew you’re so fast.
Sanskar: what to do it’s all due to your company. Now let’s move your parents must be waiting for you.
Swara: I don’t think so..
Saying it she came out from car and move towards her home. He parked the car and went behind her.
She kept staring the door which was close.
Swara: Can you knock ? Actually I have sprain in the hands.
Understanding her fear he knock on door , Soon a servant open the door and greet them.
Swara: good morning
Saying it she came inside, She saw her parents were running here there.
Swara: ma Baba
They saw towards her emotionally and move near her, she thought they’ll hug her but her disappointment they just went near sanskar. She turned towards him , he saw her and assured everything will be okay. She passed smile and stood there itself.
Raghav : Come sanskar ji
Listening sanskar ji he only remember swara complain which makes him smile again but he quickly managed to hide it.
Sanskar: I really become disappointed from you.
Raghav and shomi become tensed while swara glared him but soon her lips curved into smile.
Shomi: What happened sanskar ji, do you not like arrangements?
Sanskar: I thought you’ll treat me as your son but here you calling me ji. I only should not keep any expectations.
Swara: ( muttered) darembaz , no one can say we married like that. It seems we are only destined together.
They became relieved and looked at him.
Raghav: you really give us heart attack. Come inside.
He laughed and bring him inside.
They sat down at sofa , swara was still standing at her place.
Swara: mom dad , will you not even look at me?
Shomi: sanskar beta you wait I giving you water. You must be tired.
Swara: ma please at least for one look at me, I know I should trust you both but that time I was blind.
Still they not react anything.
Sanskar: ma Baba I know I shouldn’t speak between it but I think you’re doing wrong with swara. I know she did wrong but it was also not her mistake. If she had also little idea about it I sure she back off.
Raghav: you don’t know beta how much we tried but she being adamant ignored it.
Sanskar stood and stand beside her.
Sanskar: swara, you trust me?
She just see towards him and just nodded in yes.
Sanskar; I wanna talk with them alone.
Swara: but…
Sanskar: just let me try.
During their Conversation raghav and shomi looking at them, they just feeling proud seeing them like it. While she half heartedly went from there.
He knelt down before them.
Sanskar: ma papa , if you think by her POV then even she was not wrong. She was just immature and think by doing adamant behaviour only she make you agree for marriage not like those who run away with their love and inform parent later. That time they not have any option except accepting it. Am I right?
Shomi and raghav sees towards each other and nodded yes. He took deep breath and closed his eyes.
Sanskar: Most importantly she should angry from you as you make her marry against her wish, think you just for saving respect make her married to stranger even given her swear so she couldn’t deny.
Raghav: first of all beta we give her swear because we know her that seeing that girl she must had back off but that time for us only she was important. So we not allowed her to speak in that matter. We don’t know why that girl come late but we knew one thing if again her marriage broken then society will not her live. May be we can shift any other place for her but still past never hand.
And you’re not stranger beta, we know your grandmother and parents. They’re very good. When you both used to live in hostel that time we met your parents and bonded well. When that day he came asking mine daughter hand for you. I immediately said yes as I knew that they’ll keep her happy and never let any injustice happen to her.
He was totally surprised listening this revelation he never expected that swara and he had some connection like this also.
Sanskar: Still uncle aunty forgive her , she trying to move on. It’s not easy for her , she used to cry in night remembering you both. Acha not for her but for shake of your new son. Now you can’t deny moreover I promise her that I’ll make everything correct if I’ll fail then she’ll taunt me life time.
He make puppy face , seeing it they nodded in yes.
He called swara, who came looking downward and stood beside him.
Shomi and raghav came near her.
Raghav: shona we not taught you to look down.
She looked upward and immediately hug them.
Swara: sorry mom dad, I promise from now onwards I’ll always trust your decision but please forgive me.
They patted her back and separated get from themselves.
Shomi: we forgave you beta but only due to him. So thankful to him.
She saw towards him and smiled with tearful eyes. He just signal her keep smiling like it.
Raghav: you’re very lucky as you got him.
She looked down and blush little, he also looked here there and taught that he’s lucky getting her.
Later Everyone spent some time together and swasan left in night itself.
Late night,
Swasan still travelling but this time silence was not there both were talking something.
Swara: sanskar, Can I ask you something?
Sanskar: from past an hour only you’re interrogating me. Ask one more thing…
Swara: you never liked her I mean not even little as you were going to marry so sometime must slight attraction used to come.
Asking it she closed her eyes. He thought to tease her and smiled.
Sanskar: Actually swara I didn’t tell you one thing. I just don’t know how to tell you… leave it you’ll feel bad… No I should tell you , now you’re my wife. One day I went Ragini home to meet uncle but he was not there then ragini came in short dress, she came close to me and we …. No I can’t
Swara opened her eyes and saw him who’s looking other side. She saw his reflection in side mirror who’s trying to suppress smile.
She understood he’s pulling her legs.
Swara: Actually sanskar same I also hide something from you, one day me and nikhil alone in car , late night party. We were drunk …
She hides her face with hands.
Swara: me feeling shy…
He stopped car and looked at her who still hiding her face.
Sanskar: then what swara
Swara: understand na sanskar we both young, he handsome and me beautiful… Weather was also romantic.
Saying it she opened car door and step out. She extended her hand and feel cool breeze.
He also opened car door and came at her side.
Swasan home, Ragini room
Ragini angrily roaming here there and dialling someone number but next person was not attending her call. She angrily throw her phone.
Ragini : Everything messed up due to her, now don’t know where is that nikhil…
She closed her eyes and sat on bed.
Ragini: cool down ragini , Everything will be correct. You just need one chance to change game in your side. But don’t know what they must doing.
Swasan side
There sanskar pulled her through waist and kept a hand on her cheeks.
Sanskar: then what happened swara? Romantic weather, you both alone…
Swara: S…A…N..
Sanskar pulled her more closer and whisper.
“ In this 1 week I come to know many things about you, so stop trying to teasing me or else I have my own ways. Trust me it’ll be difficult for you to handle.”
He left her and sat back to car.
Swara: What was that?
Sanskar: come fast, your nikhil will not come here to take you.
Swara: not mine nikhil
She sat back in car.
Both drove away home. Soon they reached home but both were not speaking anything as both were still lost in that moment.
They silently entered inside mansion and tried to not make any noise.
But their bad luck ragini sitting in in hall only and sobbing.
Precap: Wait???
Now again wait…
I don’t think it’ll be finish in third part ????? ( Don’t mind every time it happen with me) ( I gave one hint here???)
from this some might became sure who I am? Well I will surely reveal in last part. And thanks my cute doraemon keeping me encouraging. One more thing if you are sure about me then you can comment , I’ll be glad seeing that. I don’t have any kind of problems in it.
awesome update next part soon
Ooo thats the reason swara parents made her marry and plz reveal ragini mystery soon and awesomee epi ??
i hate u rabia.. and ur stories also……………. what happen felt bad right…………same u did with many other writers………………………….sry if u felt bad
With pleasure finally i got a hater… but what can i doo if u hate me? (Sad pout) put your hate in your pocket.. and comment with registered id.. im not afraid of u and your hater there r many ppl who loves me and my writing.. huh… thankuuuu go and give judgements in the court.. dont spoil other posts with some stupid comments
Oo yaa i forgot to tell one thing that is.. i luv u tooo ??
Heyy hello what do u mean by that line? Excuse im not a cheap person who will say this to any writer k i hate them and their stories.. huhh idiot stupid.i only says my pov not theae useless lines
Awesome Doraemon
And Rabia di I want to ask you something that what’s your wattpad user name and also
that ki rabia032 aap hi ho kya
Rabia Di id is Rabia83279
And mine is AnniyaS-
Sorry for late reply
Thanks Di?
Awesome dear really awesome loved it

Thanks ?
Awesome ….next part soon
Ohhh got reason behind swara parents so swasan are destined together ???
Being new u r writing superb I mean not new to tu but new id na
Waise waiting to reveal further mysteries soon??
Post soon D ji??
Thanks ???
Yeah totally new.
Sure Aj
It was awesome!!?
I’m happy that Swara’s parents gave her that swear or else… nah can’t imagine… But Swasan are made for each other so they would end up together no matter what..??
For now, finally Swasan are coming together.. but that chudail’s new drama is surely gonna create some problem… huh.. hate her…? ?
Anyways, loved the chapter!
Update soon, take care?
Thanks ???
Super duper awesome
Kuch kuch hota hai
Hmmm let me think who u r
I hope m not wrong
I becoming so popular, the writer steal my fav line na????
awesome dear
hey dear..there are so many mistakes…pls check them…dont mind…loved this part…waiting for next part
Thanks …..
Thanks for telling about mistakes, I’ll improve myself
Amazing update… eagerly waiting for next update… pls post next update soon…
eagerly waiting for next part
Awsm… Update soon
Awesome dear
This is not right…They also blackmailed her naa for marrying Sanskar like she did to them, then score settle na …Then why do they need someone else to forgive there own daughter……..N that to they forgive for him only not because she was also right at her place…..? …..By the way chappy is awesome……..
Yup they made mistake , don’t worry I’ll try to make them realise
Awesome and waiting for next
Ab Ragini ka kya new drama hei??
Superb.. Cutie cute… Nice.. Marvellous…. The family has such a drama-queens n kings..haha… Suju,utts,lucky,swara,sanskar-swara’s family, ragini..haha..
Enjoyed it….
Awesome dear.
Now what is this ragini going to do? ?
Waiting for ur next update……
That was really good. I would love to know what made ragini cry?