Fan Fiction

Swasan TS: You are my heartbeat and my soul!!! Part 1

Hi guys, I am back but with a TS. This TS starts from when swara lost her memory and came back to baadi. In this OS Sahil is not not obsessed with swara, he took care of her like his sister. And also parineeta is changed, she accepted her crimes infront of family the day after swara fall into river. Everyone started hating but later sanskar told everyone to give her one chance as that’s what swara would have done if she would be here. Everyone gave her one chance but did not forgive her. Parineeta is just repenting her deeds. And Parvati and Maheshwari family don’t have problem with shomi being pregnant as they think that killing an innocent child is a sin. No proof reading…

It starts with sanskar slowly walking inside with a big bouquet infront on him, hiding his face from swara, while flower petals were showering on swara.

Sanskar: I can’t tell you what I have felt separated from you, but my heart kept on saying that you will return and can’t go leaving me. And see you came back, I feel like my souls has came back.

Sanskar slowly removes the bouquet and sees swara with lots of love, he was getting moist eyes. Swara was just having a confused face.

Sanskar: Swara
Swara looks at ragini and asks, “Ragini, you haven’t told me yet, who are they (pointing to Maheshwari family) and who is this man”

Sanskar was shocked

Sanskar: Wha…What are you saying swara, please don’t joke.
Swara: See Mr. I am joking I don’t know you but how do you know my name.
Shomi: Shona, what is the last thing you remember.
Swara: I just remember that I got to know that ragini’s papa is also my baba and me and ragini are sisters. This is the only i remember. Wait wait wait…it means you and baba have reunited..oh my god, I can’t believe it!
Swara gets happy and hugs shomi tightly and ragini tightly. Sansakr was still standing in shock. Laksh shaked him, “Bhai..bhai”

Sanskar came back to the world. He went towards swara, swara turned towards him
Sansakr cupped her face and said, “Shona, princess…you you don’t remember anything. Our..our love, proposal..our our date, our marriage…nothing. No swara, you can’t forget me. How can you forget our love. We loved each other immensely.”
Swara jerked sanskar’s hand while laksh held sanskar while saying, “Bhai”
Swara listened to the word ‘bhai’ and said, “ohhh acha this man is your brother Mr laksh. You both brothers are same, flirty. And you (pointing towards sanskar), laksh’s brother. Don’t call me shona, only my loved ones call me that and I am not your princess ok. Secondly, I never married you. I don’t even know you then how can I marry you.”

Sanskar held her shoulders and said, “Swara look into my eyes,you don’t remember anything. Don’t you remember my proposal…the helicopter ride and then we dancing together. On the same day we got engaged. Then on the same night I gifted you a blue dress to go on a date the next day. Don’t you remember how Kavita trapped you in the murder and you ran from the clutches of the police and came to me. And then how we married each other. Don’t you remember, how I gifted you (he gifted out the bangles) these bangles on gangaur pooja. And then one our special night I gifted you (he takes out the ‘ss’ locket) this locket. And then rajat and Uttara were going to marry but that rajat kidnapped you and you fell into the river with him. You don’t remember anything swara. You don’t remember our love.”

Swara was looking into his eyes, while he was speaking everything, she was getting the flashes of the past. Everyone were crying seeing sanskar and swara. Suddenly swara got a sharp pain in her head.

Swara: ahhh

And then she fainted in sanskar’s arms.

Everyone shouted, “SWARA!!!”

Sanskar lifted swara and went to the bedroom.

Dp: Laksh, call the doctor right now.
Laksh: ji papa

Parineeta is standing outside and crying, “It’s all because of me. Because of me devarji and swara are separated now. They loved each other so much and now…bhagwan ji please, don’t give punishment of my wrong deeds to swara. Please”
Doctor come and checks swara and says, “She has lost her memory. (everyone were shocked), but there are chances of regaining her memory but don’t say everything about her past at once as it could pressurise her brain. So repeat some of them events slowly.”
Ragini: Doctor, she is married but she doesn’t remembers this so would we be able to tell that.
Doctor: Not now, she just fainted. Do one thing, call me tomorrow again, then I will tell you all what to do.

Saying this the doctor went away. Sanskar sat beside swara and held her hand. He kissed her hand and then caressed her hair.

Laksh held her shoulder and said, “Bhai”

Sanskar looked at him.

Laksh: Don’t worry, everything will be alright. But for now you should meet the person who saved her life

Sanskar stood up and laksh took him to sahil.

Sanskar: Mr sahil Sengupta
Laksh: Yes bhai he is the one who saved your swara’s life
Sanskar sahil and held his hand bowed his head down, “Thank you so much mr Sengupta, you just didn’t save swara’s life but also my life. You have returned my swara, my soul back to me.”
Sahil: arrey Mr maheshwari, please don’t. Whatever I did was for the sake of humanity and swara is like my little sister. She reminds me of my late sister. And take care of her..if you need any help then please don’t hesitate to call me.
Laksh: Thank you once mr Sengupta. We will always be there for you whenever you will be in problem.

Sahil went away.

Sujata: bhala ho is chorrey ka. I will pray to god to for sahil’s wellbeing.
Dp: Sanskar we should go now, is swara wakes up then will stress her self again. And ragini, you stay here with swara and keep informing us about her health.
Ragini: Don’t worry papaji, I will take care of her. I will aslo inform all you about what doctor said.
Sanskar: Badepapa, can I please just see her once more.
Dp: Sure beta

Sanskar went into the room and sat beside swara. He held her hand and started to say, “I knew it that you will come back to me, for me, for our love. But you don’t remember anything. It’s totally alright princess, we will overcome this problem also. Soon you will regain your memory

He kissed her forehead just raglak came in.

Laksh: Bhai, we should go now.
Sanskar sighed. He slowly put swara’s hand down and started to go. He looked at ragini. Ragini understood what he was going to say.

Ragini: Don’t worry sanskar, I will take care of her after all she is your life and my sister and a part of my body. I will not let her pressurise herself on her brain. You don’t worry.
Sanskar: Thank you ragini

Ragini smiled and sat beside swara and started caressing her hair. Sansakr looked at swara for one last time and went with laksh. Whole Maheshwari family went back to mm.


Swara woke up because of sunrays. She slowly sat on the bed just then gadodiya family came.

Parvati: How are you feeling beta
Swara: I am feeling good dadi
Shekhar: I will call the doctor
Swara: But baba what’s the need of doctor..see I am totally fine
Saying this she stood up. Ragini went to her and made her sit down on the bed.
Ragini: No swara, you sit on the bed quietly. Doctor herself told us to call her.
Swara: Fine

Saying this she pouts while everyone smiles seeing her fine. The doctor come and checks her. The doctor comes outside with gadodiya family.

Doctor: Looks like someone wants her to regain her memory really fast.

Ragini: It means we can
Doctor: yes, for now just tell her that she lost her memory and she is married right?
Ragini nodded
Doctor: And tell you can tell her that she is married but don’t tell her any events that occurred. Till she doesn’t gets comfortable with her environment till then don’t tell anything to her related to her past. After few weeks slowly start to tell her the happy moments and important events from her life. You could also recreate those moments.
Shekhar: thank you doctor

Doctor went away.

Parvati: Ragini, you go and tell her
Ragini: Ji dadima

Saying this ragini went back into the room where swara was just sitting in the bed.

Swara: ragini, what did doctor said..i am fit and fine…right
Ragini: Swara I want to tell you something important.
Swara: what happened ragini, you look worried…anything wrong
Ragini: This necklace that I am wearing is the mangalsutra. And laksh is my husband
Swara: What you got married…when?
Ragini: Swara, listen to me fully. The people who were hugging you were our in-laws.
Swara: Our?
Ragini: swara, you have lost your memory
Swara: What are you saying ragini
Ragini: It’s truth, you forgot everything that happened in last 12 months.
Swara was shocked, “Wh…what are you saying”
Ragini: this is the truth and sanskar is you husband.
Swara: it means he was saying truth
Ragini: Yes
Swara: ragini, please tell me what happened in these last 12 months
Ragini: swara calm down. You will get to know everything slowly. And sanskar is a very good person, you both loved each other eternally.
Swara: I think you are right because I felt something when I saw him. I felt as if I know him for ages. I could see the love for me in his eyes yesterday.

Ragini smiles as eventhough swara forgot everything but didn’t forget her and sanskar’s love.

Ragini: so are you ready to come to Maheshwari mansion today.
Swara: Yes, because even though I don’t remember anything. But still I am the DIL of that family and wife of sanskar so I should go. But ragini
Ragini: don’t worry swara. All of them are very nice. Before your memory loss, they took care of us as their daughters. So don’t worry and sanskar will also understand your situation very well.

Swara smiled.

Swara: ummm…then I should get ready
Ragini: ok.

Saying this ragini went away and told everything to shomi, shekhar and Parvati. Everyone were happy. Ragini called laksh and laksh put the phone on speaker. Ragini told what doctor said and what swara said.

Ragini: And you know what sanskar, your swara feels connected to you only. She feels that she knows you very well.
Sanskar smiled, “ragini I am coming to pick you guys up”
Laksh: arrey mere majnu bhai, don’t worry you Laila and my Laila will come safely here. Don’t you think that you should prepare your room I mean, removing some of the photos, like your date, proposal.
Sanskar: oh yes…you are right.
Ragini: but sanskar, don’t remove your marriage photo.
Sanskar: ok and you mr laksh…I am not majnu ok. And ragini remember what he called you, Laila and that too infront of your in-laws

Laksh glared at sanskar who ran away towards his room while everyone went away giggling and to prepare for welcoming swara Laksh turned off the speaker.

Ragini: Mr laksh Maheshwari, have some shame. How can you say that infront of everyone.
Laksh: arrey meri jaan. I said the truth, you are my Laila and I am your majnu

Ragini: shut up laksh

Saying this she cut the call. In baadi, swara called ragini. Ragini turned around and was shocked as swara was wearing saree but with pallu on her head.

Ragini: swara, why do you have pallu on you head?
Swara: ragini, our in-laws are Marwari so I should have pallu….by the way did I ever put pallu on my head
Ragini: no
Swara: really
Ragini: yes
Swara: they won’t get angry on me
Ragini: no baba
Swara: ok
Swara removed the pallu from her head.
Ragini: Lets go

Swaragini left for mm where the whole family was standing to welcome their bahu. Swaragini reached the mm. Swara felt happy inside by entring the house. Sujata did swara’s grahpravesh in the house. When swara entered, she was gazing the house. The whole time sanskar was looking at swara with lots of love and care.

Sujata: Swara, how’s your health beta
Swara: I…I am fine…mom

Everyone smiled.

Ap: you still remember what you used to call us
Swara: Woo…badima, ragini told me while we were coming here.
Sujata: The lunch is ready

Everyone had their and suddenly laksh got a call from office so sanlak, adarsh, dp and rp had to there for urgent meeting. Sansakr unwillingly went to the office. The ladies sat there and chit chat except parineeta who wanted to ask forgiveness from swara once. It was evening and swara decided to make dinner for everyone.

Sujata: Par swara, you are still not fine then how can you
Swara: mom..please
Ragini: ok but I will also help you
Swara pouted and said, “fine”

Swaragini made the dinner together while all men came back from the office. Sansakr was just finding swara.

Laksh: Bhai don’t worry your Laila is in the kitchen
Sanskar: and how did you know that
Laksh: because I asked my Laila by messaging her and she told me.
Sanskar: lucky, stop calling swara Laila.

It was night and everyone were having their dinner. Swaragini and pari were serving the dinner. After having dinner everyone went to the room except swaragini and pari.

Ragini: Swara, you go and take rest…I will do it.
Swara: but ragini
Ragini: swara!
Swara: ok baba.

Sayign this swara went away. Ragini didn’t talk with pari at all, she was just doing her work. After cleaning the dishes, she started to go towards her room but then she sees swara roaming outside her room. Ragini went to her.

Ragini: swara what is this? And why are you roaming like this outside the room.
Swara: ra..ragini I am feeling nervous to go inside. I know sanskar is my husband and I came into this room before my memory loss but now…
Ragini: swara, sanskar understands you very well. He won’t do anything which will hurt you. He loves you a lot.
Tears start to bream in swara’s eyes, “but ragini, I don’t remember anything, any moments spent with him.
Ragini cupped her face and said, “shona, you don’t worry. Whole family is with you. You only sanskar was the one who believed that you are alive. This is how strong his love. His love, which is you, became his strength. And see you came back. Your’s sanskar’s love has so much strength that it can overpower any problem, no matter how big it is. Soon you will get your memory back…ok…now go and good night”
Swara: good night ragini.

Ragini went away and swara entered swasan’s room. As soon as she entered, flower start to shower on her. She looks around and sees sanskar standing and staring her with lots of love. At once swara also got lost in his eyes.

Sanskar (with lots of love): Swara
Swara came out of her world, “huh”
Sanskar: What happened.

Swara shaked her head in a no. Sanskar went close to her, held her hand and made her sit on the bed. He sat on his knees infront of her, still holding her hand, “you know swara, I am so happy to see you back. I knew it, I knew it that you will never leave me. And princess, you don’t worry, soon you will get your memory back. And, if it couldn’t happen then we make new memories..ok.”

Swara nodded. Sanskar stood up and gave her the medicines. Swara made faces, sanskar smiled as her habits are not changed yet. Swara ahd her medicines and sanskar made lay down on the bed.
Sanskar: I will sleep on couch (swara was thinking about ragini’s words)
Sanskar turned around. Swara said, “you can sleep here, i…I trust you. (even swara didn’t know why she said that but her heart was saying that sanskar is a good man)

Sanskar: are you sure

Swara nodded. Sanskar laid down beside and was looking at her. Swara looked from the corned of her eyes, seeing his gaze, she shut her eyes and put the blanket over her face. Sanskar smiled.

Recap: New start of swasan, mm family helping in regaining her memory

I will post the next of “Swasan: Maine Dekha ek khwaab” soon…till then keep commenting and keep smiling. Also good luck to those writers who are in the OS competition. 🙂


Simple girl... with simple dreams Die heart fan of SwaSan...helly shah Wattpad: @Sonu2012

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