How r u all , thank u soooo much for the lovely comments on the last part it really means a lot to me .
Now coming to swara’s past I am going to reveal it in this part. I don’t know what expectations do u have regarding it but i was tired of raping and molestation stories so I come up with this and I am really really sorry if I am not able to reach up to ur expectations…
Now coming back to the story:
The episode starts from Sanskar going towards his thinking about AP’s words. He opened the door of his room only to see his little princess who can’t sleep without hugging him is sleeping peacefully in the embrace of her cutie. He went and sat on the couch. His gaze move towards Swara who was hugging Khushi tightly as if she will run away.
This is the first time I am looking swara soo closely and carefully. Yeh we used to be best friends but I never ever imagined her as my wife. She looks soo pale and innocent at the same time. She lost her all charms and bubbliness since she returned from uk and also I never saw her after that incident. The is not the swara I know who used to be a chatter box , naughty , and Jhansi ki rani always ready to fight.. This swara is serious pale and lost in her own world every time. I think mom was right I should give them space. They both have a unique bond. The more time they will spend together the more they will understand each other (POV ENDS)
After that thinking something he lie down on the couch to sleep but suddenly after remembering khushi’s words he thought its better to sleep on bed then on couch. He took his pillow and went on the other side of the bed look towards swara and khushi once and then slept..
Next day, early morning swara woke up early as she was always an early riser since childhood. She tried to sit but felt hand on her waist she turned and her eyes widened seeing their positions. Sanskar was hugging khushi and hi s hand was wrapped around swara’s waist (I hope u understand their position). She looked at Sanskar lovingly. This feeling was totally new for her. She was feeling happy but suddenly realization stuck her hard that Sanskar loves Kavita and only married her for khushi sake. Tears started flowing from her eyes , she silently and carefully removed removed Sanskar’s hands and ran towards the bathroom. She closed the door and started crying badly after keeping her hands on her mouth. She slide down the door of bathroom and hugged her knees while crying continuously. After crying for half an hour her tears dried and she closed her eyes and rested her head on the door..
Swara you are repeating the same mistakes again and again, don’t keep expectations or else u will be crushed. Happiness is not ur cup of tea. You Sanskar is not urs , he never loved nor wil he do.
God why are u doing this with me why, why. What was my mistake that I loved Sanskar, then also after seeing his happiness I strangled the throat of my happiness and when I tried moving or tried accepting the reality u snatched my everything from me….
Why God how can u do this with me , am I that bad or I don’t deserve any kind of happiness , can’t I be able to live like other girls who have their perfect family will I always remain incomplete…
And then she start remembering that incident and tears start flowing from her closed eyes..
It was sanskar’s wedding the other day and I was going by my car to another city as his wedding was taking place there. (sorry everyone I don’t know any place in India as I don’t live there) my parents excused as they were having some work I was driving on highway whenmy cell phone rang I sdaw the caller id it was by bestie cum cousin sister Ragini I attend the call(pov ends on flashback).
Ragini: hello shone how r u I got to know u going to Sanskar’s wedding why the.
(Swara cut her in between)
Swara: GOD raghu at least let me greet u yaar, angry bird I am fine u tell and yes I am going to his wedding
Ragini: but why are u doing this with yourself shone when u know u can’t see him with someone else …
Swara: (controlling her tears) yaar if I am trying to move on then why are u scolding me and
(and suddenly phone fall down from her hand she bend down and took the phone from one hand while her other hand was controlling the steering and placed it between her ears and shoulders)
Swara: han raghu wo sorry…(and when she look on the windscreen her breathe got stuck seeing a truck coming towards her in a full speed)
Before swara can do anything the truck hit her car hard and she felt some sharp object tearing he stomach and then everything went black…
I woke up but I was not able to open my eyes oh God its hurting my whole body is paining like hell I tried opening my eyes and after lots of struggle I was able to open them little by little first blurred due to direct contact of light and then things started getting clear (where am i?) then suddenly I heard shouts and immediately doctors along with my parents and Ragini came rushing towards me, doctor did something with me which I was definitely not understanding and then told (congratulations she is fine now) I was not understanding a word and what happened to me and then suddenly I remember that I was going to Sanskar wedding and then accident images start flashing in my mind I was horrified then suddenly mom hugged me start crying loudly I was confused yaar I am fine
Me: mom I am fine see nothing happened it was just a small accident
my mom start crying more my body also start paining esp. my head and lower abdomen side then mom parted and dad came and kissed my forehead and all the while Ragini was standing on a side crying but their faces were faces were freaking me out
Me: what happened u should be happy I am fine na then why u guys are crying and by the ways when u bought me here and what about Sanskar his wedding is tomorrow right
they all were seeing me sadly then dad spoke beta he has gone on honeymoon
I was shocked tears started falling from my eyes
Me: HOW!
(all were silent)
Me: plzzz tell me how? I am not able to understand anything what happened to me why I didn’t remember anything plzzz why are u guys quite
Suddenly ragini spoke
Ragini: swara u were in coma since 2 months!!(she said it while crying)
I was terrified God I was not able to believe I missed 2 months of my life I looked towards mom who was crying hugging dad my head and abdomen was paining but I gained courage and said
Me: chalo then al;so u should be happy that ur Daughter is out of coma (and suddenly my head start becoming heavy and then blackout)
I woke up don’t know when and looked around no one was there my headache reduced but abdomen pain was not reducing I tried sitting but was not able to then suddenly ragini came
Ragini: shone don’t move it’s not good for u now!
I thought to ask her the reason of abdomen pain
Me: ragini I went into coma that’s why my head was paining but why my abdomen is paining
Ragini: God swara u should have told me before wait let me call doctor
I sensed something suspicious in her behavior I hold her hand and asked
Me: what happened why are u scared as something big happened?
Ragini’s face went pale she lowered her head and said
Ragini : nothing shone u r fine I will call doctor (teary eyed)
Me: why are u lying I know something happened to me I don’t know I am feeling soo incomplete tell me what u all are hiding
Mom and dad entered they were listening our talks but none spoke anything
Me (angry): p-lzzzzzz tell me what happened to me why I am feeling like this and why u people are crying if I am okay tell na plzzzzzz what happened plzzz tell me na (folding her hands like begging) plzzz tell na
Mom: (crying) beta u went through major surgery
Me: which surgery?
Mom (hesitating): during accident a sharp object pierced ur abdomen which damaged ur uterus and doctor said that if they will not removed it then the infection will spread ur whole body and this may cause death so we decided to… to remove it…
To be continueddd!
God don’t know why I am soo scared posting this part I don’t know that whether u will like it or not !!!
I am sooo sorry if u didn’t like swara’s past I thought to bring something new and again sorry if I am not upto ur expectations!!!
And plzzz if u want u can give suggestions regarding this i will definitely consider them!!
My whatpad id: @Rockleon28 I am posting it there also..
Thank u soo much once again for soo many beautiful comments !!
Take care !!!!
Allah Hafiz!!
Too good! Loved it dear! Continue soon! Thnk u.. ;-*
THank u soooo much di!!
I am glad u liked it!!!
It’s good that you thought that as an excuse but I don’t understand why being a mother treated as a sign of complete women and those who can’t be are treated as someone who has a major disease which should not be touched. I hate this whole scenario where only giving birth makes you a women else you are not women. Anything and everything that is done just to get a child is the most hateful thing for me. I child should be a symbol of love not a symbol of some obligation. Second marriages, done just for the sake of a child are the worst thing in my eyes. more than a crime. I just hate this whole concept.
I am soo sorry if I hurted u and only because of this I was afraid!!
Bitu now this is one of the heart wwrenching truths and worst cistoms or thoughts of our society and I have seen girls in my relatives got divorced or are living a hell life due to this mentality of this society and one again I am sorry if I hurted u…..
Thanks !#!
so lovely….
Thannk u!!!
Thank u!
so cute yaar….
Thanks xx
Thank u !!
Thank u !!
My real cousin sister story exactly same to I can understand very well but now she’s married nd adopted two babies one is girl second is boy she’s very happy in her life with her husband nd children jiju to best pati h world ke ??? #Swara life is painful but khushi ll feel all the happiness in her life nd most important ye SwaSan story h magical hi hogi

Thank u so much for ur support
Thanks and love u!!!
Awesome. Poor shona. May be she can’t give birth to a child but god had gifted her a cute daughter with love of her life. Everything bad thing will bring a good change in your life. Hope sanskar will accept her as his wife. Post soon
Thank u sooo very much for commenting it really means a lot!!!
Thank u !!
Nice one..I liked it a lot..continue
Thankk u soooo
much it really mean a lot!!!!
Awesome part sweetu. Keep writing siso. Update soon.
Thank u for ur love and support!!!
Hey awesome dr lvd d concept keep writing
Thanks for commenting and liking my story!!!
Amazing dear justttr loved it. My shona is suffering I hope Sanskar understand her feelings soon.I can’t imagine Sanskar loving someone else except Swara so plzzz sanskar should forget kavita soon but may realize feelings for Swara late.epi was good.
Take care
Thank u so much ur support means a lot to me thank u once again I was soo afraid but thanks for u commenting and showing u love !!!
Love u Loads!
Awsm Dr…
Thank u!
Superb ?? painful?
Thank u so much!
it was really painful for swara…
yeah i agree with phoenix why do they consider everything just for a child. if a women can’t give a child she is considered as a criminal and all looks at her with pity… but when a male suffers with same problem they are not the one considered at fault…..
this society always takes out the fault of a girl in everything never considers the fault of men….
i loved the concept.. hoping to see swasan love story soon…
Yeh this is the harsh reality of our society!!!
Thannksnneptune for ur lovely comment u urself are soo amazing !!!
Thank u!!
Wow loved it
Thank u !!!
Really loved it dear. Waiting for next one.
Thank u soo much!!#
Update soon
Thank u so much!
Good one dear..
Hope sanskar will understand Swara’s situation n give love n support to her..
Thank u soo much for ue lovely comment!##
I read all the three chapters in one go…’s awesome dear…..
Thank u soo much for reading and commenting!!!
Awesome part dear….loved it. Post next part soon.
Thanku very much for commenting !!!
Awesome.. Even I m also agree with Phoenix! I just hate this mentality of the society…. Waiting for next part dear.
Thank u soo mmuch!!!
Hey..ur concept is good but u should not show swara weak like this crying all the time. I mean its not a crime. She should move on and there r many other ways by which she can be a mother. U should potray swara’s character as a strong women… I hope u understand that not becoming a mother is not a compulsion.
Thank u soo mich dear for ur suggestions I will surely keep that iin mind while writing and once again thanks for reading and commenting on my story###