Categories: Fan FictionSwaragini

swasan TS memory loss vs True Love – part 1

Story starts after swara fell down in river. Sanskar also jumbed into the river. Afer sonetimes laksh and police found injured sanskar on the bank of river. They take him to hospital. Drs. takes him to operation theatre. Everyone are worried.
” sanskar” …

Hearing this everyone looks behind. Swara is standing there with help of some people. Everyone are happy.
Rag: swara…(went towards her and hugged her. She is crying happily)
Shomi sujatha and ap also came to her
Sho: shona, are u OK ? But u r injured,
Someone in the people who holds her: we found her on the bank of river. So we bring her here. But she saw u and came.
Rag: swara come with …
Sw: I am fine ragini, everyone is here but.. but where is my sanskar… Where is he ragini,? (Haring her everyone’s face went pale.they don’t know what to say.) Mom … Where is sanskar(sujatha cries) plz where is my sanskar.. Plz laksh tell me.
Lak: swara.. WO… Bhai… Bhai in operation theatre.
Sw: what? But how this happened? He only shooted rajat na. Did…. Did…. That ra. Ra..rajat shoot sanskar?? No.. This won’t happen. No sanskar (she frantically tries to go inside the OT. But others holds her tightly.) If anything happened to u na sanskar I will never forgive myself.
Rag: swara swara u r injured plz come with me to treat u.
Sw: no.. I won’t come anywhere, first I want to see my sanskar leave me…
Others trying to hold her, but she is frantically move here and there. Sujatha, Shomi and ap cries seeing her like this. Sujatha went to her and holds her face.
Suj: swara. Swara look at me… SWARAAA(she yelled. Swara stopped and looked at sujatha) nothing will happen to our sanskar. He will come back to us..

Sw: mom (hugged her and hide her face in her chest)
Suj: u go with ragini and get treatment (swara is about to deny, but sujatha stopped,) do u think sanskar will be happy to see u like this(swara nodes negative) so go with ragini.
She silently went. Everyone relieved. At that time Dr. Came out from OT.
Dr: he is out of danger. He will be shifted to room, then u can meet him.
MF and GF thanks to God. Laksh goes to inform swara. Sanskar is shifted to room. Everyone get in. Sujatha and ap went towards him.
Suj(brush his hair slowly): sanskar…
Sanskar slowly opens his eyes..
San(confused look): everyone) when did u come Mumbai and why.
Ap: Mumbai?? What r u talking sanskar? This is Kolkata..
San: Kolkata..???(everyone looks at him shockingly)
At that time swaraglak came there. Swara gets happy seeing sanskar fine. She is about to come near him. Sanskar sees them
San: Lucky… Ma is saying this is Kolkata. But when did I come here.? I was in Mumbai naa???(swara froze there. She don’t understand what’s happening. She stood there without blinking eyes. ).
San(then points to swaragini and shesho): who are they,?
Everyone looks shocked.. Suddenly swara fainted on ragini.
Rag: swaraaa….
Laksh went and takes her to doctor.
San(hearing swara’s name): ahh my head….(he hold his head and faints).
SujAp: sanskar…
Dp calls Doctor. He came and check sanskar.
Dr: I really frightened about this. I am sorry to say Mr. Maheshwari, because of shock and injury he lost his memory…
Everyone shocked hearing this.
Sho: how will my shona will tolerate this???

SujApShomi goes to swara. Swara is lying on bed. Dr. is sitting at her chair and rajlak sitting in front of her. Swara is getting consciousness. But dr and raglak didn’t noticed it.
Rag: what happened to swara dr. Why did she faint?
Dr. : nothing to worry Mrs. Maheshwari, it is a good news. She is pregnant.
Hearing this raglak got happy.swara also listened this. She placed her hand on belly and smiles. SujApShomi who reached there also listened this and got happy. But next moment their smile vanished.
Suj: oh god!! Sanskar lost his memory and swara is pregnant. why r u always testing these 2 only.
Swaraglak shocked hearing this. Swara get up with a jerk
Sw: what? (Shomi went to her and hugged her tightly) my sanskar forgot me maa. He forgot me. . now how can I inform him about our baby maa. How can I live without him maa. Why god always testing me maaa…
Suj(also came to her and cupped her face): he is testing u because of ur true love swara. Have faith on ur love. He will come back to us as our original sanskar.. Now wipe ur tears…
Raglak went to sanskar. He now got conscious.
San(seeing laksh): lucky how is she? Is she OK? What happened to her?
Lak(in mind): Chachi is correct bhai, ur love is true. Now also u r restless for her.
San(loudly): Lucky I am asking you something..
Rag: sanskar, she is OK now..
San(in relief): OK but what happened to her and (hesitatingly) who r u both?
Lak: this is my wife, ragini and she is ur.(stopped) I mean my.. My saali.
San(smiles): oh.. Hi ragini (ragini smiles. Sanskar desperately) but what happened to her?
Lak: nothing to worry sanskar, she is pregnant..
Sanskar smiles as he feels happy. But next moment it vanished
San: oh she is married(laksh nodes) OK lucky I am getting sleep, am feeling sleepy.
Lak: u sleep bhai…

2 week leap
In this two weeks sanskar gets discharge and went to mm. Swara went to baadi. She is not more that bubbly swara. Shekhar and shomi are worried for her and baby. In mm sujatha, ap and ragini are all worried for her. Ap and sujatha is talking each other. Rajlak and sanskar is their respective rooms. Dp and rp are in study room. Sanskar asked them about AdRi they told that they are abroad.
Suj: I want to see swara jiji..
Ap: she is carrying our first grandchild, but we can’t do anything for baby.
Suj: I am also worried for her health. If it continue we will lost her and our first…(But ap saw sanskar and alerted her) I mean her first child.
Sanskar looks at them and then go to upstairs.
Suj: did he hear us?
Ap: I don’t know sujatha.

After sometimes..
” arre, bhai where are u dragging us” hearing laksh’s voice ap and sujatha looks up stairs. Sanskar is dragging raglak downstairs. They stopped in the middle. Rp and dp came there
Lak: why r u dragging us bhai?
San: go and bring swara here!!
Everyone looks at him shocked. Just a second they thought he got memory back.
Rag: why sanskar?
San(murmurs): I didn’t see her clearly that day..
Lak: what did u say bhai?
San: WO. Hm maa and really missed her.(all became sad). So go and bring her here and ask her to stay here some days.
Rag: we will bring her here but I don’t know she will stay here.
San: why?? Didn’t she stay here earlier??
Rag: ha but that time u.. WO her husband was with her.
San: now where is he?(she is getting little angry)
Lak: he is not here…
San: he is not here na, so she can live here till he come. I will handle, u go and bring her here( he said with frustration. He don’t know why is he getting angry) arre u r still here go…(push raglak)
Raglak went. After sometimes they brought swara there. Seeing her sujatha go and hug her. Sanskar came there, seeing swara he feels happy. Swara also get happy seeing him after 2 Weeks. Sanskar came in front of her.
San: hey swara… I am sanskar… Sanskar maheshwari.. Ur sister’s charming and handsome devar ?
Swara is looking at him intensely. Getting no response, sanskar waves his hand in front of her face. Swara came to sense
Sw: ha sanskar
San: (feels happy) did u hear me?
Sw: yes, ragini’s charming devar…(she smiles and he laugh)

Everyone gets happy seeing them like that.
San: so swara, will u be my friend (swara saw him with wide eyes.) Plz plz plz( sanskar asks her cutely. Swara smiles at him, with tears and hold his hand,)
Sw: OK
San: OK now u r my friend, can u live with me(swara and others looks at him wide eyes) I mean cab u live with us?? For some days plz plz..
Swara accepted.
San: laksh now u go and bring her luggage
Lak: I know ur talent bhai so I already brought her luggage (smile teasingly and placed her luggage)
San(narrow eyes): that means swara already accepted to live here. Now I won’t leave u lucky.
Laksh ran and sanskar goes behind him. Swaragini and others laugh whole heartedly.

2 months leap
In these 2 months swara and others tried many things to get sanskar’s memory back. It all went vein.. Sometimes sanskar got pain in head, but he didnt say that he got flashback. Swasan friendship are growing. Sanskar fullfills her all cravings. One day swara is watching a movie and saw a non veg dish and she like that very much. She wants to eat but now she is in mm na. So she suppressed her feelings. At that time sanskar came to her
San: swara.. Can u come with me for a lunch
Suj: what?? Outside food is not good for health..
San: mom I know swara is pregnant. I personally know about that restaurant. They have good food.
Suj: swara do u want to go with him? (She nodes cutely). OK take her with u. But u should take care of her.
San: mom she is my swara I know how to take care of her. Come swara..
They went

At restaurant..
Waiter: how can I help u Sir??
San: 1 plate chicken biriyani…
Sw: sanskar.. U saw that. (She embarrassed)
San: don’t embarrass swara.. Its natural at this stage… Leave it. Can I ask u one thing(swara nodes) can I call u shona plz.
Sw: u can call me anything sanskar. I don’t have any problem.
San: ok shona where is ur husband (swara became sad) I mean he didn’t come till now.
Sw: he forgot me sanskar.. So he is not with me
San,: how can he do that? Is he mad or what?
Sw: don’t abuse my … My husband. You don’t know anything about him, then how can u accuse him?? U know he loves me, he will do anything for me …..(she started to praise him. She didn’t notice that waiter came and placed the food)
San( frustrated hearing about her husband): ok ok meri shona now stop ur husband puran .
Sw: (angry) why?
San: ur food is getting cold. So u eat it.
Swara nodes and started to eat. Sanskar is looking at her and whenever swara looks at him he looks anywhere else. At one time his eyes caught someone. He’s slowly whispers.
San: kavita.
Swara looks at him shockingly and follows his gaze and shocked seeing kavita there. Sanskar get up and went towards kavita
San: kavita..
She turned and see sanskar with shocked and confused face.
San: oh god u r here kavita.. Ya.. I am remembering, I was going to marry u kavita..I am sorry I couldn’t come there, because I got accident. I was in coma. Sorry kavita
swara’s eyes wells up. She don’t know what to do

Screen freezes on sanskar’s happy face, kavita’s confused face, swara’s tearful sad face.

So this is the first part of my TS.. So now what do u want…
Next part of this ?????or
Next part of ALWAYS SWASAN..????
Ur time ends in tomorrow same time.

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