Fan Fiction

Swasan TS (Now FS) – Made for each other (Part 9B)

[my this story is dedicated to that 8year old girl who gang raped by some cannibals…. ????…]

[Swasan’s marriage happened after two months of shemish marriage]

” stop it… Stop it bhabhi… How can u say those words to my dad”

Yes it’s uttara only who interrupted her bhabhi…

[why Girls don’t have a STRONG voice ]

suj: uttara how can you speak like that to ur bhabhi…

Utt: but she also doing the same na…

Ram: but she is right in her place na uttu.. I did wrong with my child..

Utt: but u did it for saving his life na… U DIDN’T WANT HIM TO KILLED BY THAT DP AND AP NAA.. LIKE… LIKE.. KAVERI DI….

Swara’s eyes get widened in shock with this new revelation… Sanskar also get shocked… He can’t believe his own ears. His Kaveri was killed by laksh… He can’t even move… He froze there…

sw: Kaveri was killed ???

Utt: ha.. She didn’t suicide. He killed her…  If sanskar bhai’s was here.. They would have killed him too.. To save him dad did that…  That day when sanskar bhai’s left from here…


After sanskar went from there, uttara directly went towards his room… She is reminiscing their childhood.. She caressing his photos cryingly.. Then she went towards his cupboard.. Her eyes get watery seeing the shelf.. It has so many gift.. Her name glued in each gift. She understands that it’s his gift to her in these years..  She couldn’t control and she sat on the floor and covers her face with palms and cries vigorously…. She felt a hand on her shoulder and she looks up.. It’s Ram..

Utt: why did you do this dad… How could you think like that bhai will do this heinous crime.. He is my bhai dad.. He doesn’t do that dad.. Kaveri Di is his sister bhai…

Ram: I know beta.. I know … I know my child.. He won’t do anything… But I had to do it… Else they will kill him like they killed her..

Suj: whom.?

Ram: Kaveri…. She didn’t suicide… That laksh has killed her…

Sujutt get shocked hearing this…

Suj: but how? And why are you saying that he will kill my son…

Ram: yesterday I heard them talking…


Ram is walking towards study room to talk about business with Dp.. He stopped there seeing laksh with blood on his hand. Dp is dressing him.

Dp: why did you go to her again…

Lak: oh pa… U know she is irresistible…  I wanted her again…

Dp: laksh I’m ur father…

Lak: oh come on pa… Whenever I did anything I will confess u naa… How can I leave this?

He laughs and Dp also joined him… Ram couldn’t believe his eyes and ears. His bhai whom he thought that role model. He has a disgusting thinking.   He is a criminal.   He wants to run from there..  He is about to turn but stopped hearing them..

Dp: then what did you do to that Kaveri….

lak: simply I killed her.

Ram and Dp shocked at the same time.

Dp: what?

Lak: ha pa, I have left her at her house. She gave me some warning and went from there.. After sometimes I went to her knowing her family is not there.. When I steathly enters her room, she is sending a voice message to sanskar… U know what pa she is not his love.. They both having a brother sister… Then I moved towards her, she became shocked seeing me there..


Kavi: laksh what are you doing here.. Get out of my house now.

Lak: u know kavi…

Kavi: don’t call me like that with ur disgusting tongue…

Lak: OK baby (kavi turns her face)  don’t u want to know why I came here? I want u again dear… U r so irresistible…

Kavi: (looks at him shocked) don’t come near me…get out.

before she anything say he grabbed her and covered her mouth with her shawl.. Then pushed her on bed.  Then he attacked her… She is trying to come out of his hand.. She tried to clawed his face but couldn’t.  But she did it with his hand.. He gets angry and he attacked her more harshly.. After sometimes he doesn’t get a response from her.. He looks up.. There is no movement in her body…

Lak: oh shit… Crap… Dead…. (looks at her angrily) why don’t you have any stamina…

He started to leave from there… Then stopped.

Lak: I don’t want murder case for me.. U want to suicide naa.. (Then he takes a kerchief and takes the knife and placed it on her hands and sliced her neck harshly… ) bye bye Kaveri Sharma…

He left from there


Dp: ha ha ha poor girl…

Lak: ha pa…

Ram froze there… He can’t believe his own ears.. Dp is disgusting person and he is calling him bhai… Chi…

Lak: will chachu tried to save sanskar.. What will we.. If he will definitely find truth.. Even if he didn’t find it he will destroy us…

Dp: don’t I won’t let that happen.. Even if my real exposed infront of him, I don’t mind… We have uttara na.. I will blackmail him using her… He can’t do anything to me.. Because of our planning he has some wrong belief on him.. After tomorrow’s accusations he himself will throw him out… We will definitely bail him to become good infront of ram…

they starts to laugh… Ram came back to his room…

ram: I’m sorry my son I have to do it…


Ram: this was happened uttara..  I had to do that to save u and him…

Suj: how can they stoop so low…

Ram: they are criminals sujatha..

Utt: (she hugged him tightly and cries vigorously)  I’m sorry dad.. I misunderstood you.. I’m sorry.

suj(also hugged him) ; I’m sorry too ramji…

Ram: and uttu now itself u have to leave to ur mausi…

Utt: OK dad…


Utt: now u tell me bhabhi.. How can u compare him with that shekhar gagodia..

Sw: no way uttara… He is not even a sand-grain on his foot… (turned to Ram and hugs him)  I’m sorry dad.. I had spoken to you very harshly.. I have talked like that because I have seen a fear on urs eyes towards Dp and laksh… I want to hear that from you.. So I did it.

Utt: sorry bhabhi I have spoken to you harshly…

Sw: it’s OK uttu.. I’m not angry.. U proved that not only boys but also girls can’t tolerate anything against their parents.  (to Ram)  I wanted hear what is ur fear.. But I didn’t think I will hear… (she paused realizing sanskar.. She looks at sanskar.. She understands that he needs her now) OK dad mom, uttu go and eat ur dinner..  I have said to Ramu Kaka to heat it.

Ram: OK swara.. Good night…

They went from there. Swara immediately locked the door and went to sanskar.. He is laying there with closed eyes.. Tears are flowing through his eyes.

Sw: sanskar.. (he immediately get up and hugged her tightly.. And cries vigorously…)

Swara also hugged him.. She is also crying.. Because she couldn’t believe still.. What she heard just few minutes ago..

San: how much pain would she has beard.. I was thinking that she suicided. But no she murdered that brutally… How can he do that swara., ???? …. (he cried vigorously)

San: (He breaks the hug ..)  and dad he did that to save me.. But I was accusing him.. I will tell him everything..

Sw: no sanskar no.. (he looks at her confused)  not now first u have to find the proofs against him.. Then u have to punish him severely.. Till u get proof u have to act like this sanskar..

San: but they are dangerous swara.. If they do anything with you or uttu lr any of my loved ones.. I can’t bear it swara

sw: nothing will happen to me. I will take care of myself. Moreover u r with me, dad, Aman bhai every one are with us… In these she also got to know how to save herself.. Even maa Durga is with us..  They have to be punished severely and then exposed infront of the society.. U have to punish them in such a way that no one will look a girl in a dirty way… U have to take incarnation of Maa Durga to destroy them…

San: I will do it princess.. I will do it…

He again hugs her and sat there for sometimes… After sometimes he calms himself ..then he takes the phone and dialed a number..

san(on phone) : John.. Beat them severely… U can take the break not them.. ???

then he cut the call and looks at swara.. She is sitting there with a pout..

San: what happened?

sw: I also want to see..

san: we will see.. When after laksh also came there….

She smiles and hugs him.. They both sat there for sometimes…

San: swara…

Sw: hmm..

San: u understand mom and dad’s miseries.. Don’t you think shomi Ma is hiding something.

Sw:  Of course Sanskar…she is fearing someone or something..  I don’t know what was it..

San: OK we will go baadi tomorrow..

sw: OK… (after sometimes)   hmm sanskar.. Wo.. Wo..

san: what do you want to say princess..

sw: I want to warn Ragini about laksh…

san: no princess she won’t understand you.. May be she will harm you…

sw: I just want you to inform her.. Believe it or not it’s her decision.. I don’t care.. As a sister it’s my responsibility…

san: OK… But if she do anything wrong with you… I won’t leave her..

Sw: OK…

Next morning..its Sunday

After breakfast everyone went to their room. Swara and ragini are cleaning dining table..

Sw: ragini I want to say something..
Rag: what?  You want ur laksh back?

Sw: if u again say that creepy and disgusting laksh as mine I will kill you.

Rag: what did you say about my lakshji.. I will do the same with you…

Sw: ragini listen me.. He is not a good person, he is criminal,dusgusted person and a rap…

Rag: stop it.. I don’t want to hear anything against my lakshji.. If you  again say anything about him I will throw..

She left from there… After that swara went towards her room.. But in the corridor laksh stopped her…

Lak: what are you saying to ragini swara…

Sw:  I got to know about sanskar’s past and Kaveri… Also about u…

Lak: then what will you  and ur mad husband do to me… (she turned her face sarcastically. He holds her hand and pulled towards him)  tell me swara what will you do…

Sw: leave me laksh ..

Lak: or else… (next moments he left her and he covers his main point ????)

Sw: what did u say what will we do?  He na?  Now u understood naa what will I do?  Now do you want to know what will my husband do? Wait.. Sanskar…

Sanskar who was there seeing his Sherni’s action comes there with an innocent face..

San: what happened princess..

Sw: he is calling me as butch, u as mad.. What will u do to him

Laksh stood up and looks at them sarcastically..

San: b*t*h means

Sw: dirty word…

Sanskar looks at him angrily…laksh looks at him sarcastically.. The next moments he fell down holding his face..

Lak: Aaahhhhh

yes he punched harshly on his nose. Then sit on his body and punched him severely.. Again again reminding about Kaveri’s death… Swara didn’t break the bro-bro moments… ???.. Hearing laksh’s cry ragini and others came there

Rag: sanskar ji what are you doing leave him.. (She somehow take him from his clutches.. ) why are you standing there swara.. Why didn’t you stop him?

Dp: sanskar what did you do to ur brother? (raised his hand to slap him.. Sanskar acts like scared and closes his eyes. But didn’t get any pain. He opened the eyes to see that swara is holding his hand..

Sw: ur son is misbehaving with me.. Even if sanskar is in this condition he couldn’t tolerate.. So punched him..

Hearing this Ram gets angry and slapped laksh hard…

Ram: how dare you to misbehave with my daughter..

Dp: Ram…

Ram: if I misbehave with bhabhi.  What will u do? Swara is also his bhabhi only.. He has to understood it and behave himself ..

Dp understood situation is not good.. So he also slapped him…

Lak: pa…

Ra/ap: papaji /ji

Dp : ask sorry from her (pointing to swara)

Lak: sorry…

Then went from there.. Ragini looks at her angrily at swara and went from there.. Dp and ap left from there also.. Sanskar looks at swara angrily..

Suj: are u OK swara ..

sw: of course mom.. When my action super star husband is there then what will happen to me

Utt: true… What was that action..

Swautt laugh loudly..

Sw: mom me and sanskar going out.. Just for an outing…

suj: OK…

Meanwhile in terrace, ragini is pacing here and there

rag:(monologues) swara because of you, my lakshji insulted.. U didn’t do right thing ..i won’t leave you…

She takes the phone and dialed a number…

SwaSan are going to baadi.. Swara is driving.. Sanskar is sitting there angrily..

Sw: u r looking so cute in this angry face ??

San(rudely): stop right there swara..

She got scared and stop the car. He get down the car and came towards her side..

San: move.. (she moved to his original seat.. She is scared by his anger.. He sat on driver seat and drives.. After sometimes he smiles) waise princess u r also looking cute in scared face…???

Swara became shocked and hit him with fake anger..

San: ouch princess… Sorry.. But what was the need to inform him that u know everything..

Sw: he should know about it.. He has to knew that I know that how much cheap is he.

San: but u have to take care of urself.. ..if he will do something?

sw: he won’t do anything. Because he got to know that what will happen if he mess with Mrs. Swara Sanskar Maheshwari…

Sanskar looks at her astonished.. She also looks at him… After sometimes they both broke into a laugh…

Screen freezes on their laughing faces….

To be continued…

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