Categories: Fan FictionSwaragini

SwaSan: Tu hi mera rab… Tu hi meri duniya (Part 12)

Part 12


Soon SwaSan reached to their mansion with arnav. The whole family was already sitting in the hall. As soon as they entered, advay started jumping in uttara’s lap seeing swara. Uttara stands up and starts going towards swara but sanskar stand in front of Uttara. Little Advay thought that swara went away so he made a cry face.

Sanskar took him in his arms, “oh lelele, no crying bacha. (advay looks at sanskar) Advay, beta why are yours after my wife. (everyone giggles including swara) Okay I promise, when you will turn 18 I will make sure that there is a line of girls for you (swara widens her eyes)

Swara: Sanskar

Advay hears her voice and starts to jump in sanskar arms. Sanskar holds him tightly.

Sanskar: Dekh mere baap, you will have so many girls in your life but poor me, only have my one and only wife and you are too after her. You can flirt with many girls till your marriage but please leave my swara for me.

Swara sees him with open mouth. Advay was only looking at him like I-don’t-care-but-I-want-her-only. Unexpectedly sanskar feels his shirt wet. He looks down and sees advay did pee on him. Everyone saw this and burst out laughing. Little advay saw everyone laughing and he also started laughing.

Arnav: Got your answer.

Everyone laughs. Sanskar gave advay to swara.

Sanskar: I am going to change my clothes.

Saying this he goes away but not before glaring advay who was smiling at him. Swara also goes to their room. At the same time, sanskar came out of the washroom, shirtless. Swara saw him and started laughing due to advay’s kaand downstairs.

Sanskar: Achaji, so you are laughing at me.

Saying this he started moving forwards while swara moves backward still laughing.

Swara (laughing): Sorry Sanskar but I can’t control myself.

Swara dashed against the wall, still laughing. Sanskar held her waist and pulled her closer, making her dash with his bare chest.

Sanskar: Punishment toh banti hai (You will get punishment for this)

Swara started breathing heavily due to his close proximity.

Swara (wriggling in his grip): Sa…sanskar what are you doing? Leave me

Sanskar (huskily): That is the thing that I can’t-do.

Swara looks at him who is leaning towards her. Swara closes her eyes. Soon sanskar puts his lips on her and kissed her passionately while swara also responded with equal passion. Swara hands were brushing his hair. Sanskar’s hand went to the hem of her shirt and lifted it. He started caressing her bare waist under her shirt. Swara’s breath got hitched as soon as she feels his cold hand on her waist. (Don’t worry door is locked). Sanskar broke the kiss and started kissing her nuzzled his face in the crook of her neck and started kissing. Sanskar’s one hand traveled to her shirt button and opened her first button of the shirt. Swara came out of her world after sensing this.

Swara (Holding sanskar’s hand which was on her shirt button): Sanskar

Sanskar (while kissing her neck): hmm

Swara: Leave me na baba. We have to go downstairs for dinner.

Sanskar (huskily and romantically): But I am having my dinner.

Swara blushes more but composes herself, “Sanskar, everyone is waiting for us”

Sanskar sighed and looked at swara romantically.

Sanskar: How will you escape at night.

Swara: Mr. Shameless Kapoor, we won’t be doing anything at night. Don’t you know, you only worked for two hours today and you got a such a bad headache. No sanskar, your health is more important than all of these things.

Sanskar sighs and says, “Fine”

Swara kissed his cheek and went to the washroom. Then both of them went to the dining table together. Like this day passed. SwaSan went to the office together and now sanskar was able to work the full day. He was totally fit and fine. One night sanskar was sitting on the couch with arnav and discussing a project. Just then swara comes with the tablet in one hand and glass of water in another hand. She stands near sanskar.

Swara: Sanskar takes your medicine.

Sanskar: Just put it here, I will take it later.

Swara: No sanskar, I know that you will either forget or will not take it. So take it right in front of me.

Sanskar sighs and takes the tablet in his hand.

Sanskar (jokingly): Oh god, why did you woke me up from the coma, at least I would be away from my wife’s overcare and these tablets.

Everyone looked at him.

Sujata shouts, “Sanskar!”

Sanskar realizes what he said. He closes his eyes tightly and scolds himself for saying this. He looks up towards swara and sees her face which got pale. Her eyes are filled with tears and were showing pain.

Swara was going to go but sanskar stood and held her by her elbow.

Sanskar: Swara, yaar I am so sorry.

He turned her around and cupped her cheeks, “I am really sorry. I didn’t mean it.”

Swara (heavy voice): (removing his hands from her cheeks) It’s okay sanskar, and I am sorry for the overcare.

Sanskar held her from her shoulders, “Shona, please don’t talk like this. It just a slip of my tongue.”

Swara removes his hands and steps back a little, “It’s totally okay sanskar…totally okay. (to shomi) ma, I will sleep with you tonight.”

Saying this she goes away. As soon as she goes everyone started shouting at sanskar for saying that.

Sujata: How can you even say this sanskar? Are you mad or what.

Rp: Looks like the coma has affected your brain

Like this everyone scolded him. Sanskar, who was already angry with himself got more frustrated.

Sanskar (high pitch): enough! (everyone got quite) I know what blunder I did and I will rectify it.

Saying this he goes to shomi’s room. He saw swara making the bed while crying. Sanskar got hurt seeing her crying. He went to her and pulled her into a hug.

Sanskar: I am really sorry swara. I didn’t mean to say that.

Swara struggled in his grip. She manages to get out of his grip and pushes sanskar.

Swara (shouts): Is it that easy for you sanskar? (holds his collar) are you a kid that you will say something which will hurt me and then you will say sorry and I forget everything. No sanskar, no. Sanskar I died every moment seeing you lying lifeless on the bed for three years. You have no idea how I felt when the doctor said that you slipped into the coma. Only I know how I composed myself and lived with the hope that you will wake up one day. You have no idea sanskar, how it feels when every day my hope breaks when you don’t wake up. I really don’t want to take any risk regarding your health that is why I am after you for taking tablets because I know that you won’t take it. But I didn’t know that I was torturing you. (she leaves his collar and wipes her tears) I am sorry Mr. Sanskar Kapoor….I am really sorry.

Sanskar closes his eyes and takes a deep sigh. He cupped swara face and kissed her forehead.

Sanskar (softly): I am sorry princess, I didn’t mean to hurt…

But Swara jerks his hand and says, “Please leave me alone sanskar.”

Saying this pushed sanskar outside and closed the door.

Sanskar: Swara yaar, please listen to me na.

Swara sits on the bed and cries by hugging a pillow

Sanskar sighs and turns around. He sees his whole family glaring him angrily.

Sanskar (murmurs): the way they are seeing you, looks like it will be your last day.

Seeing everyone glaring angrily, ayush and advay also glare at him angrily.

Sanskar: You guys don’t worry, I know how to manofy my wife very well. But I would need your help.

Dida: What’s that help?

Sanskar: Can all of you please go away from this house tomorrow and come the next morning.

All of them glare at him.

Sanskar (puppy face): Please…

Rp: Okay but don’t dare to hurt my daughter again

Sanskar nods. Everyone went away.

Sanskar (monologue): Get ready Mrs Swara Sanskar Kapoor.

Precap: Sanskar manofying swara…jealousy at peak…but who is jealous and from whom?


Simple girl... with simple dreams Die heart fan of SwaSan...helly shah Wattpad: @Sonu2012

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