Next day at xyz clg
Yuvi: rithik …sahil…bhai ki baath hoye Kya tum dono sai
Rithik: nai yaar he is not picking the call also (worried) aur I asked choti abt bhai …yesterday but???
Yuvi:but kya …rithik
Rithik:choti said ki …bhai didn’t came to mm from clg
Yuvi;wat then where did he went
Rithik:yuvi wo yesterday swara …u know na ???
Yuvi:hmmm …k leave it let’s go and search bhai
Yuvi and rithik leaves from there but sahil was standing still
After sometime
It was almost night ….
Yuvi :(worried) rithik aab kya kare we searched everywhere but bhai ….bhai kaa patha nahi chala ….bhai where r u
Rithik:(worried) calm down yuvi we will find him soon ….(thinks
Something) hmmm yuvi shall we call swara and tell her abt thz
Yuvi:hmm k
Rithik calls swara
*on call*
Rithik: hello bhabhi ..it’s rithik
Swara:(she was abt cut ..)
Rithik: suno …suno swara bhabhi plz cut math karo …I wanna tell u something important plzzz
Swara:hmm Jo bhi bolna hai ..tell it fast ….and it’s swara not ur bhabhi got tat
Rithik: swara …bhai ??(tells everything)
After hearing abt sanskar’s missing ….tears rolled down from her beautiful cheeks …
Rithik: wo swara …did bhai talked u …or called u ???
Swara:(tears)?? no rithik he didn’t ….
Before she completes
Rithik:k (cuts the call)
Swara: (tears) hello rithik ….rithik …r u there ….
She looks at mobile …call was disconnected ….she again called him but it was showing busy
She gets worried
Swara:??? it’s all coz of u swara …kya zarurathi tat u told him abt the engagement …now see ….god plzzz Sanskar should be save god ….just once I wanna see him ….see him in front my eyes plzzz god (looks upwards)
She looks at the time …its 8pm
Swara: there is still time for engagement ….I will go and see
She slowly goes out of gm . ….without anyone’s notice
…..starts her scooty and leaves from there
Flashback ends
Next day
It’s a engagement day of raglak …
The MM was beautiful decorated with red and white roses
Ragini’s room
Sanskar: (kiss her forehead) congratulations my lil sis
Ragini:thank u bhai (smiles)
Sanskar: (smile) k bye …now I have to leave
He was abt to go but ragini stops him holding his wrist …
He turns and looks at her ????
Ragini: (in mind) not today bhai ..
Bahut bhag liya apne …but not today (to Sanskar) bhaiyo where r u going ….today is ur sis engagement
Sanskar :(avoids eye contact) wo choti actually …I have an imp work so have to go
Ragini:(tears) is tat work is imp more than me ….if it so then (to sujatha ) mom I don’t wanna get married or engaged ..
Sanskar: choti….
Ragini: (cuts off) no bhai …i don’t wanna do thz engagement …when bhai is not present
She sits on the bed …with a sad face ????
Sanskar tried to make her understand but she wasn’t ready to listen him ….so finally he gave up …coz no bro could be win over his sis
Sanskar: k fine …I’m not going anywhere ….I will be here only
Ragini:(gets happy & hug him) really bhai
Sanskar: (smiles) haan …nothing is more than ur happiness my sis …
Ragini: thank u sooo much bhaiyo
Sanskar: (smile) ur welcome
K u gett ready now
Ragini nods with smile
He smiles and was abt to leave but stops hearing sujatha and ragini’s conversion
Ragini: arrey sumi anuty is sooo sweet na
Sujatha:(smiles) haan chori
Both were talking abt yesterday’s arrival of gadodia family and their talks ….
“Didn’t she came” thought Sanskar who was eagerly waiting to listen abt only one person …but nither sujatha and nor ragini talked abt her “don’t lose Sanskar” said himself and left from there
Ragini smiles seeing him leaving
Gadodia mansion
Swara’s room
Swara:(closing her eyes) plzzzz god give me courage to face Sanskar plzzzz ….today I’m gonna meet him after 5years…I will ask him for forgiveness but will he forgive me??????
Just then sumi calls her
Sumi:shona come fast
Swara :haan ma coming
Soon gadodia’s leaves from there
Maheswari mansion
Sujatha: (joining her hands)aaye aaaye samdan ji aaye
Sumi,shekar, Laksh smiles and enters ……
Swara’s heartbeat was raising as she entered MM …
She was descending the stairs but her leg got twisted …..and she was abt to fall ….she closed her eyes tightly in fear falling ….but felt a strong arm around her waist protecting her from the fall …..she immediately opened her eyes feeling the touch
Swara:(murmur) Sanskar
Hi guys it’s tanu ….hope u liked thz episode …plz do comment
Thank u all guys ….bye tc …
Love u all??????
Awesome…. Pls post next soon.. Wanna know how swasan separated and also want to know their reaction when they see each other….
Awesome dear
Super amazing
Excellent dear
Tanuuuuu !!!! update soon.. otherwise i’ll goo to hospital…
Huhhhh !!! Thnk u.. ;-*
awesome dear
So much suspence wanna knw how det seprtd… y swara want his frgvnss…
Loved it
Continue soon
Awesome tanu plzzz update soon
Plz update lyk tis… like a regular writer… hehe… btw if u update late or soon at the end I’m gonna read it….
so no worries…. huh? my desperateness to read ur ff always wins over my anger…
btw tis was fantabulous!!!!!
b back soon… eagerly waiting for nxt???
<—– wuuuzzzzzzzzzzzz… run to next part, ty Tanuu