Swasan_Journey from being stubborn to falling in love_Chapter 11
Hello folks. If you have missed Chapter 10, please find the link that is attached below . Let’s continue with our journey. I am giving my best not to make you guys bored.
Hope you guys are having fun … I know i always ask whether u guys like it, but seeing the response i feel let down and mostly i feel that i have let down u ppl…
When Swara had no other option left because of strong persuasion by Varun, she had no other option but to go to Sanskar’s room and get the keys to the car.
Sanskar shocked seeing Swara , but he understands that Varun has persuaded her to take up the race that she is going to have against Raj :-P. When Sanskar hands over the keys, she says
“Thank you. Good night.”
Straight to the point and leave; did she make friends with such attitude? Then Sanskar asked “Do you say ‘Thank you’ and ‘Sorry’ even when there is no necessity?” She looked bewildered. Has no one ever asked her this?
“Yes. Many say its formal language and need not be used among friends, but my Dadaji has brought us up saying that when you are at fault say sorry, thank you when you get what you want.” What a logic! “Even if you don’t mean it?”
“I do mean it. Thank you and sorry if not said heartfelt, then better off not said at all. It’s not bad to say them whether it is to the person you love or the person you hate or a stranger. At least, that is what I think.
While she was running I shouted. “One more thing, Varun wanted to stay over at his friend’s place. So, he wanted your permission?” She looked like Varun told me something unnecessary and she didn’t care to hide it. Why does she not care to hide her disapprovals and anger only to me?
“That kid!!!!!!! Doesn’t know who to tell things. Thank you, I will talk to him. And finally, Good Night.”
The next day was the race day. All the members of the club that is Kavita, Rahul, Karan, Jai and Varun were gathered to watch race of Swara and Raj. I walked down a bit late because I had completed my work only by morning 5.00am.
Then Varun was running upstairs stating that my sister Swara would win even before the race started. All were shocked listening to him. Then he explained that in the townside of London where they used to stay earlier, she used to race a lot and she stopped racing when she entered university. Saying this he left us.
Kavita: He is the only relative that’s why he is supporting her. But I know my hubby Raj would only win the race.
The racers sat in their respective cars and the race had begun. Ultimately the result was what Varun had told. We all were astonished seeing her race like a pro. Since I was the one who composed myself at the earliest, I made fun of others saying “Muh bandh karlo warna makhi ghus jaayegi” (Close your mouths else the bug will enter)
Since Raj had lost he decided he would take us for a treat.
On the way back Raj and I were walking and coming, while other friends including Swara had left in cars and Varun had left for staying over at his friend’s place.
I told Raj “Bhai yeh jagah ka khana mast hai”. Raj reciprocated and said that the food is good but it is well known for pr*stitute business. Listening to this Sanskar was shocked.
He also discussed with Raj about how she had cried in front of him and then her attitude changed all of a sudden into business like. Then Raj told that she is not that strong as she looks. She is very fragile and tells him to handle with care. He also explained that she is pretending to be strong because she has a younger brother who she needs to handle. So she cannot stay weak in front of him. Sanskar gave a thought and walked back to the Club.
Swara’s POV :
I am done with one and now I have to cook. Hopefully that Mr. Sanky (means arrogant) likes it. Swara had earlier tasted the food that was prepared by Sanskar and she liked it but it was too modern. So she had decided to make a nice simple homely food the previous night. When she had dosed for sleeping. She again got a dream from her flashback.
FLASHBACK { “Shona, you little pu**y, what are you doing in the kitchen?” “I am cooking, Dadaji. Granny Uttara (maid) is helping me.” “Uttara is helping you, eh?” Looking at Uttara control her laugh. “Come now, little troublemaker. Let Uttara cook.” “No. Today, I want to cook. I will cook you the most delicious food.” “You can start learning when you are fifteen. Till then, be a troublemaker elsewhere.” “No, I am cooking today.” “If you don’t leave the kitchen right now, I am not talking with you.” “Sir, please, the little mistress will come out soon. There won’t be any problem with the food.” “It is not the food, Uttara. She is troubling you.” “(Giggle) It is fine sir. You just go, she will follow you out. She loves you too much.” “Shona, I am leaving.” Seeing him walk away, “Dadaji stop! Granny Uttara, you can help me when I turn fifteen and she left the kitchen along with Dadaji.”}
The next day morning Kavita had come and told that they would be preferring an early lunch.
Post Breakfast, I had cooked Lunch for all. Seeing their reaction, I was not able to understand whether they liked it or not.
Since no one mentioned anything, I walked out of the club and told Varun that he could continue staying and she was going to hold a night at the hotel where Raj had taken and then next day she would shift to Laksh’s house.
Precap: Did Shona take her decision in hurry? Did Sanskar fall in love with Shona (Swara).
Awsome part… Plzz upload next asap
Its good dear..simply superb…
Its awesome…
Good episode..
its nice nd diff….
Good.. Who is laksh to swara???
You will find it in few epi.. Don’t worry …
its awesome.will sankaar and swara fall on love
Superb.. Y she is going to stay in hotel ???
Because no one told her anything about the test so she felt disgusted… She is a lil short tempered … And she analyses few situations more than it needs to be
the reason is that because they did not give any verdict.. so she thought she has lost her test and decides to leave.
itz owSm.. I m new here..hello everybody..
Hi Kady, thank u
lovely episode
different story… Good…
Upload next soon…
Hey crystal ur ff is not at all boring even it is interesng…i like ur ff plss keep writing
Oye yaar lovd d race part n d fb part n lovd to read dis epi