Fan Fiction

SwaSan@coincidence (part-22)

Hello lovelies!!! How can I forget all my friends at tellyupdates. Ofcourse I can’t.Here’s chapter 22-“Confused yet sure”Enjoy!

Sanskar’s POV
Great! Just great! I have pissed her off now.
I was still in the elevator face palming and regretting the way I behaved with Swara.
“Sanskar..”spoke Kavita as soon as I entered my room.
I tucked my jacket on a stand rolling my sleeves up walking around the bed frame.
I sat near the bedside table and filled some water in a glass.After taking a sip I squeezed my eyes and rested my face in my palms, heaving a long sigh.
“Sanskar won’t you ask me why am I here?”she asked nervously.
“I know…”I mumbled facing her again.
“Sanskar…It’s just that… I don’t think it’s working… I don’t think whatever it is between us is working. I don’t find it right anymore.”she said having a seat on the armchair.
“Sanskar I know it really very well that whatever it is between us it is not love, at least not anymore.”she said cautiously picking up the words.
“I know…”I admitted.
“I think we must just take a bre…”
“No! Not a break but let’s just make it permanent, I know it’s for the good if we are not together.”I stated what I felt.
“Yeah this way you can always approach Swara without any guilt.”she said getting up and facing me again.
I shot her a guilty look before she continued.
“…Oh come on Sanskar just do whatever you feel like,it’s not that we were serious anyway.”she said patting my shoulder and giving a small smile-a forced one.
“I am sorry.”I mouthed.
“Oh don’t be in fact I would really love it if you start seeing someone really soon, even though she won’t be as beautiful as me…But still!”
She sat on her knees before continuing”Go get her Sanskar.Go before it’s too late.”she said winking and left me to think.
Swara’s POV
I was done washing up for the day in my favorite soap and shampoo.I am smelling great and I must technically be really happy since I am all washed up but honestly I wasn’t. Normally in order to lift up my mood I take a long bath,some sleep with which I am deprived off since yesterday,and a makeover.
I don’t know why am I even thinking about all this when actually I feel really unwanted,sad,unloved and most importantly-insulted.
Why the hell Sanskar has to ruin everything again and again?
Why at one moment is he so nice and sweet and the other turns into a monster?
Why is he so confusing?
But I am not here to find out reasons for his weird behavior.I will do what I am supposed to do-Help Ragini and Laksh. Even though I initially thought that Sanskar would be a great help but now I can’t even bear a glimpse of that man.
“Hey! Swara are you in there?”Vani knocked at my door waking me from my doom.
“No Swara isn’t here.”I replied with my pillow cushioning my voice.
“Oh come on what’s bothering you now?”she asked entering my room.
“It’s nothing…just worried about that Ragini thing.”I brushed her off trying not to continue the conversation.
“Stop lying you idiot…I know you again had a tiff with Sanskar.”she stated rolling her eyes and grabbing a seat beside my bed.
“How do you always figure out stuff like these?”I asked getting up to enter in my walk-in closet.
“I have my ways.”she said stretching her hands and admiring her nails.
“Whatever…I am done with him now.”I mumbled trying to concentrate and gather my outfit for the so-called wedding happening tonight.
“Why are you guys so unsure? It is just so evident that he loves you and you do too.Don’t you remember yourself drooling over just from the mere mention of his name?”she said smiling playfully and covering the distance between us scanning my outfits.
“Well that isn’t love,it was just a high school infatuation.It grew away just like any other crush.”I stated shutting my closet.
“You name it whatever the way you want,but you can never hide the chemistry which you guys carry.”she said dramatically swaying her hands.
I shook my head whilst smiling at her childlike talks.
“Oh just look at me talking non sense instead of what I came for.What’s the plan when are they leaving?”she asked inferring to Laksh and Ragini.
“They might not need to.”I stated with a smirk getting a confused reaction from Vani.
Sanskar’s POV-
It’s already over noon and the wedding preparations were on swing.I was taking a dip in the pool trying to take in as much pleasure as I could since this big fat wedding in the islands of Andaman and Nicobar would come to an end.I would again be back to Delhi handling my business.
Even though I desperately wanted to help Swara,Ragini and Laksh but with the fight I had with Swara,at dawn was stopping me.
But what concerned me the most was that I won’t be seeing Swara after tomorrow.Even though she also lives in Delhi but since our last fight I don’t think she might want to talk to me.
“What’s up buddy?”asked Laksh removing his T-shirt while I was coming out of the pool.
“Nothing man! I am just not able to think straight.”I said massaging my temples.
“Look dude I am not good with counseling etc but my only advice as a friend would be to go and set everything right,before it’s too late.”he said before winking and diving into the pool.
What’s up with people giving advice and leaving with a wink today?
I brushed those thoughts away and dried myself with a towel.
Hanging my towel around my neck I started making my way towards the dressing room.
I raked my wet hair in exhaustion on seeing an email from my manager.It said a deal is on hold and needs my surveillance over it.
I kept on moving towards the dressing room when I suddenly bumped into someone​.
“Ouch!”her melodic voice rung in my ears.Since it was wet around the sunbed area and the pool she slipped and I couldn’t save her from crashing the floor.
She looked really cute in her high waist shorts and a black crop top.Her hair was done in a messy bun-as always she looked pretty.
I gestured to help her by giving my hand,but she being the stubborn girl she is didn’t take it and got up on her own.Giving me a glare she turned to walk past me but before she could do that I held her hand stopping her in her tracks.I didn’t want to let her go.I wanted to apologize for my behavior.
“Wait!”I said in a firm voice.
She turned around to face me keeping her hands over her small waist.She didn’t say a word though as if she was waiting for me to speak.
“Look I am really sorry for my behavior…I didn’t mean to talk to you that way.I want to apologize for everything.”I said very patiently.
She said nothing for awhile and just kept staring me as if trying to understand something.Then her eyes came down towards my bare chest but she didn’t hold the gaze for long and averted her gaze.She lowered her gaze and started playing with her fingers in embarrassment.
Still no word came from her.
“Okay.”she said and started going towards the other side of the pool.
What? That’s it? Okay?Just an Okay? It was like a reply on a messaging application which actually means-‘No concern has been given to the above mentioned text.’
This is enough.
I held her wrist and dragged her all the way near the pool.She was looking at me frightened since I had my nose flared and she knew I was enraging.
“What the hell Sanskar…what are you up to?”she said finally finding a voice.
“Oh wow! Now you’ve got a reply.”I commented sarcastically.
“What else do I say? I heard your apology and I am ‘okay’ with it.”she almost shouted.
That word again.
“Listen Swara I am sorry okay.I really didn’t find the way I talked to you right.Now don’t just ‘okay’ me.Talk to me like you did before.Please don’t give me these silent treatments.”I said not giving a damn that I was again shouting at her while Laksh who had just found a seat on sunbed was staring at us bewildered.As if getting the cue he left immediately.
“What should I say? What do you want to hear?”she asked holding my eyes into her’s.
I heaved a long sigh when in spur of moment I realized that Swara had almost slipped into the pool.In a reflex I caught hold of her arm but she slipped anyway.
I also dived into the pool along with her as I didn’t let go off her hand.We fell together still holding each other’s hand.She couldn’t stand even though we were in the shallow part of the pool.
I held her small waist in my hands in order to balance her.She balanced herself by keeping her hands over my chest.
“Why didn’t you leave me to fall? Why do you always have to follow me everywhere?”she asked holding an annoyed expression.
“And why are you so slippery?”I asked caressing her hands.
“Sanksar…”she mumbled.
“Look Swara I am sorry okay,I wasn’t mad at you.I was just confused as I always am.”I said looking straight into her eyes.
“Confused about what?”
I heaved a long sigh before continuing-“I think I… I love you Swara.”I confessed at once.
She didn’t respond but was only staring me with utter shocked expressions.
Say something Swara…
“One more time you say okay and I will leave you.”Of course I didn’t mean it.
I will never leave her.
“But what else can I say.”she whispered.
Now where is that confident Swara? I chuckled at my thoughts.
“Look I am not asking you to love me back I just…”now I am officially out of words “I am sorry,but I can’t control anymore.”I said and pulled her from her waist.
She had circled her hands round my neck.We were wet and she was shivering I don’t know because of the cold water or due to our close intimacy.Her rose pink lips puckered the moment I held her face in my hands. I wanted to taste them desperately, I wanted to feel them over mine.
Not wasting a second anymore I captured her lips with mine.At this moment I was thinking nothing but trying to take in the moment as much as I could. I wasn’t rushing it I was taking it really slow. I wanted to make her feel loved not used.

After some moments which felt like eternity-she reciprocated. It was a pure bliss.The feeling of her caressing me with her lips was making me weak in the knees. I have never felt this nervous,she had an unexplainable effect over me.
When we started getting out of breath we parted.Now the moment of truth came.What will her reaction be?
I was literally freaking out but I had to carry the image of my playful self.She looked everywhere but me.She wasn’t even able to look at me. I understood why and helped her get out of the pool.
Why do I always have to do something stupid?
“I think I should just change.”she said tucking her hair behind her ear.
“Swara…”I tried to move closer but she left.
I screwed it up again​.
A/N:what do you guys think?How did you like this chapter?What do you think will Swara’s reaction be?
Please comment.Some words from you always encourage me to do my best.


If I had to really tell something about myself why will I have a username like 'ccdkfc'.:p

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