Fan Fiction

SwaSan@coincidence (part-24)

chapter-24 This or that.

Swara’s POV
I’ve encountered many insanely selfish and self centered people,but none of them stand a chance before Mr.Tanuj.
He was much more cunning than we could ever imagine. I feel his plan was quite effective. If Ragini will leave him for Laksh at the aisle,then he can easily persuade to marry Ahaana.
All the blame will be on Ragini and Laksh.In short they will be the villain of the whole scene. Apparently Tanuj will be the one pitied upon and then he can easily convince his parents regarding his and Ahaana’s marriage.

“Look I know you are wrong at even thinking about standing Tanuj at the aisle but here the scenario is entirely different.He is letting this happen on purpose.”I said inferring Ragini while Laksh and Sanskar were worried about our next move.
“What else Swara…what else do you know?”asked Sanskar heaving a long sigh.
“I feel there’s still something left for us to know…”said Laksh suspiciously.
I smirked.
Sanskar’s POV
She smirked.
She knew something that we didn’t, something else other than Tanuj and Ahaana’s relationship.
But what?
“Ragini,Laksh nobody is fleeing anywhere.”she said rising her brows every now and then whilst pouting,as if trying to hide a smile.
Laksh,Ragini and I were staring Swara in a confused state.
I’ve never been to a seaside wedding and here I am at a fake one!
Bright but soothing fairy lights with the whole atmosphere glittering with candles. Entire arena was beautifully decorated in pastel yellow and golden colours. Whole sitting area was lined along the beach decorated with Chinese lanterns. The dark blue see was complementing the starry night sky.The ‘mandap’ which was the highlight of the open arena was splendidly decorated in baby pink and golden theme.

It was amazing. The whole decoration just showed the efforts of various people involved behind this marriage.
It showed how much this marriage meant to Ragini’s and Tanuj’s family.
“Isn’t all this just too perfect for no wedding at all.”said Swara behind my back.

I turned around only to encounter the most beautiful and elegant lady in a golden ‘lehenga’. She was adding to the beautiful glittery theme of the wedding. Her black hair were swept on one side of her neck revealing a dangling earpiece on her left side.
Her naturally pink lips were coloured in a bright red shade.
Yes she was Swara-my Swara.

“Woah! You look beautiful.”words naturally​ found a way.
She blushed and dramatically played with her lashes.
As usual she wasn’t able to look directly into my eyes. Actually this was my fault,I was literally ogling over her without any break.
I can never get tired seeing her beauty.
Once I came back to senses I realised she was actually talking to ME. After my pretty little confession in the pool I thought she won’t even be able to have a normal conversation with me and here she was trying to have one.
“Oh yes yes it really is a waste when there won’t be any marriage on the first place.”I looked around addressing the beautiful scenario around us.
“Swara I don’t want to scare you away but…we need to talk.You do realise that, right?”I tried to fit my words carefully.
She looked in my eyes in a snap.

“Yeah.”she whispered while pursing her lips.
“But first we have to clear this menace… together.”I said a bit loud and clear so as to create a light atmosphere between us.
“Yes!”she beamed.
“Hey! Swara…”someone called out from across the crystal fountain which was adding to the perfection of the garden unless…
That man was Prateek.

I don’t know why but I don’t like him at all. I think I was envious with the kind of equation he had with Swara. She is always so happy and confident while talking to him,while with me she is constantly at a loss of words.
“Hello Sanskar.”he waved drawing a confident smile.
“Hi.”I replied uninterested.

“Hi Prateek I didn’t see you in a while, where have you been?”asked Swara adjusting her drape.
“Just some business stuff…and by the way you were the one who was out of sight for this long.”he replied crossing his arms in front and tilting his neck .
Swara and I passed each other a look before he continued rambling again. I wasn’t even hearing what he was saying right now.

He just never stops.
Next thing I know he is taking Swara hand in hand in the middle of the dance area.
“Hey wait where are you guys going?”I asked annoyingly.
“–but you just denied dancing.”Prateek said looking confused.
Wait what? Oh I may haven’t listened his rambling.
“Yeah yeah.”I trailed off giving a disappointing look to Swara.
She gave me a rather tired look before leaving with him.

Swara’s POV

He was dressed in a crisp blue velvet suit.He was looking very handsome and charming. Even though his hair had been perfectly shaped with product,his bangs had found a way on his forehead.

I would love to stroke my hands through them.
I may be hallucinating but his eyes were sparkling the moment he saw me.He was just staring and mumbling something under his breath.
Yes I also wanted to clear out everything– whether I was interested in carrying whatever we had between us or not. But I am not sure myself.
My current priority is Ragini and Laksh’s marriage. I have to save their relationship first.
While I was wondering all this I noticed their was a confused and funny expression on Prateek’s face. He was looking at me amusingly.
“Are you sick in my love or have you went in a trance by my charm? I need not mention but you look gorgeous.”he said leaning in my ears and gently swaying to the slow and romantic track playing alongside.
I blushed and laughed my heart out.

Here I am dancing comfortably with my childhood bully, laughing and enjoying the moment and there stands at the corner one of my childhood crush suddenly interested in me just after his break up with his girlfriend.
Am I being paranoid or Sanskar is just considering me in place of Kavita? I wonder.
Is he using me as a rebound?
I heaved a sigh.

“Are you okay? Should we stop?” Prateek asks concerned.
“Oh no… I’m fine,just thinking about something.” I said as I focused all my attention back to him.
“I know Swara that you are really confused about something but remember all you have to do is to go with your instincts.”he said giving my hand an assuring squeeze.
We danced for a while when I noticed Tanuj all dressed up as groom to be in his crisp black blazer,talking with his friends and family ready to “marry”.

His sisters were teasing him and he was acting to blush.
That bastard!
I looked in Sanskar’s direction in an instance who was now talking to Kavita and Vani.
Vani gave me a mischievous smile while mouthing- ‘pretty.’
“Swara?”said Prateek in a serious tone “Is Ragini really going to elope today?”he asked concerned again,keeping his hand over my arm.
I held his hands in mine and replied -“No!” with a hint of mischief.
He looked at me astonished but didn’t ask anything.Then after a while gave me a beautiful smile which can melt several hearts.
“I trust you and I know whatever you are up to you’ll be great.”

“Watch me.”I said as I turned giving a smile and took a leave.
People like Tanuj boost my confidence. They are morally wrong and I know very well how to deal with them.
Here I come.
“Hey Swara wait.”said Sanskar pacing up to me.
I waited quite annoyed,keeping the hands on my waist.
“Why can I always find a frown on your face whenever we talk?”he said raking his hands through his hair.
“Because there is.”I said and started making my way to Ragini’s room.
I could hear him heaving an exaggerated sigh.
“You never learn,do you?” I heard him behind me.
In a spur of moment I suddenly heard his steps fastening as he stood before me blocking my way.
I gave him an annoyed look again keeping my hands over my waist.
My eyes were nearly going to pop out of their sockets when I realised the right edge of my ‘lehenga’ skirt was ripped off. It was loosening it’s grip around my waist.
I freaked out more when I saw guests coming over,while we were in the middle of the arena.
Without wasting any time Sanskar came and wrapped his arms around my waist.
I was nervous and very thankful to say anything.

“Don’t make it difficult for yourself, just keep walking and smile.”he said as we started walking through the crowd.
There were some pairs of eyes on us including Kavita, Vani and Prateek’s.
I could sense Sanskar smiling victoriously while securely holding my waist.
Prateek shifted his gaze abruptly and started scrolling through his phone.
Vani didn’t leave a chance to again give me a teasing look.

I found myself suddenly so interested in my toes.I kept my gaze low due to embarrassment.
I remembered the time when the strings of my blouse loosened and then too it was Sanskar who saved me. I blushed whilst remembering how he hugged me from back leading me securely to a secluded place.
‘Why do all the wardrobe malfunctions happen with me!?’
Once we were over one of the decorative bridges which was decorated with Chinese lanterns we stopped. I didn’t dare to utter a word. I was too embarrassed to say one.
I tightened my skirt while Sanskar was scrolling through his phone doing nothing. He was doing anything but looking in my direction.
Once I was done with my business, I attracted Sanskar’s attention by clearing my throat.
“Thank you.” I said nervously tucking hair behind my ear.
He nodded in return. There was this thickening awkwardness growing between us.
“I think this will be helpful.”said Sanskar searching for something in the pockets of his velvet coat.

I was really surprised when he produced a brown coloured box. A bow was dominating most of the cover of the sleek box.
I frowned when he passed it over to me.
“That face again.” I heard him mumbling.
“–it’s for you. I thought it will be a great… I mean best way to…umm…just take it already.”he completed nervously.
I held the small and sleek box hands and opened the lid.

I was gifted with a beautiful and sparkling silver waist band.
He was looking at me with expecting eyes to see my reaction.

“You didn’t need to…”I trailed off.
“Hush hush hush!!!.Just tell me how do you like it?”he asked patiently.
Like it? I love it.
“It’s really pretty.Thank you. But I’m not sure if I can except this…” I replied gratefully​.
“Swara please.”he pleaded with his eyes.
I was still adoring the delicate piece of work in my hands.
I didn’t realise when he had already covered the distance between us. He took the band in his hands and got down on his knees.

He swiftly circled his hands around my waist,his fingers brushing my skin. My body was on fire due to his touch when his cold hands were doing there business around my body.
He was tying the band quite seriously and covering the ripped area of the cloth.
I was on fire.
How can a person make you feel in such a way just by a mere touch!?
I was blushing really hard and couldn’t face him like that.
He stood again gave me a warming smile and left.
Hello lovely people at tellyupdates.

Please tell me how did you like this chapter? I love you guys<3 Please keep supporting me as you always do.
You may join me on wattpad.There I upload the story with interactive pictures and videos,I hope you willlove it<3


If I had to really tell something about myself why will I have a username like 'ccdkfc'.:p

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