Fan Fiction

The symphony of broken strings- A swaragini musical (Episode 1)

Hey wonderful readers !! Im back with the first episode and will give the character sketch in this episode.. ..As I said Im gonna make this a swasan and raglak ff..I’ll just give a brief intro of characters before we get into the story..

The story is set up in 1996.. A young pregnant lady of 23 delivers her first female baby in a reputed hospital in Chennai..The baby gave a new meaning to their life..The lady was sumi malhotra who married shekar a normal marketing executive.She married him out of love and eventhough it was an arranged marriage..their cultures and traditions always created a clash between their relatives and were keen in separating them..their child gave them a new hope for their future wellness and long run of their family life..When sumi was 6 months pregnant ,she began interacting with the foetus and inculcated good values.

As sumi was so young when she delivered her first child , she wanted to follow a strict upbringing..She named her daughter swara. As swara grew up , When children of her age used to play in sand , she used to read for her exams..She never ate outside food and due to sumi’s strict upbringing she never did anything without informing her mother..Sumi used to be very strict in her academics and every aspect of swara..There was never a day swara slept without scoldings or getting beaten up by sumi..She was 24×7 studying and grew upto be a school topper every year and swara herself became very interested in studies and grew up to be a perfect one in every aspect like dance,music ,academics..and sports even..

In 1998, sumi got conceived again by consent of shekar’s mom as she felt swara must need a sibling whom she can rely on and share her feelings with…But sumi was really uneasy because swara was really possessive on her …and how would she react on the new arrival in their family was really a nightmare..she started convincing and clearing swara’s doubts regarding her sibling..
Swara eventhough was happy she’s gonna get a sibling..she was A bit doubtful and hesitant of sharing her mom’s love with another one..eventhough she was her blood sister/brother..She wanted a brother and she wasn’t ready to accept a sister as she might share every thing of hers.. She however was mentally prepared to welcome her brother/sister..¬¬¬¬¬On february 22,1998 her sibling was born..probably an unlucky baby inspite of being admitted in a high mutispeciality hospital..Due to medical complications the hospital management feared for risks those times..and asked them to take her to any other hospital as her situation was critical and the child was a premature delivery..There by @ 2 am early morning against all her wishes swara was blessed with a sister..As everything doesn’t always happen according to our wish..when god has some plans.there’s nothing we can do about it..She was happy that her mom was safe and upset a bit as she got a sister..She didn’t wish this to happen for sure..but still after heavy convincing things said by her family she somehow changed her mind and began growing up her sister with lots of love like a second mother…That was one of the drastic change the gadodia family didn’t expect..Swara chose to name her sister ragini..when she first held her toy fingers..she was so immaculate and she wanted to kiss and hug her sister..but sumi adviced her that ragini should be only with elders as swara was too small to handle a child..That day she wrote her sisters name on her palm and her joy knew no bounds..
But after few months sumi who was always behind swara those days appeared a day dream to the young kid and she became close with her dadi, who used to make her situations and difficulties easier to solve..She started distancing herself from her family as the the couple started concentrating on raising the new kid..Of course she was a small kid..No one except her dadi understood how she must be feeling…Always the kid who used to sleep with her mother and father was distanced suddenly to a new room..She was scared of loneliness and darkness like every other kid of her age..She accompanied her dadi everywhere and she became inseparable from her..Eventhough there was a vaccum between swara and her parents..she loved her sister..Ragini was her doll and she loved her from her soul..

Ragini as a child loved her sister a lot and was an exact opposite pole of swara in her character..She was very easy to mingle,had a lot of friends, never obeyed her mom, the only person whom she listens to was her sister swara..

Swara had a lot of dreams @ the young age ,Once she saw her mom pledging her mangalsutar for getting money to pay swara’s school fees..Swara studied in one of the most reputed CBSE school where star kids used to study..Swara used to watch her mom sacrificing her basic needs for her studies nd future sake. She began to understand her mom’s goodwill behind her strict upbringing..But she never had good friends..which she yearned for..everyone just was jealous of her beauty and intelligence and they felt inferior so avoided becoming her friend. In the long run of her dreams her mother became her best friend and father was her role model and guide..

Swara topped state ranks in her board exams both in 10th and 12th ..while ragini made an average score..Swara gets a medical seat from one of the reputed colleges with a scholarship..while ragini takes up the third group in her +1.
But things start taking a different turn when destiny has something in store for the sisters..Can the broken strings produce symphony? Wait and watch in the second episode..

Precap: The story takes a leap of 2 years..

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