Take your life or give you my life. #Riansh OS Part 1

Hello guys. Here is a new os of mine. I hope you like it and enjoy it and do tell me your opinion on the comments and do comment so many comments.
So let’s start.
Riddhima was waiting for someone at a garden and empty place.

She was being in so much confidence as if she has got used in this type of meetings.
She was giving a sharp look to everything around her.
She was that strict girl who could do anything just for her motives and desires.
Of course she will just think about herself and her benefits as at the end she is a very professional assassin who doesn’t care about which life she will take it.
She just enjoy what she does and she doesn’t feel bad while doing that.
She was knowing that this meeting is just because she is going to have a new order with a new murder.
She was excited to know who will be the next soul that she will take it by her hand.
Afterwards, the man that she was waiting for him has arrived.
Riddhima: Welcome Mr. Vyom Arora. Finally you have came. I was waiting for you since a lot and of course you have heard about me and about how Riddhima Mehta doesn’t like to wait for anyone even if this person will be the one who will give her the new order. Riddhima Mehta has a very good and well known repetition in the mafia world. I have my own image sir who I doesn’t like anyone to break it. So I hope that this could never be repeated once again.
Vyom has looked at Riddhima in a surprised way.

Vyom: Impressive! You really have a very special attitude! You aren’t being scared from your boss and you are giving orders to me! That’s a new thing for me!
Riddhima has looked at Vyom in a strict way.

Riddhima: Hold on hold on. You are not my boss okay. There isn’t any person in the whole world that could be the boss of Riddhima Mehta. I’m the boss of my own self okay. I’m a free bird who there isn’t anyone in the universe that could be able to control me. You have to always remember this sir. Yes you are the one who is giving me the order to kill this new soul, but this doesn’t mean that you are my boss. I would never have any boss so please keep this in your mind while you are talking with me.
Vyom was impressed while seeing Riddhima’s attitude.

Vyom: Oh! Wild cat! I love wild cats. You have amazed me so much Miss Riddhima Mehta. I’m so happy to work with such a brave girl.
Riddhima( in a strict way): Can we please get into the point?! As I’m not having any time to waste it. Riddhima Mehta doesn’t like to waste her precious time without doing her work. So please tell me about the new target. Who is that new poor soul that has written on his/ her fate to be killed by the hand of the most professional assassin Riddhima Mehta.
Vyom has gotten a picture from his pocket.
Vyom: Its his not her as your new target is a man.
He has given her the picture of that man.
Riddhima has looked so deeply at the man’s picture.

Vyom: This is your target. Vansh Rai Singhania.
Riddhima has looked at Vansh’a picture in a smiling way.

Riddhima: Oh! The hot Vansh Rai Singhania! Interesting! I have heard a lot about him as he has a very good reputation in the business filed. I have also heard about his hotness and his attractive look! It will be a very interesting thing to me that his soul will be taken by me. The fun starts when the soul that will be taken by me is that hot soul as the work for me now will be more fun and interesting.
Riddhima has winked at Vyom.
Vyom has smiled from Riddhima’s attitude.

Vyom: Oh! What an attitude man?! Professional assassin and having a naughty behaviour at the same time?! So impressive thing! So you have the green card to do anything with Vansh Rai Singhania just to fulfill my order and kill him. You just have 48 hours to kill him. You have to work fast and see what you will do just to kill Vansh Rai Singhania. By the way, this file is owing on it everything you could need it to know about Vansh Rai Singhania and it could help you in knowing how you will kill him.
Vyom has given the file to Riddhima.
Riddhima: The deal is done sir. Don’t worry even before the 48 hours this hot soul will get to meet God. Actually, I have to use his hotness before ending his life of course you understand what I mean.
Vyom has smiled from that special attitude that Riddhima owns it.
Then Riddhima has left him to start implanting her plan to kill Vansh.
Riddhima’s POV starts:
I don’t panic or worry at all when I have a new target. I always know how to take anyone’s soul in a very calming way. I know how to manage playing with others minds and then kill them.
I don’t prefer killing someone from the back. I always prefer killing while I’m facing the person while looking at his/ her eye.
Actually, I have a habit to kill my target in a very special way especially when this target is a male not a female more specifically when this male is a hot man.
I didn’t got able to meet hot guys a lot at my life so Vansh Rai Singhania is a special case for me so I have to give him a special death like him.
I always like to make the hot men that die by my hand enjoy for some time before their death and this what I’m master on it and I know how I will do that now.
I have got to know everything about Mr. Attractive Rai Singhania.
I have got a way now to meet with it Mr. Vansh Rai Singhania and finish with it my mission.
So now the mission of killing the hottest Vansh Rai Singhania starts.
So excited to meet you and take your life with my hand Mr. Attractive Rai Singhania.
Riddhima’s POV ends.
There was a huge business party at one of the fancy hotels.
The special guest of this party was Vansh Rai Singhania.
Afterwards, Vansh has reached to the party with so many bodyguards.

He has entered the party in a very swag way.

He was owing that special and unique way that could impress anyone very easily.
Vansh’s POV starts:
I’m always getting used to this type of parties.
I have always got used to be that appreciated and be that busy in business matter and during business parties.
I always hoped that I could find that warm hug that I could be relaxed and happy being on it.
I wish that I could find my true love that could make me forget all the pain and struggles that I have suffered from it at the past while making this VR empire.
I wish that I could find this special girl one day.
Vansh’s POV ends.
While Vansh was being at the party, he has crushed with Riddhima when she has entered the party.
Vansh has kept staring at her since he has seen her.

He was staring at her so much and he wasn’t wanting to remove his eyes from her.
Vansh’s POV starts:
I didn’t have imagined that I will fall that easily for a girl from the first time I could see her.
I wasn’t expecting that I will meet such a beautiful girl at this boring party.
When she has crushed on me, I didn’t has got any chance to stop staring at her.

Her beauty has really made me lose all my senses.
She was like an angel.
She was looking so hot and beautiful.
The very hot red dress that she was wearing it was giving her a very s*xy look.

I have sank in her beauty so much.
I was taking the advantage of that crush that has made us be very close to each other.

I was feeling familiar to her and I wasn’t wanting to be away from her.
I didn’t have imagined that I will fall in love in that very short time.
I have fallen for this Mermaid.
Vansh’s POV ends.
Riddhima has got succeeded in making Vansh fall for her magical beauty from the first meet.
She was smiling in a hide way.
Riddhima to herself: Riddhima’s magical beauty is always being succeeded in taking all the minds of the hot men. So welcome in the trap of Riddhima Mehta Mr. Vansh Rai Singhania.
Then she has acted innocent.
Riddhima: I’m really sorry Mr. Vansh. I didn’t have noticed you when I have crushed on you.
Vansh has looked at her in a surprising way.

Vansh: Interesting, very interesting! You already know my name!!! This is a very impressive thing!
Riddhima: Come on Mr. Vansh how I couldn’t be knowing a very famous person like you especially that I’m on a party that you are the special guest of it which your picture is being putted at the entrance of it with a very huge frame so how I couldn’t be knowing a very famous and hot man like you.
She has looked at him in a way that could make her be sure that she has taken his heart with it.

He has smiled a cute smile at her.

Vansh: Interesting, very interesting! It is the first time to me to see a girl to be the one who starts flirting! Impressive! I have liked it!
She didn’t has concentrated on anything Vansh was saying it after she has seen his smile.
She was staring at him very very much.

She wasn’t understanding what was happening with her.
She just wasn’t able to stop staring at him.
Riddhima to herself: Riddhima, what is happening with you?! You are here to just finish your mission. You aren’t here for anything else. You are here to make Vansh be the one who fall for you so you could make your mission easier. You are here just to enjoy for some time and do your habit which is taking souls nothing more than that. So wake up and concentrate on your work. You are just an assassin so do your job and leave.
She has looked at Vansh in a stable way.
Then she has got close to him to take his heart more and more.

Riddhima: Riddhima Mehta doesn’t like to waste any single moment Mr. Vansh. I always like to get into the point directly. Life is very short so I don’t want to waste it without enjoying so much and do all what I want. So what is the reason that could make me hide what I feel?! Especially when it is a common feeling as I could notice that you like me so much as you didn’t have removed your eye from me since we have met. So what is the need to hide it?! We don’t know if this night will be repeated once again or not. We don’t know where we will be the next day. Who knows if we will be at this world the next day or not?! So let’s not waste this night.
She has winked at him.
Vansh to himself: You have made me fall for you Riddhima just by the first moment I have seen you on it. I will not make this night pass without being so close to you. I will never make you be away from me my angel.
Afterwards, Vansh and Riddhima have gotten out from the party.
They were holding each other’s hands while they were walking.
They have decided to enjoy the night alone.
This what Riddhima was planing so that’s why she has booked a room at the hotel.
She was happy that she has succeeded in her plan and she has made Vansh fallen for her.
Riddhima to herself: Now the enjoyment part of my work has started. This night will be so special for us Mr. Vansh. I will never leave a hot guy like you. I promise you that I will make you so happy at this night as this will be the last night in your whole life and I have to make you so relaxed before taking your soul.
They have went to Riddhima’s room while Vansh was lifting her.

Riddhima was feeling something special while she was being near Vansh, but she wasn’t able to accept it.
She was just concentrating on her mission.
They have got so close to each other by starting dancing together.

Vansh and Riddhima were dancing while being so close.

Vansh was being sure to be very very close to Riddhima by holding her in a very romantic way.

He wasn’t wanting to leave her.
He was just wanting to feel her breathes.

He wasn’t imagining how he has loved her in that short time.
He was being involved in her magical beauty.

He was very attached and connected to her.
He was being sure to make her so near to him while dancing.

Riddhima was also being very attached to him.

She wasn’t understanding what was happening to her
She didn’t has felt that attached to a man before.
She didn’t has got influenced by a man’s hotness in that much.
She was always making men fall for her not the opposite.
She wasn’t accepting that she could has owned that special feeling to Vansh in that short time.
She was just staring at him so much while they were dancing.

She has forgotten that she is the greatest assassin who just supposed to kill Vansh after this night would end.
Riddhima to herself: No Riddhima. You can’t forget who you are. You can’t be that weak. Control yourself. It is just an enjoyable night no more than that. This night isn’t carried on it any feelings from your side. You are just making him fall for you and you can’t fall for him. You are always getting used in taking lives not giving lives Riddhima, but I don’t know how he has made me that attached to him. What you have done with me Vansh Rai Singhania?! I supposed to just take your life, but why I feel that I just want to give you my life. Am I here to take your life or give you my life?! You have made me so confused!!
Riddhima has forgotten all her confusion and she has left herself to Vansh.

She was just leaving him be very close to her.
Then she has got more and more closer to him.

She was being close to him in a very hot way.
She has seated on his lap and she has got very close to him.

He also was being close to her by touching her in a very hot and romantic way.
Then Riddhima has pushed him into the bed and she has got above him.

He has got more closer to her and they have got intimate.
They have crossed all the limits between them.
They have spent a very hot night together.
At morning, Riddhima has waked up while Vansh was still sleeping by making her so close to him.

She was staring so much at Vansh and sinking on him.
At that moment, Riddhima has got a message from Vyom.
The message was written on it:
“Don’t forget that you just have wasted 24 hours and now you just have 24 hours to kill Vansh Rai Singhania. You are so near to kill him now so don’t waste more time and don’t make that night could forbid you from what you have supposed to do it. You know what you could face if you didn’t have fulfilled this deal. Remember that your whole reputation could be destroyed immediately. So do your mission fast”
Riddhima has just stared at Vansh after she has read this message.
Riddhima to herself: You have to kill Vansh Riddhima. You can’t destroy your career for just a night. I have to kill you Vansh before this day could end.












The end of the first part of this os. I hope you have liked it and enjoyed it guys. I wasn’t expecting that it will be more than one part, but while I was writing it I felt that there are so many stuff that I have to mention it so that’s why I felt that it could need another part. So tell me how it was guys. So let’s see what will happen in the next part. Don’t forget your comments guys and please do comment so many comments as all your comments and support is the thing that encourages me to write more os episodes. Your respond on this os is what will make me know when I will write the next part. I will be waiting for all of yours so many comments so I could be encouraged to update more os episodes and update the next part soon. So please guys keep supporting me the way you are doing. Please guys don’t forget your feedback in the comment section below.


A very obsessed fan of immj2. Enjoy writing so much and I hope that I could publish my own novel one day and be a famous writer.

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