Tale As Old As TIme ~> The Journey And The Progress<~

Riddhima’s POV

My next whole week was spent in training and getting a hold of Mr. Grumpy Raisinghania’s schedule. But I got familiar with it. His bodyguard, Angre, whom I call ‘bro’, trained me… He said I was a natural and that I learn quickly.

I woke up before sunrise in the morning, ran around the entire mansion area, got ready, had my breakfast with Siya, Alden, and Olivia and organized Sir’s schedule.

Then I followed him to his meetings or trained whenever there was no other work, so my lunch was indefinite. Sometimes I had lunch with him, sometimes with Bro or sometimes at home with the my gang. And once I didn’t have any lunch at all.

By evening time, me and Sir wrap up everything and get back. Daadi being the sweetest person she is, prepares snacks for us. Then we retire to our rooms before dinner. I use the gym sometimes or Siya’s library… DAMN that girl has AMAZING collection!! Or I play with Alden and Olivia in the backyard lawn.

I barely interacted with the other family members or staff. After Dinner, Siya, Bro, Me and our cuties watch a movie together and then the others go to sleep while I grab a book and go for a late night walk. Like the first time I saw this place.

This mansion has a very special aura. Siya told me that it was her birth mother who designed this place. They told me that Anupriya Raisinghania, her step-mother, who is the b word according to Siya (and me, frankly! She’s very rude!), married their father despite knowing that he only loved her sister and always will. She had suggested that if they married, Vansh and Siya would get a mother and Ishani, a father. But she never intended to actually give her love to Vansh or Siya. They were brought up by their grandmother.

All Anupriya wanted was enough money to raise her own kid. Ishani was demanding and Anupriya gave in to her every wish. She turned into a typical spoiled child. From what I gathered, both mother-daughter duo take very high regard of their high stature in society. They made it very clear from the first day that I to strictly follow Sir’s orders and not meddle in their life.

Chacha and Chachi were polite and sweet, they didn’t exactly show their dislike for me, but I know that they don’t like the fact that Sir owns everything and I work for him. So, at one point, they will stop faking it and show their true face.

Aryan is another matter altogether. He is live-and-let-live kind. He parties, has fun, works, and earns, on his own basis. He didn’t want to follow into the family ‘business’. He wanted to go for the IT, so he works somewhere else but helps out Sir occasionally.

Like he did 3 days back. Sir asked me to visit Aryan and bring him a phone in his possession along with some other papers. He sent Bro with me and asked us to be extra careful. When I asked what was so important in that phone that sir himself interfered, bro asked me to stay away from this matter saying it’s dangerous. I tried to argue but you know, he behave so much like a typical protective brother, it’s hard to convince him of anything!

They haven’t involved me in the illegal stuff yet (which I am grateful for) because my training isn’t complete. I am curious as to how things work but I didn’t question much because as much normal as he acts, I know my boss is a very dangerous person and I mustn’t push too hard.

Which brings me to today… Today, Sir was in a very angry mood because he had a big business deal in Paris which the other party postponed. He was so pissed, he skipped her breakfast. Which made him even more angry. He gets very cranky with an empty stomach. Then, I quickly prepared a sandwich for him, which he finally ate after much much argument in the car. By the time we reached the office, he was almost okay when Ahaana came in with another bad news.

The Paris deal was cancelled.

That was the last straw for him. He asked me to dig out all older cases, controversies,etc. related to that company. Anything that would give us an upper hand over them. I understood perfectly what he was doing. In simple words, he was going to blackmail them into selling their company shares to him at the minimum price possible and then he would ruin the company and make it go bankrupt.

And honestly, I don’t know how… but he somehow manage to do this in one day. One long, tiresome day for me, bro and him but in ONE DAY!! He ruined a company in one day!!

It only shows how dangerous he is. Everyone in the family either fear him or adore him. Honestly, there’s nothing adorable about him, but who am I to judge… I’ve barely know him for a week.

But he is the most obnoxious, arrogant, bossy-boots I’ve ever met!!

Well, he is my boss… but still!!

Great! Now I’m thinking about him even in my alone time! What is even wrong with you, Riddhima!? This is a beautiful night, there are magnificent trees here, plush grass, gentle wind, and you are thinking of a person who already occupies your brain during your working hours? Get yourself together, girl! He’s a very dangerous man!

Well, he is a handsome man…

FOCUS! Riddhima! Focus! He’s your boss and you despise him!

Vansh’s POV

I was in my room, I took of my suit and lay on the bed, staring at the ceiling.

I got changed, thought of eating something, then thought I won’t die if I don’t have my dinner for one day.

This has been a tiresome day, though. Taking down a company is not a small task. And in one day? Definitely not! But the way Riddhima managed it was commendable. I didn’t expect such hard work from her. She has that goal oriented mindset… She never wavers from her path once  she sets her mind to it. Definitely a beauty with brains. She absolutely loves reading. She reads in her free time and reads at night too. I watch her when I go on my night walks to the forest. Always with a book in her hands and walking barefoot on the lawn.

Frankly, I am unable to let that image out of my mind. It’s utterly haunting and heavenly beautiful.

It’s a very creepy thing to do, I know… I’m basically stalking her but… I can’t help it. She has become an irreplaceable part of my life within a week. Which is not good. So, I didn’t go on a walk tonight.

I’m just sitting in my room, working, ’til I feel sleepy. And yet, she doesn’t leave my thoughts. Damn this girl!! My emotions are all going haywire!!

Today, every little thing was making me angry. And yet, she managed everything perfectly. It’s like she knows me since years. It’s very scary, to be honest. She knew that I get very pissed when I don’t have my breakfast but I don’t have my breakfast when I’m hungry. So, she prepared me a sandwich and ate my head until I ate it. She’s so stubborn.

Okay, Vansh, delete the last 5 minutes of your thought process. That never happened. Good, now go to sleep!


I’m going on a walk. It’s not like she’ll see me anyways! I’ll just go, walk around a bit, and come back. I won’t stare at her.

Nope! Nuh uh! I definitely won’t!


There's "if" in life and there's "fun" in funeral *Moody Person Alert*

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