Fan Fiction

A tale of love by Farin (Shivika ss) Chapter 2

Hello everyone.Today I am with chapter 2

Anika P.O.V-

Before boarding off the chopper,I had the view of the ‘Dlinze Forest’ overhung in the air.I oversaw the place covering maximum areas of the whole site.We were 10 people with us for the process.For the excavation process,I have suggested those officers to keep the whole place in their surveillance.

We had approximately only 5 minutes in hand and then we are gonna land in the middle of the forest by parasuit.Its only Me and my mate,shivay whom I chose to be my assistant who are gonna have the ride.Our rest of the member has already reached the place starting their trekking.It’s supposedly clek’s idea that we all would get split out in different areas and search for the 90 feet long deepest cave inside which the ‘Rare diamond’ is allegedly situated.And now the difficulty is there are so many caves in this Dlinze forest and finding out the perfect one is not gonna be easy.And we have only one month in hand.And I have to bear the most disgusted time with my assistant,shivay who is supposed to be with me all the time.We have a tracking device and a Wi-Fi to connect with the rest of the member.

“Get ready guyz,the chopper will delay here only 5 minutes.Be ready with your parasuits”,The pilot had clearly spoke about our landing and I started preparing my things.

I looked down noticing my position in the air.It is so down.Huhhhh!! Its been my 109th project on such horrific areas and I am still afraid of height.Oh Goddddd!!!! How will I pass the 980 feet distance between the air and the jungle land?Its not gonna be my cup of tea.I was in bunch of confusion.

I saw shivay all prepared with his parasuit on and giving a thumbs up sign to the pilot.The pilot is now waiting for my yes sign to stop the chopper.No,I can’t jump….What will I do?Also I cant leave the project at any cost.

I am sweating like hell.I was just inciting the string of parasuit in nervousness.I vaguely waved my hand to the pilot giving him a yes sign.But how will I jump now?

“Are you okay?”Shivay asked me very gently.He might have noticed my uneasiness.I was behaving very unprofessionally since long.I had to behave myself.

“None of your business”.I answered him ruthlessly.I didn’t want to be open up to him.My weakness is my biggest strength and I didnt want that to loose before him.

I looked sideways giving him a blank look.I knew the role wasn’t gonna be easy but I didnt have any other option.Hadn’t I really had?

Its time to land.I tightened my grip on my parasuit.But my leg is not moving at all.Here pilot has started his countdown and my time is running up. But I was standing there like a mannequin.Suddenly I felt a immediate drag in my hand pushing me to the air.I shouted,


I could see nothing in the air and just boomed on the land.It was hell terrific for me.I was lying in the floor of clay and water sighing heavily.Suddenly I realized his hand on mine.

I shouted at him,”Are you out of your mind,shivay?Is this the way to drag someone.I would have died…”

He didnt let me finish,”So were you not in a plan to land?”

I was dumstruck by his question.Was I really supposed to land?If he didnt drag me, how would I just do that?I thanked him in mind.But the thank was not supposed to come out at all.

“Its nothing like that.But sudden action sometimes diverts your mind.And you have diverted my mind.”I took the matter in hand by saying out of the track answer.

I jerked my hand from his bandaged one that got hurt while saving me yesterday and got up.Suddenly I realized that the area where we were,didnt match with our Map.I got panicked.

“What happened?”Shivay asked me seeing a worried look in my face.

“Dammm!! we are at wrong place.I told you not to drag me like that.We have landed on wrong place.” I vented all my angers on him.He was really at fault that moment.I couldn’t think of anything else them.I was so lost.

He took the map from my hand and observed it for a while and then looked at me,

“Relax,Its not a big deal.We are only 3 miles away from the middle point of this jungle and it’s perfectly alright.You just calm down please.”He said those so easily.

Really?Not a big deal!! Was he trying to relax me or spark me more to a big fight??

I snapped at him,”Did you come here for a picnic?3 miles?Is it only for you?I cant waste my time in this 3 miles ,okay?”My words didnt affect him and hence I continued further,

“Oopss …What am I doing?I am making you understand the value of time who doesnt even know what the time actually is.Huhh!! I am such a duffer,right? A loser like you can never value time.My Badness!!!”,I frowned at him.

He still stayed in his calm attire.He was so vivid that the dull jungle coudnt have subsided him.

“Can we keep our personal fight beside and have the walk,please?”He said.

So,he understood that I was really indicating our personal issues.He understood his flaw,yet sunsided it in a plain way.Avoiding his eye contact,I started walking to the right.

“Anikaaa”, He shouted from behind.
“How many times do I need to tell you to not call me by name?”I replied not looking back.

“Sorry,mam.But the thing is You took the wrong way.We need to follow the left.”,his words made me conscious of my mistake.But I couldn’t show him that.

“Yeah..I know, no need to tell me.I was just checking the right side view,okay?”

“Okay,mam”‘he said while smiling slightly.That made me more angry.I went upto him.

“Hey,you,why are you laughing?Stop showing your teeth to me.”I kind of ordered him.But my words didnt effect him.He started laughing more vigoursly.

I wanted to say more.But his such vivid,joyful laugh made me so lost in him.I hated myself for being so effected by his smile,but couldn’t stop from being a apathetic then.Everything had changed.But his smile..Nah!! Not at all.He Still brights up like a sun.
His smile brought a blush in my cheeck.

Precap:Shivay to get hurt.Anika to care for him.Some light moments between them and Anika’s evil plan to show up.

So,peeps love is still on between them.And the secret also.I hope you guyz haven’t stop guessing about their past.It will be revealed soon.I am sorry for a short update as I am busy with my exam.Dlinze is really one of the dangerous and darkest forests in Africa.So,peeps get hold your hearts to the whole journey.Comments needed



I am a hopeless dreamer??

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