Frndzz!!!R U Ready?
Om opens his PalePink Eyes…n “Hello” A voice on his back…A girl’s..
Om turns…
At a sec,Her(Ishaana’s) feather ear rings waves on air…
The childrens,people in bus who r watching Om’s magic too sees her..
Juliet’s Intro…(Ishaana)
In moonlight,The Bus travels in a curved road…In bus,
Juliet’s Voice”Hello”..
Om slowly turns n see..
His hands drop the card(JokerCard) while seeing…
Om (sharp eyes) see her ..By removing left headphone….
Ishaana(again):”Hello..”..(Her eyes only on Screen)
Om sees above …slowly..
Pinkish Frock,White TShirt,Greenish EarRings..Her Lips..
(On screen like TV promo for TV show)..
In Om’s pale pink eyes,A small girl’s face slowly appears..
Om:”Shsh..”(by sign in his fingers)..
Om:”Come Near..I luv childrens”..
From Behind Ishaana’s frock,A Cutie girl sees him with fear…
Ishaana(with a thinking sees him)….(Only her eyes r on screen)
Cutie had Big Eyes, n wore Pink TSh,White Frock…BT seems high fear…
The people sees them..with a qstn”Om is speaking with ?”…
Om opens his right hand..n A Pink Rose appears slowly….On the screen Rose is seen in straight for Om’s eyes..
“Peigal Unai kandu Odi Oliyum Chandra Mugaa Nee”(U R Moon Faced Romeo which makes The Ghosts fear)(Theme on BG)..
It looks like Om is giving rose to Ishaana..
Cutie slowly comes from Ishaana’s behind…
N come near Om..n takes the Rose..n smile..
Om’s fingers touch her head..
” R U still with Ur Sister,Zia?”..
Childrens are in statue mode..while seeing Rose is on air..All too..thinks “Is tiz Om’s magic too?”
Ishaana’s lips…(shock):”Zia…??”
Her EarRings…
Her face slowly appears on Screen(Frndzz,here the story is narrating as a TV promo for TV show)..
CutieZia(nods her head) :”S”..n smiles…
Om(smile):”But I think Ur Sis didn’t believe my Magic”..
Ishaana (again sees Om)(think):”Now I believe”…
Om see Ishaana:”Tanqq (smile)…
N turns
Om:”Cuties,Go to sleep”..
The childrens stand n go to their seats..
Om walks towards steps n sit in it..
Cutie stands in the same place where Om was there..
CutieZia slowly comes..Ishaana too..
Zia sit near Om..
Om wave his fingers n said “Sleep well,Rohan”..(without seeing)
The last seat boy Rohan (near opposite of the steps) smile..” Gudnyt Om”..
Om again make wave in his hands towards the Sky..
Ishaana (kneel n see out)(big eyes):”I wish to see my Sister”..
Zia(big eyes) see Ishaana…
Om take a pink crayon from his jerkin n give tat to Ishaana…
In the Sky,Constellation of Hunter appears slowly..(Its by Om’s wave)…
Om see the constellation..
The hunter constellation aims Om by its arrow…
The arrow comes towards him…
Ishaana(shock):”OMG..Is he truly a magician or “…
Some people in window seats too watch…n surprised..
Om catch the arrow ..Arrow disappears…
Om smiles…
His watch ” TringTring”…
-|π @ ¥ $ |π @ π
On next…
Om is sleeping on top of the bus….N ?
Tanqq Frndzz..Very happiiee to see Huge support from U all..Hope U like tiz frndzz..
The story’s line is on The nxt…
Kindly write ur thoughts after readingg Frndzz….
Take Care Frndzz…
Awwww….a suprrb intro of ishu……is he dreaming???? nyc onee dear…

Tanq Dear..Itz Real..!! Om is supernatural Magician..!!!!
Lovely dear…
Tanq Dear..
I was in hurry dear so I couldn’t read ur new ff but I read promo its different and new. episode is lovely but I am confused and couldn’t understand it and its my fault dear but ur portrayal of om being a magician is very new
Tats K Dear..Surely I ll make Simple one in next…
now I understood dear but make clear its somewhat confusing and am sry if I hurted u saying this
I too feel the Epi’s complex as a reader while writing Hunter Constellation..Bt ??I strted with intro as Supernatural Magician..Its K Dear..I ll Sure remodify….
Thank.u so much u took it in a postivi way and I would love to read next part??
Sorryyy. Dear.I m unable to give the nxt part Today for our frndzz..The new next part or the next Epi’s journey starts on Tom..?
Episode is nice n innovative… But plz simplify if possible….
Tanq Anu..Sure..A new Somple Story on the way..Now
Sorry..Anu..Typo pblm..