Hey guys…. Thanks for ur sweet cmnts nd Support… Guys sorry for the late update actually I was suffering from an eye infection so that’s why I wasn’t able to upload it sooon….. Doctor had told me to not use much phn so that’s why…. I m really sorry guys
part 21
Next whole day went in shopping nd packing…. Now finally the day had come they all left for the airport…..
@ DELHI Airport
As it was International flight so they all arrived their 3 hrs before the flight actual time…
Sandhya Nirmala Kiran Rakesh NK nd Pawan all of them were sitting together nd discussing something….
Nairan, Meghnal nd Simeer all were sitting together with Vishal with them then suddenly a very beautiful girl enters waiving her hands saying Hii to Nairan nd Simeer…… She was none other than Harshita Naina’s Best friend…. Vishal was mesmerized by her beauty he was just looking at her…. Love at first sight….
Harshita came towards them
Harshita- Sorry yrrr…. I know I m lil late…
Naina pretending to be angry….
Harshita – Achha ji… Ok then I will not give ur gifts to you
Naina (excitingly) – Gifts!!!!
Harshita – Dekha…. I know you were just pretending to be angry
Naina lightly punched on Harshita’s arms… Nd all of them laughed…
Naina hugged Harshita Karan Simran nd Veer too hugged her
Naina Introduction her to Everyone..
Naina (pointing towards Meghna) – She is my didu…. Meghna didu…..
Harshita – Hii…. U know what I have listened a lot about uh from Nainu… Can I too call you didu…
Meghna (put her hand on her face) – Why not…. U r too like my lil sister…. She hugged her
Naina – He is my jiju…. Kunal
Harshita – Hii Jiju….
Kunal – Hii my new pretty sali…..
They all laughed
Naina – He is Vishal bhaiyu
Vishal (in his mind) – Pls don’t call me Bhaiya please……
Harshita – Hlo…..
Vishal (Relaxed) – Hii
Then Naina Introduced her to NK Nirmala… Sandhya Rakesh nd Kiran Pawan…. Harshita Joined her hands
Harshita – Namaste…
Nirmala (put her hand on Harshita’s head) – U r really very sweet…
Harshita Smiled….
Harshita too sat with all youngsters…. Beside Vishal…
Vishal was continuously looking at her lovingly…. She was laughing nd talking to Naina, Karan Simran, Meghna, Veer nd Kunal….. NK noticed Vishal nd understood everything
NK – Nirmala ji look at our son….
Nirmala – Why??? What happened…
NK – Areeee baba look na….
Nirmala looked at Vishal nd then she smiled
Nirmala – Ohk…. So our Vishal is suffering from the disease called love…
NK (smiled) Yes voh bhi…. Love at first Sight…. Highly dangerous
They both laughed
Nirmala – Yes we have to do something….. So Mr. NK the Love guru tell me what we can do for both of them…
NK – Nirmala bachha… I think we have to wait a little….
Nirmala laughed nd hugged NK
Nirmala – They look good together..
NK – Hmmmmm
Nirmala – But….. U r correct we have to wait…. Because we know that our Vishal likes her but Harshita’s opinion is must…
NK nodded…..
Finally they all were in the flight….. Meghnal sat together as well as Simeer… Sandhya,Nirmala nd Kiran the trio were sitting together behind them NK, Rakesh nd Pawan all three of them were sitting
Daddu was sitting with Khyati. Naina was sitting alone then Karan nd Harshita decided to sit with her…..
Harshita – I’ll sit with Nainu…
Karan listened that
Karan – Harshita…. Listen please I wanna sit with Naina….
Harshita – Ohoooooo Karan….oops sorry mere hone wale jiju…. No I’ll not let you sit with Nainu….
Karan – please (makes his face like a innocent child)
Harshita – Laughed….. Ok ok… But I have a condition
Karan – Every Condition is accepted saali sahiba…. But what is the condition….
Harshita – Aapko apni saali ko party dene hogi jisme sab hoge…. masti hogi in Greece… Done
Karan – Ok Done….. I’ll organize a theme beach cocktail party
Harshita smiled….
Karan went nd sat with Naina…..
Harshita went nd sat with Vishal……. Nd they both passed a smile to each other…
Thanks for reading guys…. I m really sorry guys for this late nd small update but my eyes are really hurting so please forgive me….. Something interesting is going to come so please stay tuned…… Nd please forgive me
Hey guys please please please please help me…. I really need ur help please tell me if you have to choose a dress from the below two dresses…. 1 for wearing in ur friend sangeet nd other one in marriage please tell me which dress you have chosen for both the occasions…. I love both but I am not able to choose b/w them…. Actually perfect occasion for them…. Which dress on marriage which dress on sangeet please do cmnt nd tell meeee please
Dress 1-https://www.instagram.com/p/BOb-G92gIPt
Dress 2 –
So guys please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please tell me which dress is best for which occasion
awesome ep I didn’t notice that u update late since me too also suffer from cold and slept whole day
love the all dresses hard to choose. my finals are,
this on for the wedding https://www.instagram.com/p/BS0q38Tlu5K/
and this one for the sagneeth
Thanks for this awsm cmnt but ur dresses are not visible…… Will you please tell me them as dress 1 or 2 please…. Or please just send me that links again…. Thanks for ur sweet cmnt ? ?
Oops sorry threemaimai its opening (some technical fault of uc) both the dresses are quite good but but I wanna choose it from these two
Dress 1 –
Dress 2 –
Hope u’ll answer soon…. ? ? ? ?
then dress 2 for the sangeeth
1 for the wedding
Thanks for your help
I guess you should go for the green one on sangeet! Coz green colour shows happiness and truthfulness and the pink colour adds to the happiness!
The blue one shpuld be for the wedding as it indicates togetherness and peace of mind!
I really hope so because I have been into this thing from long!
Its just a suggestion else everything depends on you!
Thank u Soooooo much komal…. A perfect logic love It….. ? ? ? ? ?
OMG loved the chapter! Really looking forward to the next part! Vishals love story coming our way!
Also I think dress 1 for sangeet and Dress 2 for wedding! I really really ? dress 2! Looks so pretty! You have great choice! Once again awesome update! ??
Also feel better soon!
make sure you rest!
Thank us Soooooo much dii ?….. Thanks di for ur advice…. I m in love with both the dresses……. Hope u’ll like next episode too nd all the outfits which are going to come ?… Thanks for ur unconditional support dii
I m much better now but I don’t know whether I will be able to post it daily or not… Tomorrow I have to go to my doctor so he will tell the condition so hopefully I’ll be able to post daily…. Thanks for ur sweet cmnt ? keep reading ?
Cute Naina! Cute Karan!? I love Vishal and Khyati so much!
Take care of yourself and don’t strain your eyes too much. Don’t worry about giving us late updates! I would love this dress for the wedding:
And this for the Sangeet:
Get well soon!?
Hey Naina thanks for ur sweet cmnt…. Nd thanx for ur advice… I’ll definitely do what you want…. Vishal nd Harshita’s love story will be dramatic one so stay tuned

Hi…… aarzu di missed u and u r chapter in loved the chapter the chapter was just awesome and fabulous can’twait to read the next chapter and u r fabulous writer and as I told story is becoming more interesting day by day I love it .Aw….! Vishal love story nice yaar post next chapter as soon as possible. Eager to read the next chapter
Hii Juveria…. I hope I’ll be able to post next part soon please keep reading nd thanks for such a sweet cmnt ? ? ?