Fan Fiction



Recap: ragini and sanskaar became one… .

The Sunrays falls on our heavenly couple who are sleeping in each other’s embrace with a comforter over them……

Ragini slowly opens her eyes as the rays touched her skin. Her head was spinning like anything, hangover u know…… She tried to get up but was unsuccessful… She looked at her side and was hell shocked to see sanskaar sleeping next to her with his arm around her waist…..


Wht the hell is he doing in my room that to with me. …..??? Wait a sec… This is not my room. ……. Ghosh…. This headache….. And. …… ( she looks inside the comforter..) no no… This can’t happen……. I and he. ….. No….. Never…… Wht the hell happened last night???? No….. How can I do this????????

She has tears in her eyes but looking at sanskaar’s cute smile, a small smile crept on her face……

Feeling wetness on his arm sanskaar slowly opened his eyes only to find his lady love crying in his embrace. He immediately got up and cupped her face..

Sanskaar: ragini…… Y r u crying???

Ragini: sanskaar…. My head is paining. …

Sanskaar: yeah my head too…. I guess v got drunk last night….. But that night was the best night of my life……… Finally I got my love.. …. I love you ragini…..

He looks at her caressing her cheek with his thumb. She looks at him emotionally and then hugs him tightly……


I never wanted to love you sanskaar but….. I love……. I love you too sanskaar…… But I shouldn’t hv done that… Now wht will happen??? God. Y u hv to give me pain always and happiness to him and his family…. Y???

She cries hugging him….. Sanskaar gets worried..

Sanskaar: ragini y r u crying?? I know v hv crossed our limits but don’t worry I’ll marry u… I want you as my friend as my wife…….

Ragini: its nothing like that sanskaar……

Sanskaar: Then wht???

Ragini: nothing. ……

She frees herself from his embrace, takes her clothes and goes to washroom… He sits there thinking. .


Wht happened to her now??? N she’s not even telling….. Oh god…. I hope maine nashe mein kuch zyada na kar diya ho…. But I love her yaar n thats the truth n i’ll never leave her. ……… N for marrying I need to agree dad and mom…. N for that v need to go to India asap…………

Ragini comes out after getting fresh. She smiles weakly at sanskaar. He gets up and comes near her… She looks down.

Sanskaar: ragini….

Ragini ( still looking down ): hmm…..

Sanskaar ( making her look up by holding her chin): look into my eyes and say….. Are u feeling guilty of wht v did last night????

Ragini ( monologue ): I don’t know… .. I know I shouldn’t hv done that which I did but guilt is not the right word for my situation….. I’m confused…… I don’t know wht to do…

Sanskaar: ragini……..

She looks into his eyes to find love, honesty, care which she was finding from last ten years in someone’s eyes for her…….. Without thinking she hugged him tightly and sobbed….. Sanskaar caressed her hair consoling her hair…….

Sanskaar: ragini…. Bacha…. Don’t cry pls…. Otherwise I’ll die with the guilt that I made u cry and……

Ragini: no sanskaar….. Pls don’t say like that…. I can’t loose more persons in my life…. I hv Already lost many….

Sanskaar: Then don’t cry na…. I can’t see u like this….. Acha listen…. ( he breaks the hug and cups her face….) i’ll go now and we’ll go to India tomorrow itself and we’ll meet ur and my parents and will marry……

Hearing the words parents something broke in her heart and her eyes became red and deadly……. She clenched her fist ✊ ….. But still controlling herself and trying to sound normal…..

Ragini: but… But I don’t hv passport ?…..

Sanskaar: no worries….. We’ll go on our private jet and I’ll handle everything… … U just don’t cry…. Hmm???

She nods and again hugs him. He kisses her forehead! She smiles.

Sanskaar: now shld I go???

Ragini ( nodding no..): yeah….

Sanskaar smiles.

Sanskaar ( pulling her cheeks ): u know na u r shoooo cute….

Ragini: but u r more cute than me…..

She too pulls his cheeks….

Sanskaar: this we’ll discuss at night…. Now i’ll hv to go…..

Ragini nods… Sanskaar smiles….

Sanskaar: I love you….

Ragini: love you too….

She comes to her room and rests on her bed….. This was something which she never thought would happen…. Never…. But yes it happened… N this was so special for her….. The feeling made her Complete…. The feeling of belonging to someone else. …… She was happy but somewhere in her heart there was a fear of losing sanskaar. …….


O SATHIYA……. “””


Whtever happened wht was sanskaar’s mistake?? He even dont know anything abt that…… Then y he shld b punished???? No ragini….. Even u were also not at fault still u were punished… …. I know sanskaar will understand y I did all this….. N will never leave me……

Her thoughts are broken by sanskaar’s voice… She looks at him and stands.

Sanskaar: wht r u thinking??

Ragini: can I ask you something sanskaar??

Sanskaar: yeah say!?? ?

Ragini: if later u find out that I did a mistake of hurting u though intentionally… But I didn’t wanted to but it was my.. U know…. I don’t had any other option…. Then wht will u do?????

Sanskaar ( looks at her confused….): I know my ragini will not do anything without any reason….. I trust u ragini n I know whtever u’ll do will be for my benefit only…… but i’ll give u a punishment for hurting me……

Ragini ( shocked ): wht punishment???

Sanskaar ( chuckles ): of tolerating me for ur whole life….

Ragini: means???

Sanskaar: means yeh ki… ( he brings her closer by encircling hia arms around her waist…) for hurting me u’ll have to give me a kiss…. And u’ll hv to stay with me forever in all my births….

Ragini sighs and hugs him…. He too hugs her……….. .


It’s evening… Ragini is talking to someone on phone….

Ragini: yeah…. Ik….. But it happened…. Don’t worry it’ll not affect our plan….. Yeah… We r coming soon. ….. Did u got that……. Okay……. Yeah i’ll try asap……. Okay……. Bye………

She sips her coffee as the tears roll down her cheeks thinking abt something or someone……

Ragini: i’ll not lose….. I hv had enough….. Now no more crying……. Now they’ll live in peace….. And…. And they’ll live in hell…. I’ll make his life hell…. A complete hell……. Just wait and watch………

Anger, hatred, revenge, pain and suffering is clearly seen in her blood shot red eyes……..


It’s night and ragini is waiting for sanskaar…. She has prepared all the food and is dressed in a cute pink dress ?…….

Sanskaar Comes home and is surprised to see her dressed up like doll coz generally at home she would be in her jeans and top…..

Sanskaar: arre wah… Someone is looking pretty!!

He winks at her nad she blushes.

Ragini: acha tell v r going na tomorrow??

Sanskaar: yeah I hv arranged everything…….

Ragini: aww. Thank u sansku!!!!

Sanskaar: the pleasure is all mine ragu….

She smiles but her smile fades when the light goes off…. Its all dark now.

Ragini: arre wht happened to light???

Sanskaar: wait i’ll go n check the fuse…. Till then u bring the candles from my room….

Ragini nods and slowly goes to his room so that she doesn’t collide with anything…..

She comes in his room and light the candles and keeps it on the table….. Her phone rings and she sits on the sofa and picks the call…..

Ragini: hello…….. Wht????? …….. No this can’t happen……….. Noooooooo……..

She shouts as the tears roll down her cheeks…. She pushes all the candles with her hands in anger ? and the candles fall on the curtains due to which they catch fire……… Ragini unaware of the fire around her keeps on crying with her head down……

Sanskaar who has gone out to check the fuse is shocked to see fire in his room…. He rushes inside the house shouting Ragini’s name…… He breaks open the door and is shocked to see the whole room on fire and ragini sitting at the corner……

” RAGINIIIIIII…. ” He shouts her name but she’s just not listening……

He gets a blanket from the other room and jumps into the fire…. He goes towards ragini amd shakes her…

” ragini wht r u doing??? Look around… Where r u lost??? N y r u crying??? ”

He shouts at her angrily. Ragini looks around horrified. She gulps in fear…

” Sanskaar.. Save me I can’t die now… Pls save me sanskaar…. ”

She said hugging him. He consoled her.

” don’t worry ragu….We r going out… ”

He takes another blanket and wraps it around ragini and pulls her close to him and they get out of the room with lots of difficulties… But now the whole house is on fire… The fire reaches kitchen. Sanskaar saw this and told they need to rush as there is gas in the kitchen but……. Ragini gets unconscious due to so much heat and pollution…. Sanskaar quickly picks her up and tries to go out but can’t find any way……

He opens the window and throws ( he didn’t hv any other option..) Ragini out on the heap of grass and jumps out and there is blast in the kitchen……… ” BOOOOOMMM ”

Sanskaar lifts ragini and brings her out of the boundary of the house…. The neighbours also come and call the firebrigade….. Sanskaar sprinkles water on ragini and she gets up…… She looks at the burning hous……….

Ragini ( monologue ): n here it goes……. ” BOOOOOMMM ” u r gone Mr. Maheshwari!!!!!!!!!!! N this is just the beginning………….

The fire is seen in her eyes…… The episode ends with fire in her eyes………….


First of all THANK YOU SO MUCH for all your love and support!! ???? Then secondly I’m so sorry for making you wait for my updates ???

So the wait is over… And the next part is here …. How was it? Why Ragini is doing this? From whom she wants revenge? With whom was she talking on phone? What’s sanskaar’s role in all this?

All your questions will be answered! But for that you have to wait for the next update….. And I’ll be waiting for your feedback ???? so do comment and press the star / like ⭐button if you liked the update!!!

Will meet you soon ?? till then take care and stay happy ???

Keep reading?
With love


" Train yourself to let go of everything you fear to lose......... " Wattpad id - Richie19_ Do follow..

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