Tannaz Irani’s inspiring comeback journey after battling back injury: A tale of resilience and triumph

Tannaz Irani’s inspiring comeback journey after battling back injury: A tale of resilience and triumph

Not many are aware of the trials Tannaz Irani faced over the past year. A severe back injury left her unable to work and confined to a challenging recovery period. The talented actress, best known for her role in the TV show “Apna Time Bhi Aayega,” chose to keep her condition private until now. In a recent interview, Tannaz talked about it and revealed, “I kept it under wraps because I didn’t want my struggles to become fodder for idle chatter or evoke pity. If there was no one who could truly assist me during that time, I preferred to keep it to myself. Thus, I refrained from sharing anything on social media. However, I did turn to social media as a therapeutic tool; I consumed a lot of content, which helped me cope.”

Tannaz Irani emphasizes the unwavering support she received from her husband, Bhakhtyar, her children, other family members, and close friends during her trying times. She shares, “My husband would lighten the mood with his humor, and that played a crucial role in helping me persevere. They never allowed me to succumb to despair.”

Reflecting on her journey to recovery, Tannaz explains, “I constantly experienced back spasms, a consequence of prolonged working hours and the constant use of high heels. I was diagnosed with an L4 and L5 slip disc, rendering me unable to walk without the aid of a walking stick. I explored various treatments, but it was an immensely challenging period. I struggled with diminishing self-confidence and even battled depression. However, as time passed, things began to improve. Through dedicated physiotherapy and meditation, I found the strength to bounce back.”


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