Categories: Tara From Satara

Tara From Satara 27th August 2019 Written Episode Update: Sachin decides Tara’s punishment

Tara From Satara 27th August 2019 Written Episode, Written Update on

Everyone’s eyes are pinned on Tara as she looks at MK’s signature on the selection card. Sachin pulls it out of her hands and throws it away. He next Alen when he saw Tara’s dance. Alen flees from there because of fear. Sachin confronts Tara now. Where were you dancing and what was it? Sarita says it might be misunderstanding but he is certain it cannot be a misunderstanding when it comes to Tara. She must have danced and they must have seen her! She wont change! She will keep doing everything without asking and insult me! His mother makes him apologize to the Vaastu of the house. Sachin says a silent apology. He next tells his wife to tell her brother Mukund that Tara is coming to Sreegaon and will stay there only. He walks away.

Rohan tells Tara he topped last exam. She asks for

the reason. He tells her that whoever goes to Sreegaon comes on track.

Rohan tells Bedane and Tara about the strict rules of Sreegaon. You sleep at 1 am and wake up at 3 am. There are so many tasks to do nonstop. He tells them everything in detail. Life becomes so dull that you end up finding books interesting. Bedane tells him to stop. Rohan adds that he started talking to himself as he had no one to talk in Sreegaon. This is how it started. Tara says why it happens with me only. Bedane says you shouldn’t have been so mean to Bappa. Tara rues that no one saw her dancing in the alley. I have told you many times the dance I dance isn’t really a dance! I dint give any audition. I had nothing to do with it. Why are they after me? I must stop Baba. She turns to Bedane who backs off. He will send me to Sreegaon as well if I help you this time.

Sachin recalls the insults he had heard in Mumbai. He thinks of what happened today. Sarita says Tara has a good heart. She wouldn’t have done it intentionally. It isn’t that she does not try. It is sometimes impossible for her. You were like her too and are still somewhat same. He nods. This is the reason why I must pay extra attention to her. There was no one who stopped me ever. I have to do it for her sake. Whatever we get is the consequence of our decision. She reasons that he dint do anything wrong but he calls it a very grave mistake. I forgot the art and got lost in the filmy world. I couldn’t gain anything out of any worlds and lost! Sarita says Tara will wither in Sreegaon. Sachin says we tried our best but it is beyond us now. She will go to Sreegaon. There wont be any further discussion on this. Tara has overheard everything and makes a sad face.

Tara goes to Radhika. You have a chance to help me today. Please talk to Baba and make him understand that you will manage your younger sister. Radhika calls it impossible. What if he sends me to Sreegaon as well? Tara is all dramatic but Radhika refuses to fall for any of it. You knew that Baba does not like it yet you danced there. Tara says I did go there but I did not dance there. I don’t know where they saw me dancing. It was Bedane who was dancing on stage. I will go to Sreegaon if they tell me where they saw me dancing. Bedane says you can become Dancer No. 1 though. Radhika and Bedane argue about her dance while Tara keeps on saying that she did not dance at all! She sits on the stairs angrily. Radhika tells her to go to Sreegaon for now. Work hard and pass the exams which are due in 2 months. Tara makes a sad face. MK! Radhika says there is no chance now. Tara rues that she only wanted to see MK’s autography once. Bedane calls herself his genie. He had hidden it during the commotion. I knew that you would like to see it later. Your name isn’t written on it. She nods. He writes down her name on the card. She asks him if she can keep it. He reminds her that it is her card only. She imagines dancing with MK. Radhika notices their Baba coming and snatches the form out of Tara’s hands. Sachin asks Tara if she has packed her bags. We have to start tomorrow. She nods. He heads upstairs when Tara murmurs Ganpati Bappa. They hear Ajji’s scream. Tara says Morya in confusion.

Everyone runs to Ajji’s room. They see Ajji on the floor and another part of ceiling has broken. Ajji is wounded. Sachin and his brother help Ajji sit on the bed.

Bedane notices Tara talking to Bappa through gestures. Why are you silent? She says I am quiet as I am reaching a wrong number again and again. There is something wrong with the tower. Bedane says it might be that the signal was right this time. You may not have to go to Shirdi because of Ajji’s condition. Tara refuses to accept it. Bappa always does the opposite. There is something wrong here! Bedane says this tower never goes wrong. You shouldn’t mess with Bappa. You turned rude once and were heading to Mumbai from Satara on your own. When you turned rude the second time, you are being sent away to Sreegaon. Third time? Epi ends on Tara’s worried face.

Precap: Ajji tells Tara to figure out soon what she wants or she would keep getting what she does not want. Alen tells his senior that he did his bit. It is their bad luck if they wont turn up for the show now. His senior agrees. Ajji tells Tara to tell her Baba she wants to go to Mumbai.

Update Credit to: Pooja


A writer who loves to travel, read books, sing and live every moment as it comes!

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