Categories: Tara From Satara

Tara From Satara 29th August 2019 Written Episode Update: Sachin’s family challenges his decision

Tara From Satara 29th August 2019 Written Episode, Written Update on

Bedane says I am trying to instigate you. You need to be aggressive. It will create a direct impact on your Baba. That’s when he will stop you. He calls her words like dumb, fool, hopeless, etc. to make her angry. He reminds her of all the teachers and kids who have looked down upon her till date. She fumes. He tells her to keep a hold on it. Where is your Baba?

Radhika practises in the dance class. Sachin and Anna Saheb clap as her dance comes to an end. She takes their blessings. Anna Saheb compliments Sachin on his upbringing. She is promoting the real art. He tells Sachin about some cultural show which they are organizing very soon. You should come there. He also asks Sachin about Tara. What is she into? Music or dance? Sachin lies that she isn’t interested in either. Anna Saheb

guesses that she must be studious. Sachin nods reluctantly. Tell me more about the show. Anna Saheb tells him the time and place of dance. Rego will also be there. It is a cultural program so every kind of dance will be there. Start your practise from now itself. He takes his leave.

Rohan tells his friends to look at Tara. She wont look like this once she returns from Sreegaon. Bedane and Tara call him Rohitya but Rohan corrects his name. Tara insists upon calling him Rohitya from here on. Bedane asks Tara why her family members are like this.

Rego tells Sachin’s brother (Varun) to talk to his brother. Tell him that dance requires spice. See where I am and what I have become! Varun says you got selected but there is no further achievement. Even Tara got that card but Dada threw it away. Who are you then? Rego tells him to talk to his brother and decide amongst themselves. I have students but no place to teach them whereas your brother has no students. Varun walks away.

Bedane is waiting eagerly for Sachin. A song starts playing. Tara is unable to control herself. She locks herself in the bathroom and dances there. Rohan remarks that people going to Sreegaon get affected easily. Bedane chases him to hit him. Tara drops the buckets in the bathroom while dancing. She throws everything around and creates a mess. She comes out again. Rohan’s friends taunt Tara again. Bedane tells Rohan to stop teasing his sister. He asks them to leave or he will tell everyone what his friends see in their phone. Rohan’s friends leave immediately.

Chinu tells her husband to talk to someone else. It cannot continue like this! He nods. I know it. She tells him to work somewhere else. He refuses to work with someone else. I will only work with Dada. She says all the batches are closing. He tells her he knows everything. I am Dada’s accountant. Should I leave Dada just because the time is wrong? She nods. Do it for us. He is certain that time will change but she is negative. He says you are talking just like Rego. She asks him what he said. He shares Rego’s proposal. She does not mind it. I am saying it for everyone’s sake.

Bedane gives red chillies to Tara. It will keep your anger in check. She says it only brings sweat but Bedane is certain this plan will work. Do you want to go to Sreegaon? She picks a chilli. You will go to hell Bedane.

Radhika is talking to her friend. He says it is okay if you go to Mumbai but she knows Baba wont like it. She explains that Tara got selected in the audition instead. He praises her dance. You are the best in Satara and Mumbai! She repeats that Baba is not in favour of Mumbai. He says the winner gets 50 lacs. It would have helped us settle down. She asks him what he is talking about. He says the prize money would have cleared away all the debts and improved your family’s condition. She ends the call seeing her family members coming there. They tell her to go home and head inside to speak to Sachin.

Sachin says Rego had asked me also but I said no. Varun says his word rules. Sachin tries to explain but no one seems to be in his favour. He asks them what he should do then. Chinu says another dance. Sachin refuses to repeat his mistake ever again. I wont teach anything else but Kathak. Sarita reasons that the situation is deteriorating. We should think of something. Sachin replies that there are more girls in Satara. Varun adds that they need to reach out to them. We would need money for that which we don’t have as of now. Sachin says I will only teach those who really want to learn this art. Chinu says we only have a roof over our head and food to eat. All of us have to go through so much to make ends meet. Sarita says I wish I could do something. Sachin says you are doing what you could do. It is my duty to run the house! Varun says how we will do it now. Ajji says your solution is right in front of you – Tara.

Tara has finished the entire plate. She is coughing badly.

Ajji says you are ignoring the answer to all your problems. Varun tells her to come to the point. Ajji says people don’t hear you till the time you shout your opinion openly. They refuse to accept it but Ajji is sure Tara did something special to win that selection card. You should loudly celebrate the fact that his daughter is going to Mumbai to become Dancer no. 1. Chinu says your injection is making you think too much. Ajji scolds her. Varun tells her to calm down but Ajji stays put on her stance. There is only one apt reply to all the questions raised in the past! Send Tara to Mumbai.

Radhika reprimands Tara. Everything is going wrong because of you. I was sent away from the class as everyone is discussing something serious there. Bedane reasons that elders keep discussing stuff. It is normal. Radhika again blames Tara who warns her to be quiet. I did not say anything! I am ready to go to Sreegaon. I have already packed my bags! Bedane reminds her that Radhika isn’t their target. Who is it? She says Baba. Sachin walks in just then.

The senior crew member keeps looking at Tara’s photo. He recalls Alen’s words and is sad.

Bedane tells Tara to stay angry. Sachin tells Tara that his family thinks that he shouldn’t send her to Sreegaon. I have told them that you will go at any cost! Bedane speaks about ticket which Sachin gives to her. Bedane speaks of her stuff but Sachin says she wont need it. Let’s go or you will miss the train.

The senior crew member says I know you are made for that stage. You have that x factor. Your bad luck though. He deletes the photo.

Precap for Monday: The family members argue about whether they should send Tara to Mumbai or not. Sachin says what Tara will do there. She does not even know how to dance. Ajji asks him if it was some other girl in Tara’s place, let’s say it was Radhika, would you have let her go? Sachin says Radhika wont even go there. Radhika replies that she did go there. I danced in the audition! Sachin look at her stunned.

Update Credit to: Pooja


A writer who loves to travel, read books, sing and live every moment as it comes!

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