Categories: Tara From Satara

Tara From Satara 5th November 2019 Written Episode Update: Tara and Radhika’s switch comes in front of all judges

Tara From Satara 5th November 2019 Written Episode, Written Update on

Tara tells Ajji to think how she will pacify Baba. I will show my certificate to everyone till then. Ajji smiles. Go ahead. Tara comes running inside but notices Chinu and Varun holding bags. Tara imagines the situation in black and white. Varun tells her that she will go in a bus. Tara wonders if her fate is that bad. Ajji shakes her out of her reverie. She tells Chinu and Varun that Tara will stay here only. She changed her mind. Chinu gets worried. She had a thought? Tara nods. I dint tell the academy people. Chinu requests Ajji not to change the plan.

Two contestants hurry off to get ready. Gurpreet tells Radhika to stay with them only. It’s too much fun here. Radhika thinks it will be but they need money right now. Gurpreet asks her what she is thinking but Radhika shakes her head.


reasons that this way they will have less people to feed. Varun seconds her. Even I haven’t found a job yet. It is becoming difficult. Ajji asks them if they will send Tara back. Chinu says we will send Rohan home as well. Rohan refuses but his parents call it their helplessness. Ajji finds sense in their words. She tells Tara that a snake has come. You must go. The situation is such that I wont be able to talk to Sachin about you.

Rahul shows sympathy to TJ. I am always there for you. TJ thanks him. Rahul tells him that he will stay with him all the time. He tells TJ that his shoes aren’t good for this stage. TJ nods. I cannot afford proper shoes. Rahul offers to get him one but TJ politely declines. Rahul convinces him. He tells his assistant Hasmukh to bring one pair of shoes for TJ by tomorrow. TJ feels awkward. Rahul asks him to pay him back if he wins the show. Let’s go for shopping. TJ wants to practise but Rahul convinces him again.

Tara tells Ajji not to worry. I will skip two meals, won’t bathe and won’t even use other resources. Please let me stay. Ajji explains that she isn’t at fault, they are. We couldn’t manage things here. Please forgive us. Tara tells her not to apologize. Everyone gets sad. Chinu asks about Radhika. Bedane says she is still practising in the academy.

Rahul asks Radhika to come for shopping. Gurpreet says we should go as we got our stipend today. Rahul also got his car today. Rahul tells Radhika not to think. I got this car as a gift for performing on stage. What does your Dad do? Radhika shares that he has a big dance academy in Satara. They all head out in his new car. Radhika sits in the front while Gurpreet and TJ take the backseat.

Shrilekha says we are here to finalise the theme of our next round but no one else is here. MK is on call with her. She scolds him for not turning up. Even Mishika isn’t here. This is so unprofessional.

RT asks Ankit if he is over Radhika and Tara’s topic now. No one should come to know that it was Tara who won the yellow card. Shrilekha and MK have overheard their convo. RT asks him to promise him that he wont let this secret out at any cost. MK agrees but is anxious to see Tara’s dance once.

Tara says I was so eager to come here but Baba wants me to head back now. I am sure he has never been to Mumbai. This city is so lovely. I don’t want to leave.

Shrilekha asks about Tara’s dance form. Ankit calls her a complete entertainer. RT says let’s get back to work. Shrilekha is reminded of Radhika’s dance choice and thinks of Ankit’s words. They are sisters and hail from Satara. One is into Kathak while the other is into filmy dance. Is this coincidence or? She is reminded of Sachin. She had met both the girls in the past but they had different names back then. RT finds her distracted. What are you thinking? Shrilekha thinks I was reminded of someone when I heard Satara. I might be imagining it. Shrilekha is still not able to stop herself from thinking about the old time.

Bedane tells Tara he will drive a taxi or elope. She tells him to think about Baba. I have understood that one must think of the consequences of their actions too. He laughs hearing it. She says I handled everything so well during the grand premiere. I also have a certificate now. He suggests her to tell this to her Baba once. Maybe he will have a change of heart. Even I go quiet in front of him.

Radhika asks Gurpreet if she bought expensive earrings. Gurpreet assures her it is fine. You look beautiful. Radhika smiles. She is mesmerised by the car. Rahul gives mineral water bottles to everyone. She says I would have drunk normal water but he tells her to take care of herself. That water is harmful for everyone. I like your earring very much. She smiles. I still think it is very expensive. He says 1600 is not expensive. You bought it with your own money. You have to become a star. We are only getting 10k. It wont match up to your expenses! Radhika says I should have asked Kaki once but Gurpreet tells her to celebrate the moment. Let’s go eat food now. Radhika is hesitant but they agree to drop her home.

Ajji feels sad thinking Tara is leaving. Varun tells her that Chiman met him just now. He said he will raise the rent amount. I couldn’t convince him. Ajji tells him to tell Chiman not to even think about it. Chinu adds that they wont be able to give it. She tells Tara to get ready. It is almost time. She tells Varun to get taxi. Ajji tells Tara she will do something. Even I don’t enjoy staying without you. I will come soon.

Tara and Bedane step out of the house sadly followed by Ajji, Varun, Chinu and Rohan. Tara thinks of her journey in Mumbai so far. Arjun asks her if she is leaving. She nods. He asks her if she will be back by finale. She shrugs. I don’t know. I will come if my exams are over and Baba allows me to go. I will surely come if both you and Tai will enter in finale. Chinu asks her to come or she will miss the bus. Tara walks away absentmindedly as he extends his hand towards her. He thinks I had gotten used to her but she is leaving now. Radhika comes just then. I will miss you very much. Tara tells herself it is time to leave.

Precap: Tara says Baba wont hear anyone. Bedane says wont he listen to Bappa too. It can be some angel. Tara requests Bappa to send someone to help. KBC’s set with Amitabh Bacchan is shown. Tara and Bedane reach the set and are surprised.

Update Credit to: Pooja


A writer who loves to travel, read books, sing and live every moment as it comes!

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