Thanks to all my readers .
Saya , yashu , twinju, zikra , fatarajo , fiona ,sadaf khan , anushka , baby ,alof , tara , roshini , amy , mahi ,mitali , srija , purnima , rupam ,mariah ,sam , jaya , panchi , sana crazy,sanam and all silent readers ………..
A whole heartedly thanks for commenting and supporting my ff .
Episode 10
They all come back home .
Twinkle was remembering that priest’s words . Suddenly he saw un clear flashes . And due to which she stood at door only . Usha called her but she didn’t listened . (She was remembering flashback when after marriage she was sitting at gurudwarh and what priest told her . )
All feel something fishy . Then mahi shake her . Twinkle came came in senses .
T = ( unable to speak properly ) yyyyy………..aaaaaaa….mahi
M = where have u lost .
T = actually I saw a priest told me ……. ( and she tells them whole story ) . I m unable to understand anything .
All were not finding words .
U = lets have breakfast .
At break fast table
M = twinkle will u come with me .
T = where ?
M = to meet my friends . So will u come .
T = ya i will come .
M = okey then change and come , we will go .
T = change………….
M = ya wear something modern plz
T = but I don’t have any modern clothes .
U = so what’s the problem today we will go to mall and buy it . As I have to buy many things for home also . And for kunj I have to buy some shirts . So we all will go .
K = not me mom . (he stands up from table ) As I m going to office as its presentation . ( he leaves )
M = mom now what ?
U = we will go tomorrow , ok twinkle .( she nods )
Mahi leaves . As she also have to go for modeling .
In evening .
Usha and twinkle were working in kitchen . They were sharing a great bond . Just then mahi enters .
U = came my doll .
M = twinkle see what I have brought for u .
T = ya empty box ( funny tune plays )
M = no my that prank is over . U see this . ( she shows her a costly mobile set )
Twinkle was shocked to see that .
T = what is this ?
Kunj enters but no one noticed .
M = idiot , its mobile phone (giggling) . (funny tune plays )
T – that I know but I cant take this .
M = why
T = actually mahi this family have many favors on me . ( she became silent for sometime ) . I want to earn all my necessities , plz try to understand don’t take me wrong .
M (confused ) = but twinkle its just a gift . Ok I will not force u . (after sometime )
wel twinkle who will give you job …. (before she can complete )
T = I know what are u talking about ………….. But I think , there will be any company who will judge me with qualities . Not with papers . ( she is not having any degrees in hand ) .
Kunj make some noise to gain attention .
U = u came my son .
K = mom today u know any body have made my presentation in our house , yesterday . ( In angry but still low voice )
Twinkle become tensed . Kunj notice this .
precap =
T (thinks ) = again a new siyappa .
U = kunj tell ……….. What happened about the contract .
M = bhai tell na what happened ……. ( tensedly ) u …. Did not got contract
how was the epi plz do comment
and i thing i forgot to tell u all that my exams are postponed that,s why i am able to pst .but once it started i dont know i will get time or not .
pardon me if i wouldn’t be able 2
luv u loads
Hey nice storyline. Is this twinj fan fiction? X
Thanks jazz . And ya this is twinj ff
nice ff mannat…its unique…I too hv doubt is dis twinj ff r nt…plz make it twinj ff n show sm scenes of twinj…can’t wait to read further plz post asap
Thanks sidmin
Awesome hope twinj are united fast
Thanks sam
nice…. gud going on……
Thanks yashu
I love your ff!! Its going on really well
Eagerly waiting for the next part. In the meantime, all the best for your exams!
ThAnks Jaya
Hi mannat. A really nice epi and don’t worry we can wait.
Thanks saya
It’s really has a vry gud storyline …n plz make it twinj ff n plz a bit longer episodes they r jus awesome waiting fr next post asap
Thanks cutepie
keep your superb work going on
episode was fantastic
best of luck for exams
Thanks fiona
Nyc one ….. wtng fr d nxt epi …..
Thanks panchi
I like your ff and tq so much for write my name….
Thankew amy
wow mannat…… fab!
Thankew ritzi
Mannat amazing epi dear loved it sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much do cont asap plzzzzzzzzz eagerly waiting for d nxt update plzzzzz update soon
Thanks zikra
amazing episode mannat jst luvd it
Thanks baby
and dear u still not answered why did usha and kunj dont know twinkle plzzz tell and i think that kunj would be happy about presentation as it would be good and he will take her in company
sorry if u feelbad that i yold it and again sorry if i am wrong
Thanks twinju
Anf ur ques was answered in epi 7 , in which its told that for usha ‘s family manohar sarna has been died years ago in accident . So they don’t know about twinkle .
Hmmmm interesting
Thanks fatarajo .
Marvelous episode mannat
Thanks anushka