Categories: Tashan-e-Ishq

Tashan-e-Ishq 12th May 2016 Written Episode Update

Tashan-e-Ishq 12th May 2016 Written Episode, Written Update on

Scene 1
Yuvi throws lighter on floor, due to kerosene, place catches fire, Twinkle is shocked and say why you are doing this? She calls out for Kunj. Kunj is lying outside room unconscious, he listens Twinkle’s voice and wakes up. Yuvi says to Twinkle that dont stress, everything is going to be fine, this is new start of our love, give me hug, we will live happily ever after. All family members come outside house and says how did this fire start? Babee says Twinkle is inside, thus must be done by Yuvi, he should rot in hell. Kunj comes there, Leela asks Kunj to save her girl, Kunj ask them to move back. Inside Twinkle cries, Yuvi asks her to be happy, they are going to be one now. Kunj is trying to break doors and windows to go inside house. Yuvi and Twinkle feels suffocated inside due to

smoke. Kunj pushes door, he kicks it, door breaks and fire comes out, he moves back and coughs. Kunj asks Babee to call fire brigade, he will look around for Twinkle, he goes inside, they leave to call fire brigade. Kunj comes in room and sees Twinkle and Yuvi standing with fire around them. Twinkle runs to Kunj and hugs him tightly, Yuvi angrily looks at them, Yuvi pulls Twinkle towards him, she asks him to leave her hand, Yuvi says Twinkle wont go anywhere, Kunj holds Twinkle’s other hand, Yuvi says to Kunj that we never became one because of you and today when we are dying, you came here again? leave Twinkle, he pulls Twinkle to his side, a pillar falls inbetween, Twinkle and Yuvi stands on side of pillar while Kunj stands on otherside of pillar, Yuvi falls down on floor, Kunj says to Twinkle that jump to my side and lets leave, Twinkle sees wood sticks falling here and there, Twinkle says we cant leave Yuvi here, we cant let him die for humanity sake, we have to save him, she asks Yuvi to come with her, Kunj says leave him, he is bearing punishment of his sins. Twinkle comes to Yuvi and says come with me, he says you wont go anywhere, you will die with me, Kunj comes to their side and pulls Yuvi with Twinkle, they take him outside.
Yuvi is injured due to fire and is brought to hospital. Kunj says to Twinkle that Anita will again blame us for Yuvi’s condition, Yuvi did everything and still you saved his life, Twinkle says Yuvi just keep thinking about revenge and revenge but think about Anita, she has only one child, there is no one except Yuvi for her, she will breakdown seeing Yuvi in this condition, Kunj says some people can never change, doctor comes there and says patient is fine, you can meet him.
Twinkle and Kunj comes to Yuvi, Twinkle says today i will speak and you will listen Yuvi, what you have today? you planned, plotted so much but what you have today? you have given me pain and your mother too, atleast think about her, she has no one except you, she is living for you, she did everything for you but never thought about her, what were you thinking Yuvi? you thought that you will die for me and people will remember you as lover who died for his love? but girl doesnt love you, she is married and loves her husband alot, what were you thinking Yuvi? what have you done till now for me? Kunj says he has gjust given you pain, he has made our common lives hell just because he thinks he loves you, he doesnt know meaning of love, love is not passion of getting anyone, love doesnt mean getting someone but it is to sacrifice in love, you tend to lose in love, if you loved Twinkle then you wouldnt have hurt her, whatever you have done till now with her after that she wouldnt even like to see your face, what you thought that by killing her you will become great lover? they would have spitted at your name, Twinkle says to Yuvi that please let me go, i dont love you, i love Kunj only, my heart just beat for Kunj, i will live as Kunj’s wife till my death, end this madness, your passion is making us come more closer, try and understand. Kunj says what you did today was not expression of love but plain madness, Twinkle says not for us, atleast end all this for your mother’s sake, just look at yourself, have some mercy on yourself and end this, Yuvi looks at them tensely, Kunj and Twinkle starts leaving, Twinkle looks at Yuvi sadly while Kunj stares him, they leave.
Kunj and Twinkle comes back home, Usha says thank God Twinkle is fine. Babee says to Surjeet that i have called you here today so that you dont let your cheap wife and her useless son to come in this house, i wish Yuvi to get eaten by insects, we cant bear him anymore, Surjeet says dont you think you are over-reacting too much? Yuvi havent done something that dangerous and whats innocent Anita’s fault in it? Babee says Anita is innocent? what has happened to you? the Anita which i know has never given peace to this house, she is always behind Kunj and Twinkle’s lives, our kids’ lives are stake, i cant let her stay here, Surjeet says what she has done? Leela says they have crossed all limits, earlier they used to do small antics but now they are behind Twinkle and Kunj’s life, Usha says she is right, people like Anita and Yuvi make people lose faith from humanity, Babee says to Surjeet that Yuvi and Anita cant live in this house now and thats final.

Scene 2
Its morning, Twinkle sits in car and tells address to driver where she wanna go, she looks up and sees driver is none other than Yuvi, Yuvi starts driving. Twinkle says you? what is this new drama? if you dont stop car then i will call Kunj and this time he wont spare you. Yuvi says why you hate me much? what you dont like about me? Twinkle says its useless to ask all this, i hate you. Yuvi drives fast, Twinkle says you cant make me afraid by doing these stunts, Yuvi says why you hate me so much? Twinkle says its always about you and yourself, you are selfish and just do everything for your gain, you havent learned how to love and live for others, you just want to get anything by hook or crook that you want, you are most cheap person even, yuvi is hurt to listen all this, he drives fast. Twinkle says even if you get what you want then you wont be able to hold it for long, i hate you, you have just filth in your mind, you just keep planning and plotting, there is only filth and dirt behind this face, when you open your mouth, you just spit venom against people and destroy their lives, is it enough or you wanna listen more? Yuvi stops car. He comes out of car, he is injured, he brings Twinkle out of car, she says leave my hand, what you wanna do whyy you have brought me here? Yuvi says i wanted to thank you, Twinkle is confused, Yuvi sits on his knees and looks at Twinkle with guilt.

PRECAP- Twinkle says to Yuvi that if you want change yourself then.. Yuvi says i will give your divorce papers, i know you want them, come to court tomorrow, i will be there at 12:30pm. Twinkle and Kunj are waiting for Yuvi outside court, Kunj says he wont come, he must have lied like earlier. otherside Yuvi gets kidnapped by some goons.

Update Credit to: Atiba

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