Categories: Tashan-e-Ishq

Tashan-e-Ishq 14th July 2016 Written Episode Update

Tashan-e-Ishq 14th July 2016 Written Episode, Written Update on

Scene 1
Yuvi looks around in factory and says Twinkle was here only in video it means she was here, i was this close but dont know where kidnappers took her. Rocky comes there and says i followed you from house, i know there are problems related Pallavi but i want to help you, Yuvi says i was close to Twinkle, Twinkle was here but they took her away, Rocky says dont worry we will find Twinkle.
Yuvi and Rocky comes out of factory, Rocky says can you drop me? i didnt bring my car, Yuvi says yes. Twinkle is lying in Yuvi’s car back, Yuvi leaves from there in his car. Kidnappers see Yuvi taking away Twinkle, they see car gone, kidnapper says we have to inform boss, he calls man and tells boss that Twinkle is gone in some car, boss scolds him and asks whose car was it? kidnapper says dont

know who it was, he tells car number to him.
Yuvi is driving car oblivious that Twinkle is lying in car’s back.
Yuvi, Rocky comes home, Yuvi says to Leela that i was so close to Twinkle but couldnt save her. Leela says atleast we got to know that she is in this city and save, we will find her soon, Rocky says dont take stress, take some rest Yuvi, Leela thanks Rocky for helping them, Rocky says i can do this for humanity sake, he leaves.
Rocky comes to Yuvi’s car and sees Twinkle lying in his car’s back. He picks her up and leaves wit her. He keeps her in his car and drives away, he smirks.
Rocky is punching his bag, he sits down and smirks. Pallavi comes to him and asks are you ready for fight? he nods, Pallavi says your fans are going mad to see you, thank you for doing for me, lets forget everything, no more Twinkle or her family, get ready, i will be back, she leaves, Rocky smirks.
Manohar asks policeman to arrest Yuvi as he has kidnapped Twinkle, he says we dont have proof against him, we can spy on him, Babee says our daughter Twinkle is missing for much time now, till when we will keep waiting? inspector says i suggest you to talk to Yuvi, maybe you can get some clue, Babee says okay i will talk to Leela then.
Yuvi says to Leela that i just hope everything is fine at Sarna house. Rocky calls Yuvi and says today is my boxing match, why dont you come and watch? Yuvi says i am sorry, Kunj says i know kidnapper is playing with your life, he has made your life hell, he is playing games with you, dont feel bad, you will feel good watching match then we will talk about Twinkle after it, Yuvi says okay i will come, he ends call. Kunj says we should keep enemies closer to us than our friends and kidnapper should everything about their victims, some years back Yuvi used to winner of this game but now he is losing every game as Rocky is not a losing player.
Leela says to Yuvi that Rocky has helped you alot, go and watch his match. Yuvi says you are right but i was thinking to go to every place where kidnapper called me maybe i will get some clue, Leela says but dont go alone, take Rocky with you. I am thinking about talking to media so that they can help me find Twinkle.
Rocky comes to boxing venue, he sees his locket missing, Pallavi asks what happened? Rocky think i cant tell her about my locket, he says my lucky locket is missing, i will find it, Pallavi says match is about to start, come, Rocky has no other option but to go for fight.
Twinkle is looking around to find some help, she is locked somewhere.
Babee says to Leela that you can trust Yuvi so much, he is a snake and can bite you anytime, he wouldnt change his nature, Leela says wow, you used to call him son and now youa re suddenly changed? i am totally sure that he wont let anything happen to my Twinkle, Babee says truth is that Anita has freed from jail and Yuvi meets her, both son and mom are together in this plan, they keep us in dark, he doesnt tell anything to us, try to find some truth from him, Leela says i dont trust Anita but Yuvi has totally become what we wanted him to become, he is our son and you are doubting him? i am Twinkle’s mother and care for her but i can believe that Yuvi has hand in this kidnapping, Babee says dont know what magic Yuvi has done on you, why dont you try to find from Yuvi that where Twinkle is, he must have abducted her, dont know what he has done, he is evil, Leela says i respect you alot but its better if we dont talk about this matter.
Rocky calls his man and asks him to search Yuvi’s car, my locket should be there, i want my locket back, he ends call. Pallavi comes to him and says why you are so distracted? its not before match, Rocky says dont worry, i am fine. Announcer starts fight, Rocky goes for it.
Rocky’s man comes near Yuvi’s car and starts searching for Rocky’s locket, he says where did it go? it had to go missing now only.
Leela brings food for Yuvi and asks him to eat it.
Rocky’s man opens Yuvi’s car back, car siren starts buzzing, man hides. Yuvi comes out to check who was near his car, he doesnt find anyone there, he sees car’s back open, yuvi finds Rocky’s locket in his car’s back and looks at it, he says if this is not mine then what it is doing in my car?

Scene 2
Rocky is fighting with other boxer. All are chanting for him. Rocky gets beaten up, Pallavi says why he is so distracted? Rocky thinks that dont know if my man found locket or not.
Yuvi is looking at locket when Rocky’s man hits Yuvi on head with wooden stick from behind, Yuvi falls on ground, man takes locket and runs from there, Yuvi says if it was related to Twinkle? he tries to go behind man.
Rocky get beaten up badly in ring. Pallavi comes to him and asks why you are not fighting? you have to win this.
Yuvi is running behind Rocky’s man to catch, man sits in car and leaves from there. He calls manager and says inform Rocky that i got locket. Manager hints Rocky that his man found locket.

PRECAP- rocky fights back in ring and beats his opponent, Pallavi is amused.

Update Credit to: Atiba

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