Categories: Tashan-e-Ishq

Tashan-e-Ishq 21st July 2016 Written Episode Update

Tashan-e-Ishq 21st July 2016 Written Episode, Written Update on

Scene 1
Twinkle looks at Pallavi and Rocky’s college pictures, Pallavi says see Rocky is not your Kunj, Twinkle leaves dejected, Pallavi have sigh of relief. She sees Rocky and her intimate and cute pictures sadly and says i love you, i love you so much, i wish you were here with me, Revant.. she cries looking at pictures.
Yuvi says to Leela that i am going, she says i am making breakfast then leave, he says okay. Twinkle comes there and says where is Maa? he points at kitchen, Twinkle says i am more confused after talking to Pallavi, Yuvi says dont worry i will find out if Rocky is Kunj, Leela comes there and listens this, she drops breakfast tray, Yuvi and Twinkle looks on, Leela says what Rocky is Kunj? how is this possible?
Pallavi looks at Rocky’s pictures and says

why did you leave me Revant? i miss you much that when Kunj Sarna came to me as patient, i gave him your face so that i can see you again, she recalls how she did surgery, she says i am sorry Kunj but it was my last chance to see my Revant and i didnt want to lose it thats why i gave you Revant’s face but you know what? i really love you Kunj.. she looks at their pictures and hugs it.
Leela says why you both didnt tell me? Twinkle says we didnt know completely thats why didnt tell you, Leela says i am your mother, i understand everything you say or not say, tell me everything in detail, Twinkle tells her everything.
Pallavi says if my truth comes out then i will lose Rocky, i cant lose him again.
Leela is with Yuvi and says till when you will keep hiding truth? its clear that you love her alot then why you are letting her go? why you are sacrificing your love? why you are doing this? Yuvi says i am doing this for Twinkle only, if Rocky is Kunj then it will be great, mother will son back and Twinkle will get her Kunj back, Leela says i dont understand anything, one side is Twinkle’s happiness and otherside is you, i cant see anyone of you in pain, Yuvi says Twinkle has taught me love, love is about sacrifice not about gaining, if Twinkle’s happiness lies with Kunj then i will make her reunite with Kunj, Twinkle will be happy and i will be happy too, Leela says you both dont understand what you both are doing, if Kunj has comeback in our lives then there is going to be alot of trouble, why he is doing all this to get Twinkle back? Yuvi says dont worry, God is with us, everything will be fine, now smile, he gets Twinkle’s call and leaves. Leela says i need to talk to Twinkle about Kunj, dont know what she is thinking, if Rocky is Kunj then storm is about come, many lives will be destroyed and many relations will will break, i will talk to Twinkle.

Scene 2
Twinkle calls Yuvi and says i have made plan to bring Rocky’s truth out, meet me later, she ends call.
Twinkle says to Pallavi that i got info from Goa and i said things to you, i am sorry, Pallavi says its okay, you thought what you could thin of. This date arrangement is nice, Rocky comes there, Rocky says this date arrangement is good, Twinkle says you both enjoy date, i wont interrupt you both, she leaves.
Usha says to Babee that i have to go to Guradvarah, thank God Twinkle is away from Yuvi, i will just pray to Lord to keep Yuvi away from Twinkle.
Twinkle is checking date setup, she gets call from someone and says what fire broke out? i am coming, Rocky asks what happened? Twinkle says fire broke out in house, Usha is alone, i have to leave, she leaves, Rocky gets tensed.
Rocky comes to Sarna house and looks around, he sees fire there and says Maa i have come, he looks around for Usha but Twinkle comes there and calls him Kunj.. Kunj is shocked, Yuvi comes there too, Yuvi says game over Rocky or should i say Kunj? stop drama and accept that you are Kunj, why you are torturing Twinkle? Twinkle just stares at him and says why Kunj? why you did this with me? you didnt miss me once? you didnt try to reach out to me? you thought i wont recognize you? from the time you have come, i am feeling your presence, that chess room, locking your family in ice factory, remember how we got locked in chiller? you have made me feel your presence, i lived ever moment again because of you, accept that you are Kunj, your silence cant save you, i knew that you will come to save Usha Maa thats why i did that drama, Kunj looks on tensed, Twinkle says just accept that you are my Kunj, she grabs him from collar and says why didnt you come to me earlier? do you even know what i went through without you? just accept that you are Kunj, answer me, Kunj just looks at her, he jerks her hands away and says enough, have you gone mad? you are saying anything, what kind of husband are you Yuvi? your wife is looking for her deceased husband in some other man and you are taking her side? you guys need marriage counseling, yes i came here as Usha has called me her son but that doesnt mean i am your deceased husband, you both are weird husband and wife, Yuvraj try to handle your wife, it will be embarrassing for you one day if she keep doing drama, i gotta go, good night, Twinkle says stop.. Twinkle says Kunj if you are stubborn then you know Twinkle is way more stubborn than you, i challenge you that in tomorrow’s party you will yourself that you are Kunj, understood Kunj Sarna? she leaves from with Yuvi behind her.

PRECAP- In party, Twinkle says to people in party that Rocky is Kunj Sarna, she asks Kunj to tell everyone that he is her Kunj else she will drink poison and will die there only, she opens poison bottle while Kunj seems not phased.

Update Credit to: Atiba

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