Fan Fiction

Tashan e ishq- Gabbar Twinkle Basanti Kunj (os)

Hello all Twinj is a funny os on twinj…plz let me know how was it

Kunj was on his knees on beautiful ice caps of Switzerland extending a Bouquet towards Katrina Kaif…She smiled and took it…Kunj got up ..wrapped an arm around her neck and they share an intense eye lock…Without breaking the eyelock Kunj move closer towards her lips and the moment he was about to kiss her someone poured a bucket full of water on him…

He jerked up and shouted-“What the hell…”

He opened his eyes … found himself lying on his bed …Twinkle was standing with the bucket and looking at him with burning eyes…

Kunj-“what is this Twinkle…I was watching such a romantic dream of kissing Katrina Kaif and u broke it..”

Twinkle-“oh…Katrina Kaif…but whats the need of watching her in dreams when she is actually present here in real…”

Kunj jumped in excitement-“what…Katrina Kaif…where is she?”

Twinkle-“outside…come meet her…she is waiting for u..”

Kunj was on the moon now…Katrina Kaif was waiting for him…he cant imagine ..he ran towards the hall…Twinkle smirked..

Kunj came out and searched her everyone in the house out of excitement but when failed to find any sign of her he turned back and found Twinkle standing right behind his back…

Twinkle-“what happened…u didn`t find her…okay I will show u where she is..Twinkle moved her hand to the front which was holding a broom and started beating him with that…

Kunj winced in pain running and jumping-“Stop Twinkle…what are u doing..”

Twinkle followed him and continued beating him mercilessly with the broom stick-“u was kissing Katrina kaif right…u forgot last time u were dancing with Alia Bhatt and what happened then…U didn`t came out from the bed for two days…this time u will not came out for a months..”

Kunj was running here and there , jumping, and Twinkle chasing him with the broom stick…Finally exhausted he stopped-“m sorry Twinkle…plz stop ur husband Shoshan..”

Twinkle stopped…came to him and pulled his ears..Kunj- “ what”

Twinkle-“this is the punishment for sleeping till 8 o clock…u forget ur daily routine…she handed the broom to him-“go do mopping, clean the utensils, and prepare breakfast fast…m
very hungry…”

Kunj huffed..what crime he did in his previous birth for which he got her as his wife…such a devil she is actually much more worst than a devil…He nodded like an obedient child and went for his works…

After cleaning and mopping for an hour…he was ready for cooking..He put a utensil on the burner…added milk, tea leaves, sugar and left it for boiling…then he kept sandwiches in the oven for baking and again came towards the stove..Kunj Sarna what crime u have committed that u got her…God why u had not became “Bhisma Pitama”..seriously the hard work u do for her if u have done atleast 10% of that hard work in ur study then u would have been on Mars right now..”Kunj murmured to himself and then turned towards the door to find Twinkle standing there folding her hands to her chest…

Kunj was scared to death..he banged his head and turned his face away not willing to face her and in the process of turning his hand hit the utensil kept on the burner…Within no time milk, tea leaves, sugar and that utensil was on the floor… God this is my end..his inner sense retorted…. Nervously he rolled his eyes up to face Twinkle and showed his 32 teeth…

Twinkle walked to him…gave a glance to the ground and then looked at him-“ 75 rupees u wasted…So, u will not get ur lunch for today…clean the mess and prepare tea again in 5 minutes… She ordered

Kunj murmured-“will add poison in that tea…”

Twinkle-“what did u said..”

Kunj banged his head-“I said u r looking stunning..”

Twinkle-“thanks…and I wish I can also say this to u but…” she left

Kunj got confused…he picked a steel plate and visualize himself in the mirror …the next moment an scaring screamed was heard…God she had made such a handsome dashing smoking hot Kunj Sarna an ugly old villain of Bollywood movies…even Gabbar Singh and Mogambo looked much better than him…

After fulfilling all his duty of an obedient husband, Kunj came to his room yawning stretching his arms to release his pain.. His eyes were about to close for eternity becoming all exhausted..some how he opened them and saw Twinkle busy styling her hairs wearing a knee length one piece…He gave her a gaze from head to toe and then at her purse kept on the dressing table…His face sparkled..all his tiredness vanished in a second…He was so happy…Yippee she was going out…his headache was going out…now he can sleep for hours and can dream of dating his hot heroines…

Kunj gave a big smile..he composed himself and made a questioning expression-“Radhu u r looking breathtaking…but why are u dressed suddenly..are u going out..”


Kunj couldn`t control his happiness..he laughed out-“where..”

Twinkle-“shopping…and correction I m not going alone…u r coming with me for holding my shopping bags..”

Kunj`s world changed suddenly…he came back on earth.. his all dreams broke into billion pieces-“I…no I am not going anywhere…today is Sunday Twinkle…we need to rest
today…and I m already death tired doing all household chokes…u go…I will stay here..”

Twinkle-“m not asking u…m ordering u…today is Sunday..the day for enjoying.. I cant make it a boredom by resting, sleeping and all…and what award winning work u have done that u r tired…go and get ready in 10 minutes…m waiting outside…” Twinkle left

Kunj hit his one foot with the other in frustration…why cant she see me happy for a single second…Sunday is the enjoyment day only for her…for me it is like death sentence..I wish the word Sunday should be removed from all dictionary…atleast working in office is much more easier than working for her…why didn`t she married a Coolie u would held her shopping bags…we are going for shopping but she will not even buy a 3 rupees pen for me…crap…”

Kunj came out dressed in a blue shirt black & jeans and they left for shopping…

After three hours of their death tiring shopping, they came back..Twinkle came inside eating an ice cream and Kunj behind her…every fingers of his hand, his shoulders and his head were holding a shopping bag…he threw them on the ground and jumped on the sofa to relax but before he could close his eyes she hit him on his head with a book and he jumped-“U idiot..he shouted and then quickly corrected himself I mean U angel…”

Twinkle was burning-“how dare u throw my shopping bags on ground…”

Kunj gave a glance to the shopping bags on the ground which were dancing at his messed up and thrashed state and making a fun of him…he then looked at her-“sorry I didn`t
threw them.. actually I slipped and the bags got scattered..”

Twinkle-“fine…clean the mess and then massage my legs .. m going to take a rest…got really tired today..”She left leaving him fuming..
My baby got tired…then why legs…let me massage ur neck…u will surely enjoy..Kunj huffed…everything in the house made a fun of him…being a dog is much better than being

Kunj Sarna…He was determined to find that person who introduce marriages…he will chop him in trillions pieces…

Kunj arranged the shopping bags in the wardrobe..massaged her foot, prepare dinner while Twinkle just kept relaxing watching T.V..

After their dinner she wished him night and left for sleeping to avoid her dark circles…

Kunj cleaned the kitchen, washed utensils and after arranging everything came to his room…he saw Twinkle sleeping peacefully…I wish she never wake up…her closed motor
mouth is so beautiful…but the problem is she never closed them…no one can say she can beat tape recording in blabbering and her eyes..they are even burning in her sleep ready to kill me..Kunj thought..

He quietly grabbed his phone .. came out of the room and dialed Yuvi…

Yuvi answered all sleepy-“yes Kunj…what on earth happened that u r calling at this hour…me and Mahi were sleeping peacefully..”

Kunj burned like a volcano-“u idiot, stupid, duffer, nonsense Yuvi…u r worrying about ur sleep after ruining my sleep and peace from ages…why did u tied me up with a Gabbar Singh…even Gabbar Singh and Mogambo can have mercy but she…she don`t even know the spelling of that…whole day she make me dance like her puppet…bla bla bla…I don`t remember for any single second her mouth is closed….don`t know how her parents tolerated her…u couldn`t have find someone else for her…why did u make me a spacegoat and tied down with her…god I cursed the day I met her…cooking, cleaning, working she has no any relation with them…what she know is ordering, beating, killing….Yuvi the day I will meet u and Mahi m gonna chop u both in billion pieces and will distribute that pieces to the street dogs…u both are so dead….”

Yuvi burst out in a huge laughter hearing Kunj`s confession..he was no less than a teenager…

Kunj turned around and his phone dropped down from his hand seeing Twinkle standing right behind him giving him a killer smirk..he open his mouth wide in shock.. immediately run towards his bed.. covered himself from head to toe and closed his eyes to calm his trembling body….
thats it…hope u all enjoyed…plz dont make my condition as Kunj if u were bored… loads of love 🙂


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