Tashan E Ishq
Finally the day has comes preeta bring twinkle to karan house and Karan bring kunj and twinj meet each together. And preeRan also and preeRan decided let twinj spend some time with each other.
Ka: listen kunj preeta and I am going Some where u both take care. My house okay
K: okay bro and thanks for everything
T: thanks u preeta
PreeRan : it okay enjoys and they walk out of house leaving twinj alone
K: so twinkle I was thinking he said coming toward her
T: so what u think Mr Sarna
K: I think we should be one as no one is here
T: u shameless don’t u have same our parent are still not agreed about us and your planning all this
K: till then I am not able to control my self
T: bad for u Mr. sarna and one more thing who told u to control
K: want sid I heard something from u said it agin
T: u know everything why will I said so
K: say one more time would be MrsKunjSarna
T: I said…… who tell u to control saying run from their and out it has small small rain
K: listen twinkle it raining u should not be out I am telling u
T: was all wet this time and he saw her and mesmerize by her and he quickly give her his jacket as twinkle cloth was visible.
K: actually I love u in any ways but can’t see u in this that why I give u my jacket
T: Mr sarna why u have to be the nicest person. And u know that why I love u
K: I know this and I love u too he hug her and both enjoys there moment in rain
Other side preeRan also having fun in rain and enjoying their moment with each other
Precap : Bebe entry and twinj married fixed but with different person and Bebe to help twinj.
Note For reader I may have to go for work and ff will might be late to post hope u all understand
Loved it
Amazing episode…:)
Amazing episode..
Loved it very much.
Finally twinj met after a lot of struggles??
And take ur time and then post but little bit longer…
Love u
fabulous epi
finally twinj got some time for them !
thanks for posting
luv u
keep writing
keep smiling
Awesome…! It took so much time for Twinj to get some private time with each other… Loved it!
Fantastic episode ?
Love it
Finally ?? dono mil gaye.. dono ko ek duje se baat karne ka mauka mila ???? awesome mind blowing fabulous episode. Loved it. Post next whenever you get time.
osm loved it sooooooo much ♥
lloved it ♥
cute n romantic♥
Amazing episode post soon…..???
Awesome episode dear superb
Finally TWINJ mil gaye
Post soon dear
luv u
Amazinggggg yaar loveddddddd it sooo much post soon ???????
It was awesome dear
Loved it
Post soon dear
Awesome ??

Loved it
Post soon??
Waiting ??
Awesome arati