Fan Fiction

TASHAN-E-ISHQ TWINJ = This bond made us become 1 again chapter 10

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1 year later
A big white bungalow is seen where a girl who is wearing a white dress is seen standing on the balcony sipping her black coffee. She is engrossed in some deep thoughts.
“1 year has passed since that accident and any things changed after that. I lost my babies after Rahul pushed me. I never knew I was expecting twins until I had lost them in my womb. As I was 5 months pregnant the Doctor had to operate me to remove my dead babies from my womb. I didn’t know I had lost them until they weren’t in me anymore as I was unconscious for 7 hours. It was the most miserable thing that happened to me in my life. It was very painful for me as well as it was for him.”
I was laying down on the hospital bed and slowly woke up. I look around and see that I am in a hospital room. I then felt something was different in me. I touched my stomach and saw that the bump had gone and screamed KUNJ. He entered the room and saw me screaming and I had tears in my eyes. He also had tears in his eyes. He just hugged me to calm me down.
Kunj= Twinkle we were going to have twins, but you miscarriage
Me= TWINS I said as I found out I was pregnant with twins I cried in his embrace.
I couldn’t face anyone apart from Kunj. Not even my own mother. For Kunj everything was finally falling into place. He could finally gain the fathers love he wanted too. Mummy Ji could also have a happy re-union with her family.

A few months went by and everything was getting normal. We decided to stay in Amritsar. Kunj would do anything to make me smile as he regretted with his previous deeds. I began to get all the symptoms I did when I was pregnant and I was pregnant again but still Babaji took away my happiness again and I had a miscarriage. I couldn’t take it anymore. I knew everyone wanted a new member in the family soon. But I didn’t know what to do. Kunj was also very upset.
10 days after my miscarriage I has seen that Kunj ad distanced himself from me a lot.I had also distanced myself from him. When I would try to talk to him but he said that everything was normal and nothing was bothering him. I also did the same when he tried to talk to me
Me= Kunj but I still need to tell you something important
Kunj= Yes Jaan he said holding my hands
Me= don’t take me in a wrong way but I think we both need some time
Kunj= I feel the same. I will move to Delhi
Me= I will move to Paris
Kunj= Why Paris?

Me= I need to for some fashion festival
He kissed my forehead and we went to sleep.
The next day when we told our families our decision they both refused but after we told them they agreed.
1 week later we both greeted our families and left for the airport. The journey was quiet. In the airport we both hugged each other. He pecked my forehead and we both left for our flight gate. We both looked at each other one more time before we went through.
Flashback ends
It has been 2 months I have been in Paris. Kunj and me communicate with each other every day and miss each other immensely. I can’t wait for tomorrow as he is coming.
Delhi Airport
Kunj PoV
Finally I am going to be meeting my wife the love of my life after 2 months. I can’t wait to see her tomorrow. I hope the flight time goes quickly.
I know that was very emotional and sad but there will be happy moments soon. Please don’t forget to comment and tell me what you feel.
Loads of Love

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