Fan Fiction

TASHAN-E-ISHQ Twinj= We went with the flow

A girls PoV
Maa died when I was 16. Papa and his second wife gave me and Mahi my older sister a hard time. Mahi Di was forcefully married with a businessman Yuvraj Luthra who never considered her his wife but just a bed mate who fulfils his wishes. Mahi Di however does all the duties that a wife should do. Papa was forcefully going to get me married but I some how managed to escape and ran away from my home which is Haryana. On my way to a unknown destination i came across a young good looking and out going guy Kunj Sarna who also ran away from home as he wanted to live his life his way not the way his father wanted. We both began to talk and shared what was happening in our life. We both decided to go with the flow. We reached our destination Amritsar . We both rented a house together with the money we had taken with us. It was only about 1.5 lakhs but we knew it would get used quickly so we decided to save it as well. It was very difficult to stay there with no family and people questioning us. So we got married as it was the only solution to be saved from peoples talks. Since then no one has ever questions us why we are together. It has only been 3 weeks that we don’t know where our relationship stands. We talk to each at times but don’t know where life is taking us ahead. PoV ended

Kunj Sarna= son of Usha and Manohar. Ran away from home to live life his way. Husband of Twinkle.
Twinkle Taneja/ Sarna= daughter of the late Leela Taneja and RT. Sister of Mahi Luthra. Ran away from her marriage and got married to Kunj .
Mahi Taneja/Luthra= elder sister of Twinkle. Love her husband a lot.
Yuvraj Luthra= husband of Mahi who only uses her on the bed. Also best friend of Kunj
Other characters will be shown later.
Flashbacks will also be shown.
I hope you enjoyed it. It wont be a lot of chapter.
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