Tears Of Happiness (Marriage) – Avneil Short Os
The scene starts with a couple entering the church, as they held each others hand. They both are looking stunning. The boy is shown wear a wedding suit and the girl is shown wearing a white beautiful gown.
“How can I say sorry, I’m so stupid to ditch you at our marriage” he said, while a tear rolled down his cheeks.
“It’s okay, it was important for you to leave, tbh I was quiet jealous that you left me for Juhi that time” she said, as she wiped his tears.
“I can understand your pain, but I didn’t know what to do” he said, as he cupped her face.
“Neil, let’s not talk about that anymore, this time you won’t leave me even if the circumstances are bad, promise?”
“Promise, my dear wifey” he said.
“Neil, don’t you feel bad that Juhi isn’t” she said, raising her eyebrows.
“I do feel sorry, but this happened for good, she is not in this world anymore, I don’t want to go in the past, you are my present and future, but I can’t forgive myself for leaving you” he said.
“Juhi is more important than this marriage” she said.
“No Avni, what was the point of me going there if I knew that she died, even if I went there she would still be dead, she wouldn’t come alive. I should’ve just cried and continued this marriage” he said.
“So even if I died, you will still not come to see me?” She asked him.
He stood there for a moment. He angrily grabbed her closer to him, his hand was on her waist. He looked at her eyes, as he could feel her breath.
“Don’t you ever say that again, I survived when Juhi died, but I will die, if something happens to you” he said.
“Neil, do you really care for me that much?” She asked.
“I can go to any limits for you” he said.
“Then why don’t you say those magical words that every girl wants to hear from their loved ones.”
He smiled and he understood what she meant.
He kneeled down and takes a ring out if his pocket.
“Avni, I finally have the guts to say this” he said, as he held her hand.
He took a deep breath to say what he wanted to say.
“Avni, I love you sweetheart” he screamed, as he expressed his love for her.
“I love you too Neil” she said, as she kneeled down too, to hug him.
After a few seconds they both got up. Their eyes were watery now.
“Neil, let’s promise each other that we will always stand together no matter what the circumstances are” she said.
“Yes Avni, I promise that I won’t commit that same mistake again, I will never ever leave you for a minute. I will always stay with you” he said.
He makes her wear the ring.
“Such a beautiful ring” she said.
“Not more beautiful than you” he said, as he winked at her.
She blushed hearing this.
“Why are you crying?” She asked, as she again wiped his tears.
“These are TEARS OF HAPPINESS” he said.
They cupped each others face and shared a long kiss of happiness.
Hello Guys, this was my os for this week. I hoped you enjoyed and yes I have created an fanfic for those who wanted one badly. It’s called – I hope these tears will never fall. Call it “hope tears” for short. Anyways do read that, it is sad but ending will be happy as we all love Avneil being together at the end after fighting so much. My ff is indeed sad because the whole society hates them and they all want to kill Avneil.
Bye, keep loving Avneil and be safe. <3
Sorry for the really really short os. But I had to do it because I am also writing chapters for my fanfic.
Niki, it is just awesome.. no words to explain. You write really well, niki…I am now in a depression after i heard of the news of neil leaving avni in the midth of marriage..Hope this OS will become true…really sad for avni, dont know what is going go happen after neil leaves avni. I will be sad in the time of this marriage drma so i thought of not seeibg naamkaran for almost 2 weeks.. hope it will be over by that time..it was really nice to read this OS.. well done niki.. i have read alot of OS which was written by you and you know i have fallen love with them actuallyyy… update the next OS sooon, niki.. love you lots…
Thankyou so much, you have encouraged me to write more. I have changed my mind, I will now write 2 os a week. But I will regualry post my chapter of my fan fiction.
Yes, I also got heartbroken when I heard Neil leaving Avni. This might sound crazy but I really crying for that last night. I was crying so much
Mee too niki, yeasterday afternoon was a very bad one for me as it was when i came to know about neil leavibg avni. I beacame depressed so thought of not watching nk for 2 weeks… this must be also crazy…
wow, it’s amazing. the way you think to present your imagination concept in this os which makes a remarkable impression on reader’s thought. At the time of confession, I can’t help but crying in happiness. your beautiful concept is still visible on my eyes. you describe all the incident with a magnificent way which makes me feeling better. just carry on your awesome activity. Best of luck Nikita.
Thanks so much, how can I say thank-you? It’s just so hard. Thanks so much for encouraging me and supporting my writing.
Simple and sweet OS.

Cute proposal.?
sorry nikki,but i can’t come as i used to..it was so sweet..and cute..pure..emotional..and love filled…. even it is short,but ur os is unique…i swear ur stories ,means all os..ae the ones never read or even can’t be thought..each is so lovely in it’s own way..so beautiful…sorry i can’t comment as i used to but always remeber..u and ur writings have a special place in my heart…and i specially wait for ur os every week..i wonder if u could write twice..but u can go as u have time…