Fan Fiction

Teenage love story Savitri devi Episode 3

Hello guys! Just wanted to say thank you for the love and support you have given me guys…you are the best!
Let’s start!

It was the party day!
Kabir and Riya are kissing each other…after they finished…Riya says : I love you
Kabir : I love you too Sweetie
Then suddenly Madhu throws water on Riya’s face…
Riya: how dare you? You ruined my dream…how could you do that?
Madhu: it’s time for the party…and don’t you want to look the best….so get ready…
Riya: yes you are right….i don’t want anyone to look better than me..

Sanchi: I don’t want to go to the party…i don’t deserve this…
Isha: Come on  girl…you have to get ready..look here is Pragya’s dress..wear it….come on Veer must be waiting for you..
Sanchi unwilling got ready and went to the party…she was looking simply amazing…
When Veer saw her..he hugged her
Veer : you are looking mast…
Then Kabir saw her
Kabir : Don’t you see here Every one is looking so hot and you just came with a behenji look
Sanchi: I don’t wear clothes to impress people..i wear them for my own comfort
Then Riya came..
Riya: Baaaabbyy….how am I looking?
Sanchi: focus on your girlfriend rather than looking at other people’s clothes
Kabir : I must say you are looking stunning and hot…no one is like you
Riya: aww thank you…come on let’s dance…she dragged him to the dance floor and they danced
Veer : Come on Sanchi…lets dance…we never danced in the orphanage….lets dance here…
Sanchi: Ok baba as you wish
And they also both danced

After the dance…
Kabir to Sanchi: although you are a behenji type…but you dance really good….want another dance with me..
Sanchi: No thank you..and she left
Riya to Kabir: what were you talking with her?
Kabir : you know what…she was flirting with me and saying you dance so good and blah blah blah
Riya: I will check on her
Kabir: No leave it..she never saw a hot guy..thats why
Riya: How much do you love me?
Kabir: to the infinity and beyond .
Riya : Aww I love you..
Kabir: i love you too
The party was over
Every one went to their rooms…
Kabir  to krish: you know I have no interest in Riya…
Krish: you should be got the hottest  girl…
Kabir: yea but still…i pay no heeds…i like when girls are after me rather than me being after them…
Krish: tu Kabi ni sudere ga

Kabir :???
1st day of classes
Teacher : Good morning!
Students: Good morning
Teacher: I would first like to telĺ you some rules…
1.) No one in my class talks or speaks
2.) You will sleep at 9 and wake up 8 no later than that
3.) There is no romance allowed in here
4.) Girls are allowed to go to their bathroom and boys to their…no exchanging.
Every one was  giggling after listening to the rules.
5.) You are  not allowed to have secret parties…
Kabir to his gang : we have secret parties every night…?
After eating your lunch..come to the hall…mr.Malhotra has an important announcement

At the hall…
Mr.Malhotra = As every year..we will have a head girl and head take care of everything..every year it’s Riya and kabir…hopefully this year it will be someone else….
Veer and Sanchi look at each other and smile
Sanchi in her mind =( if I become the head girl…i can prove that I am a really good student and when my identity will come out…they  might let me stay here…i have to try)
Riya to her gang: As always I will be the head girl..we just have to do what we do every year…got it girls…
Gang : OF one take your place…

Precap: who will be the head girl and the head boy

Thanks for reading
And next will be an OS
Love you guys
Best wishes;
Moonlight Tania


Cause darling I am a nightmare dressed like a daydream!

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