hey guys im back. Hoping you didn’t forget me. Guys i know im very late and im really sorry for that. ok no more lets go in the story. Oh yeah let me clear a confusion some of you confused that what ragini asked them to pay so there is nothing about money usually we said it meaning of suffer due to her unwanted marriage so i write it & one more thing Sanskar knew about his marriage with Ragini. So lets go…
Tera Woh Pyaar (Ragsan Ff) part-1
Ragini come to Sanskar’s house. After the ritual Swara take her to their room. That was fully decorated with flower and candle.
Swara- Bhabi i can understand as a girl how much difficult it is. Btw im swara your sister in law but dont consider me like that consider me as your sister ok.
Ragini smiles and nods her head. After some talk swara went away. Now Ragini is alone in room.
She started mummers to herself- Im married, im married now. But why i did this? nooo its very wrong. and i didnt told lucky and meh. i didnt brought my laptop and this phone also have no charge… urghhhh why god why with me?? this vani if i meet her once i will sure kill her. And this this heavy cloths the lehenga its too difficult to handle. ok calm down calm down rags. let sit there.
She sits in bed and started to play with flower petal on bed. After sometime Sanskar come in the room with nurvesness. Ragini looks at him and make face.
Ragini- Hi im ragini. I know its much difficult to accept the situation but we cant change the faith. (to herself- wah rags what a dialog!!!)
Sanskar- yeah.
Ragini- see i cant handle this wedding perfectly so i need time.
Sanskar- me to.
Ragini- See i cant share bed with you its better you sleep in couch. one second have you any laptop?
Sanskar- yeeah i have.
Ragini- then give me i have to call my besties.
Sanskar give her the laptop and she video calls laksh. She sits in couch beside sanskar. Laksh recive the call.
in video call…
Ragini- hi lucky.
Laksh- Rags where are you? and you are looking like a bride. what the hell is going on. Let call meh. (to meh- meh meh come here first)
Mehul also join him.
Mehul- Rags what is it? im confused.
Ragini- uff calmdown you both listen to me. See i got married.
Lakmeh(shocked)- whaaaaattttt!!!!!!??????
Ragini- yeah its true it s a long story i will tell you but met my husband first. (she pulls sanskar) This is sanskar my husband and sanskar they are my bff laksh urf lucky and mehul urf meh.
They greet eachother. Suddenly swara knocked the door and comes in.
Swara- bhai bhabi sorry for disturb but take it.
She gives ragini her vermilion box. Her waist was visible to laksh and mehul. After giving that she went away. Then ragini narrate the story to them. After talking Ragsan started to watch movie due to ragini’s demand but after sometime she slept at his arm. He close the laptop and also slept.
In morning Ragini opens her eye due to sunlit. She found herself in sanskar’s arm she get embarresed and get up. He also getup by disturb.
Ragini- morning.
Sanskar- morning. you wake up early?
Ragini- i always wake up early.
Sanskar- me to. Ok you can use washroom and freshen up.
Ragini- nope you go i have nothing to wear.
Sanskar- ok let me call sona. (he calls swara to come to their room.)
Swara come their and asked- What happen bhai?
Sanskar- She has no dress.
Swara- ohh thats the problem bhabi come with me.
Swarag went to swara’s room.
Swara- bhabi thre is my collection you can wear as you wish.
Ragini- swara im really uncomfortable with saree and anarkali. But im married what will i do?
Swara- dont worry bhabi mom is very cool she never force you to wear those cloths. They are better for function. But you have to suffer two days thre are many guest they will gossip so..
Ragini- i can understand.
Swara- dont worry bhabi you should wear this its very comfortable. (She gave ragini a red shiffon saree.) Now you go and use my washroom. Bhai has nothing accept soap in his washroom.
Ragini goes to washroom and freshen up. After sometime she come out she is looking like Goddess. She wear mangalsutra, put vermilion, wear chuda.
Swara- wow bhabi you are looking awesome. Bhai will become mad to see you.
Ragini- Swara im not that much sanskari girl. I am like play boy. I never wanted to marry. But destiny joked with me. i always wanted to something for my society. But now i have lots of responcibility.
Swara- you can still do it. You have full freedom to led your life and this sister will be always with you.
Ragini hugs swara. They share a sisterly hug.
Swara- Bas bhabi dont cry bhai is waiting for you(winked at her)
Ragini glares at her and playfully hits her and went to their room.
Precap- Grand reception… a shock for ragini
Guys here is the update. Please let me know how is it.
With Love
Amazing dr.
Superb di… waiting for shock..
Awesome. Update next part soon.
Superb. Is laksh love ragini or just friends?
Superb swaRagini scenes are wonderful. Waiting for ragsan scenes.
Superbbbb duperrrrr. Sanskar accepted ragini easily?
Sissy you’re very late ? don’t take so much time to update. Btw update was fantabulous. Waiting for ragsan love story to start.
Simply superb dear.
Awesome. Loved it.
Loved the chapter and aww RagSan

Awesome. Waiting for more Ragsan scenes.
Awesome sweet update.
Superb ??
Superb yaar.
What shock??
Supeeeeeeeeeeeeerbbbbbbb dear