Tere Bina Jiya Jaye Na 6th July 2022 Written Episode, Written Update on TellyUpdates.com
Scene 1
Krisha tells Dev that she heard voices from the room. Jaya says Raghav wouldn’t pull any antic again, I think Krisha has been affected by Ugra’s medicines. She should visit a doctor.
Dev and Krisha talk to a doctor. The doctor has taken a bribe from Jaya and tells Krisha that her medicines were strong and it’s mentally affecting her, she is hallucinating things. The flashback shows how Jaya told the doctor to say this lie to Dev and Krisha. The doctor prescribes some medicines to Krisha.
Dev and Krisha come out of the hospital. Some kids beg for money but Krisha says we will give you a treat. Dev smiles at her.
Jaya comes to Vamika and slaps her for trying to use magic against Krisha. Vamika says don’t tell me what I can or can’t do. Jaya says I told you that Krisha shouldn’t hear those voices again so why did you play a trick on her? Krisha shouldn’t hear those voices again. Vamika says I promise it won’t happen again. Jaya says I rule in this house so just do as I say. She leaves from there.
Dev and Krisha bring the begger kids to the house. Krisha says I will arrange food for you all. Krisha comes there and tells the kids that they have to study. The kids say we don’t have money. Dev calls his school and get the kids admitted there. Krisha says now you all have to study. Jaya comes there and asks who are those kids? Kach says this Krisha is bringing street kids in the house now. Jaya says that’s a good thing. Krisha tells Dev that we are lucky to have amenities so we should help these kids. She tells the kids to study hard and tells them if they need anything.
Dev sits with the party owner and says I am sorry for making you wait. The party owner says I have worked hard with your hard for this party but we don’t have funds anymore so we might have to close the party work. Jaya says that’s bad, Dev’s father has always helped them. Dev recalls Krisha’s words and tells the owner my father worked with you, you always followed his footsteps, and we will continue working for the people. The owner says we don’t have funds. Dev says when will we use this palace’s wealth if we can’t help the people? I am deciding today that I will sell all the wealth of our family and give it as a charity to the party. This wealth was for people and will be used for them. All are shocked to hear that. The party owner leaves. Jaya smirks and thinks Dev’s father’s dream will fulfill my dream now.
Kach shouts at Dev how could you give our wealth as a charity to these people? Ugra says this is royal money so you can’t take a decision alone. Dev says I am doing a charity but Kach tried to steal it many times. He tells everyone that nobody owns this wealth, people have made us royals so we will use this wealth for them. Raghav says what about our future? Dev says you are not in jail so be thankful for that. We are all educated so we can work hard. I have decided already and I won’t change it. Jaya tells Dev I am standing with you but if your family is pressurizing you then you should keep some wealth for yourself. Dev says all this wealth is for my people so I won’t keep anything, he leaves. Jaya thinks Dev is doing what I wanted. Once Dev signs those papers then I will own this party and Dev will be useless.
Precap: Same as yesterday – Jayamaa says to Maharaj what a bad luck you have, you are close to your kids but still can’t tell them you are alive. Maharaj takes Dev’s name. Jayamaa says, you are missing him, don’t worry, you will meet him soon and I promise you this will be your first and last meeting, Devraj days are numbered.
Update Credit to: Atiba
After Daksh exit this show has become senseless, really a confused drama now only one thing that we have to see is Dev Nd his father get united, hmmm a kind of disappointment with this story. Actually this will be the story which failed to impress when compared to other shows of AV, chal sheh aur maat is actually more interesting and i watch it now but TBJJN has failed to present a strong and interesting story.Tu Suraj aur main saanj poya ji is my all time favourite show of AV, yes Cs with the story of only param and sarab is my forever favourite but TSMSPJ is very beautiful with its music ,the secnic beauty the performance of AV and Rhea is very awesome and i watch that show more often, even sultan portion from Madhubala is my favourite untill sultan is show senseless. But TBJJN is not going to be in my list but yes Daksh and Dev in earlier episodes will be watched many times for the performance of AV but this story is very upsetting.
Totally agreed..read july 7th episode..vamika injects devraj dad so he can’t speak..what a pathetic track he came out from that room but can’t speak..so he can’t able to say that jaya and v r the main culprit..Story is going to the garbage
will stretch more wks ..dont watch at all as its upsetting 
I am sorry TBJJN show, i like all the actors and the early track of this show, but because of the not relatable story line in present days i don’t feel like watching it.
Saam I understand your frustration I do, but they can’t keep Avi doing two personalities for too long isn’t possible!! 12 or ours a day 6 days a week. If they keep daksh there will be less of devraj at screen. What they could have done is that after his death they could have brought another actor as daksh but they chose not to. Even keeping aarav have been better than bringing vamika, she is the bad luck and choice of what they did. Now I hope mother and daughter cuts each other’s throat and disapear from my TV screen.
I wish to watch AV in shows which is relatable to practical life incidents, in that way we can actual get connected to that story.
Yes, especially they were talking and promising to bring unique and fresh story, it was too at the beginning but they lost the path in between, I am not giving up yet! I watch it for Av sake and can’t abandon him.
You are a very loyal fan Ayni, yes the starting episode where krisha was struggling with her day to day work in that hotel, it was beautiful,i thought this show is very different and the cinematography was awesome the beauty of that places they showed will always be my favourite part of this show but now it’s completely gone down, black magic and all ,lot of illogical scenes and incidents makes me unbearable so i find it difficult to watch.but i will try to watch. The strong performance of AV in that first few episodes my goodness it’s a super performance, it’s totally absent now, he is like more playful now which is quite opposite of his nature in the beginning episodes.
Saam devraj is learning to love like a baby learning to walk one bady get on his feet won’t accept sit down quietly and so is devraj. He wants to make up for the lost time with out love and affection. Not only his childhood was ruined but his adultwood too. He felt for the first-time loved for whom is, not for what he has. He has been hard on krisha and to himself not to fall apart because that is he was thought to be ruthless and cold. Here comes krisha she puts upside down his world. A simple girl with tramandous heart who forgive him all his wrongful deeds and gives him his life back. So for the character devraj is realistic to think he is driven to her more playful, and why not every marriage needs moments like this. But when it comes to other family members he is quite hard and firm like his former him.