Categories: Ishq Mein Marjawan 2

Tere Ishq mein marjawan Episode 20

Hello guys hope you all are fine. And thankyou so much for your lovely responces. Actually this is my third time I am typing this update. So may be out of my laziness I may make it shorter but will try my best to make it longer.

So without wasting time lets start .

A man was tied to the chair . As soon as Ridhima arrived she went to him and slapped hard. This slap was like a red hot rod for him which has just touched his body. He was all covered in blood. It semmed a high level torture was given to him. On clearly seeing him we could make out that he was the same man who refused to say anything to Ridhima few hrs ago. Many of you may be thinking how can he survive after that shootout. So let ‘s find out as Ridhima herself is going to reveal it.

Ridhima: You should have died by my fake bullets. Atleast you wouldn’t have to bear this torture.

Ridhima: See I won’t say that I don’t have any personal grudge with you and will beg you to say the name of that bl**dy person who tried to harm my Vansh .

Ridhima: Look you just have to tell that persons name and I will give you an easy death. Its my promise.

Goon finally spoke: I won’t tell you . If I tell you they will kill my family.

Ridhima: Oh I see. This family drama wont be a good idea for you yo escape. If you don’t tell me I will kill them but if you tell they will be safe.

Goon: Still I won’t

Ridhima to one of her man: Give me that bottle.

Her man went and got a bottle.

Ridhima without even looking at that bottle just threw it at him.  As that liqiud touched his face his face got burnt. It felt like someone tore his face skin . His face got disfigured. (If you all have gussed it as acid then you are correct. See I am totally against that use but to add some thriller I did this. After listning to tbis line you may say. What qas tye need to use acid for thriller.So et me twll  you I am a mad . Sorry if anyone felt bad for this torture. )

Ridhima didn’t stopped here. She got a bucket full of boiling water and threw it on him . She was feeling satisfied by his screams. He was screaming at the top of his voice. Like this a bucket of super chilled water , slashes etc . It was a very horrible torture. At last he spoke.

Goon: Ok I am telling you . Please stop this.

Ridhoma on hearing this asked her men to stopped.

Goon : We don’t know her name nor her face.  But she was from your family.

Ridhima : Hmm . Interesting veryy interesting.

Ridhima to her men:  Free him.

This  didn’t ment releasing him . It was freeing him from the world. As she went out sound of many gunshots was heard. Hearing that she smirked.

She  didn’t thought anything and went home. As she entered in house she directly went to her room didn’t even went to Angre’s room to check on him. She went to freshen up. As soon as she came out. She saw a shadow in her room. She freaked and started getting panic attacks. Suddenly Angre came. She told him and he said

Angre : It was me only Ridhima.

But then he noticed something which was out of his imagination. Ridhima’s hand was bleeding . And before he could say anything else. She collapaed in a pool of blood. Angre panicked seeing that and started waking her up..

Angre: Ridhima  wake up . Don’t close your eyes.

Saying this he got her to her bed and started cleaning her wound . Ridhima was awake but not in a position to speak. He bandaged her wound and called the doctor. He also called Vansh. And told him every thing.

Vansh: What . How can I be so careless .When I knew that this will happen. Okay wait Angre I am coming.

Angre was unable to understand what he was saying . But before he could speak anything else Vansh cut the phone.

When Vansh arrived doctor was already present there and was checking Ridhima. After sometime he came and said

Doctor: I think she is in some stress. I suggest you that make her feel relaxed. Make her busy in some functions or some activity. As you know what will happen when she is in stress . I have given her painkillers. And a sleeping pill. That will make her sleep for 5 yo 6 hrs.

Angre was unable to understand anything . He was going to ask the doctor about what consequences he  was talking about but Vansh spoke.

Vansh: Ok doctor. I will take care.

Saying this he made him leave the house.

When they returned he went and sat near Ridhima and caressed her head. He could see that with his one touch his sweetheart found solace  and she glowed. As he was going to stand up he felt that someone held his hand very tightly. It was Ridhima .

He said: Don’t worry sweetheart I am not leaving you.

Ridhima: Hmm.

She wass in semiconcious state.

Then something striked his mind.

Vansh: Did you took the medicine .

Ridhima made a face which showed  that she had not taken it.

Vansh : You no na its necessary for you to take it.

This time Angre spoke.

Angre: Vansh . Will you stop this romance and just tell me what is happening here.

Vansh : Ok . Ok don’t be angry I am telling

Vansh : Actually the problem is Riddhu is suffereing from multiple personality disorder.

Angre: What ??? 😲😲 And you both didn’t bothered to tell me.

Vansh: I was going to tell you but she gave me her swear. But now its important to tell you this.

Suddenly a voice came

Voice: What is important to tell Vansh

Vansh: Kabir you ?? .What are you doing here.

Kabir : Actually came to meet Ridhima.

And then his eyes go to a body in deep and beautiful sleep beside Vansh and the thing which made him shock was a bandage on het wrist

Kabir : What is this Vansh and Angre. And Ridhima what happened to you .

He said while trying to wake her up..

Angre : Kabir leave her . Let her take rest . She injured her hand today.

Kabir: What the hell Angre and Vansh . So much happened to Riddhu and you both didn’t bothered yo tell me.

Vansh: We were going to tell you all about this tomorrow .

Angrw: We didn’t wanted to dusturb your sleep.

Kabir: Ok .I understand .But please tell how it happened.

Angre told him everything . He was listning to him very keenly

Angre: And  now this man has to tell me how my sister is suffering from Multiple Personality disorder.

Vansh: Okay so listen

Vansh : After an year after your accident me and that Ragini noticed some changes in Ridhima. She became angry whenever anything troubled me or you both. As I used to tell her everything that was happening here. This all was okay as we considered this as her possessiveness or love towards us. But then she started hurting herself.

This was also predictable . But this all reached its peak when I was attacked in london by some goons.

You remember Angre it was my first deal. And I went there with Aman. When we were going we were attacked  by some goons and unfortunately they killed Aman. That was the first time I witnessed a murder and this left me heartbroken. I somehow cracked the deal and then went to Ridhima . I told her everything . I wad so exhausted and shattered that I was crying . She made me sleep by consoling me . But.

Angre and Kabir: But what Vansh with curiosity and consern for Ridhima .

Vansh: But………

So now guess what happened.

Hope you woul like it.

Sorry for grammatical mistake or spelling mistakes.

Actually  I don’t know much about MPD so bear my imagination.

And a commenter said that she was missing my FF . So I would like to thank her. It means a lot to me dear. And sorry as now I am unable to recollect your name

At last Bye and take care💖💖💖

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