Sry guys looks like i havetoquit tu for my studies…
I hardly get time to use my phone so i have end this ff asap. I had planned lot of suspenses and mystery in hydrabad bt since i have to end it. I wont be writing it. I will be trying to finish this ff within 10 to 12 episodes.
As i m late i m really sry.
I just read all the ffs from may. And all r just awesum. The writers r just osm. Guys just keep continuing.
So back to the episode.
Episode 23
the engagement day
It was the day of the engagement. Twinj had decorated the hall beautifully with a blue and white background(as u guys knw i m really bad at describing)
The engagement takes place and the party is full on swing. Ppl r dancing like crazy dudes. Tw gets a call from amritsar.
Tw(on the phone) Hello..
The phone falls out of her hanf. Kunj notices this and comes to her. Tw hugs kunj tightly and starts crying.
K- tw kya hua? Kuch toh batao.
He picks up the phone and talks to the person. He gets shocked on hearing the news. He then informs virika and leaves the place with tw. They both pack their bag and take thenext flight to amritsar.
Mahi is holding a stick to hit. She turnsto the kitchenand finds a cat sittingover there. She shoos it off and gets back to work. Her phone starts ringing. She picks up the call.
Y- hello babydoll.
M-kya chahiye tmhe?
M- kya?
Y- mahi i love u.
Y-i realised late bt atleast i realised. I always knew u were smthing more than a friend bt i didnt know it was love.
M-wah mr.yuvraj. first u usdd my sister as an timepass when she got fo know ur real face u started hurting her. Then u came to london,acted nice to me abd made me fall in love with u. Then u made alisha pregnant(how many of u remember this). U tried to ruin my di’s life. And u expect me to love u. Wah yuvraj wah.
Y-i didnt make alisha pregnant.
M-Sabooth hai kya?
Y-nahi par..
M-(cutshim off) haa nahi hai na? look i have moved on. Yes i loved u bt not anymore. Next time u call me the consequences will be worse…and cuts the phone.
Twinj land in amritsar and rush to the hospital. They see their family standing there. Tw runs to bebe.
Tw-bebe what happened? How did maa..starts crying.
(Yes guys smthing has hppned to leela. Bt wht happnd? Ok sry cont reading)
B-leelaji was driving the car fast and crashed on a tree.
Tw-kya? Bt maa doesnt drive rashly.
The doc comes out
Tw-doctor doctor. How is maa?
D-dont worry the patient is out of danger. She is unconcious now so dont disturb her. U can discharge her in 3 days. U have to take complete care of her.
Tw-thnq doc.
The tension in evry1’s face had vanished. Tw went and sat beside kunj. She held his hand and rested her head on his shoulder.
Tw- kunj i was so scared. What if smthing had happened to maa?
K-tw aise mat bol yaar. Nothing will happen to maa.
Tw-kunj uk maa took lot of effort to bring us up.i will never forget the endless nights when mom used to cry. She never told me anything bt ik. I used to cry to bed hearing her cry.Papa had left us alone in this world. We didnt hv much money that time. We got sm money from the insurance of papa. Ik hw much hard it was for her although she didnt tell us. B4 u came in my life i had no one except maa and mahi. Bt now u r there,bebe is there mummyji,papaji, anand bhaiya evryone is there for me. Thnq kunj.
Kunj jusy caresses her hair.
Tw- do u know i always craved for papa and for his love bt i’m too unlucky. He passed away within months of mahi’s birth. Thts y i never let mahi feel papa’s absence.
K(side hugs her) its ok tw. Now i m there for u and ur family. Ur family is my family.
After smtym all go to leela while she is concious(actually i dont want to drag this part)
Tw used to always stay with leela and take care of her.
After 2 days
Tw had a call from pinni and had left to the taneja mansion so leela was alone. The door was opened by sm1 which makes leela shocked.
L-chale jaayiyee yaha se
Rt-kaise leela??
(Yes guys the sm1 was RT)
They keep talking and more over arguing. Soon leela forgives him. Meanwhile kunj is seen on his way to leela’s room. He opens the door and is shocked to see rt nd leela in sm sort of hugging position. Any1 cud make out they were a couple that moment. He was in a shocked state which made go dumb for few secs.
The epi was shorter than i expected it to be. I dont have much time to write kunj’s reaction and all those stuff. Sry.
Love u guys.
Silent readers pls break ur silence.
Haa and one mpre thing i need 20 comments atleast to cont. Pls boostme up with ur comments
Old post soon yaaelr it was so interesting
Nice episode
nice episode
but don’t quit tu as everybody is quitting now days! I mean u all say that u luv twinj &tei !then how u can leave such place where u can keep alive all the moments of twinj .
Studies r important for us ,u can take break from writing but stop saying I m leaving !rest upto u !
And one more thing I m a silent reader & sorry if u felt bad!
Very nic post soon dear
Finally tum me post kiya ???
Nice episode ???
Post soon
Nice work
Thank god u r back
Nice epi.pls quit TU yaar. Actually i m silent reader. So pls…
I mean dont quit TU!!
i mean pls dont leave
Awsome episode. ..plz try to post soon
Wow tar it was just awesome mind blowing
U know I was waiting for this ff yar
Plzzzz plzzzz post soon
Amazing episode
Post soon dear
Plzz end mat karo
Awesome ?
Plz don’t quit tu …..ur studies are imp but whenever u get time you can post plzzz….because everyone is leaving these days …plz you don’t …we have to keep twinj forever plz it’s a request ??
I am a silent readers.
Amazing episode.
Don’t quit Tu plz .
Awesome Amazing
aishwariya srsly long time yrr…..♥
missed u alottt ♥
cute n emotional episode ♥
lods of love ♥
do post soon ♥