Fan Fiction

Tere sukoon ke liye ho jaau mein fanaah IshOm ff part-32

Hello friends, i am back with the update. hope you enjoy reading this.


Obros with Ishanya

All the three O’bros and Nandita had stared at Ishanya with open mouth. Om was the first one to recover from the shock and asked Ishanya, “But why? We have proofs too.”

“Because, I don’t care.” She replied nonchalantly confusing them further.

“But Ishanya your image is being destroyed, your business might face loses too if it continues and your company’s share values will get down.” Shivaay said explaining her.

“So? Are you worried about the menbou’s deal? If you want you can cancel it I don’t mind.” She replied making Shivaay angry.

“Ishanya, how did the deal’s matter came in middle of this discussion? Why don’t you understand? I am not worried about business, I am worried about you.” He said in a high voice. Omkara looked at him with surprise seeing his concern for her.

“Relax Shivaay. Why are you worrying for me, when I am totally alright?” She said making Shivaay more irritated. He ran his fingers in his hair in frustration and hanged his hands upwards in frustration not knowing how to make Ishanya see sense and others stared at her not knowing what to do.

“Ishanya, why are you so adamant? You just give the details to me. I promise, you don’t have to come before the media. I’ll handle everything.” Nandita said and everyone looked at her hopefully.

“No.” Ishanya said.

“Now what’s the problem in it?” Nandita asked.

“I don’t want to reveal any details of this secret team who helps me in providing assistance to those girls, if it gets revealed, those girls may face problems and someone can try to bribe my staff and use the girls for wrong deeds, I don’t want it.” Ishanya said explaining her reasons.

While Rudra got confused, Shivaay and Nandita got irritated by this as she is still thinking about others and not for herself.

It is only Omkara who admired her and respected her for her decision. He couldn’t stop himself from clapping for her. Everyone got surprised seeing Omkara clapping.

“Guys, please respect her decision. I think she has a valid reason.” Omkara said to them.

“But O, what about Ishanya? Those media people are making many accusations on her.” Said Rudra.

“Exactly, if we don’t do anything everyone will think the accusations are true and Ishanya is wrong.” Shivaay said

“We have to do something to prove her innocence even if don’t reveal her helping them.” Nandita said.

“You guys, don’t have to do anything. The rumor will go away in the same way it appeared.” Ishanya said.

“But Ishanya it is not only about your image but also those women’s too, we have to reveal truth that those girls are not s*x workers now.” Omkara said.

“Oh! Mr. Truthful, please don’t start now. I don’t have any patience or strength to listen about your truth lectures now. I am very hungry, you know I haven’t eaten anything since morning.” She said whining and pouting. Everyone smiled at her cute pout.

“Chalo guys, let’s make something for her.” Shivaay said and went to the kitchen followed by his brothers.

“Let’s make a salad for now.” Shivaay said and OmRu took out fruits and vegetables from the fridge.

Ishanya and Nandita stared at the trio who are cutting, chopping, slicing the vegetables and fruits with such ease and perfection. They looked at each other in surprise and then at them.

“You guys look like professionals.” Nandita exclaimed.

“Yeah, I know that Shivaay cooks but I don’t thought that you two too would know cooking, you guys never mentioned?!” Ishanya asked them.

“They haven’t even mentioned that they are Oberoi’s and you are asking about their cooking skills!!” Nandita said rolling her eyes while the O’bros smiled.

“Yeah, you guys never mentioned that you are Oberoi’s why?” Ishanya asked in fake anger.

“You never asked our surnames.” Omkara replied looking at her.

“Ok, but you guys must know me, you all know my full name and designation, then how did you didn’t got any hint that I am friends with all 3 of you, have you never discussed about me with each other?” She asked making them look at each other with smile.

They remembered the talks about her and laughed at way, how they never took her name infront of each other.

“Why are you all laughing? Answer me.” Ishanya asked.

“Because, we did talked about you with each other but hadn’t took your name infront of each other.” Said Rudra.

“What, then what did you guys used to call me I know Rudra would have called me slapping fairy but what about you two?” Ishanya asked curiously.

“Shivaay bhaiyya used to say you ‘that girl’.” Rudra replied earning a glare from Shivaay.

“And Omkara?” asked Nandita.

“Acquaintance, no, no, ‘just acquaintance’.” Said ShivRu in unison making Nandita surprised while Ishanya smiled at herself.

“Just Acquaintance?” Nandita asked playfully while Omkara and Ishanya staring at each other.

“Yeah, because we became friends yesterday only.” She said replying still looking at Omkara who was also looking at her.

“What?” asked Rudra making them break their eye lock.

“You guys became friends?” asked Shivaay looking at Omkara.

“And you haven’t told us about it?” asked Rudra.

“Arey, we became friends just yesterday. I was about to tell you guys.” Omkara said explaining himself while Nandita and Ishanya smiled at them.

“here you go, it’s ready.” Said Shivaay garnishing the salad.

All the three O’bros took the tray to her and gave her the salad. Ishanya took it and tasted a spoon of it while the O’bros are waiting with baited breath to know her reaction.

“It is awesome, I don’t know that a simple salad can taste this great.” She said praising them and they looked at each other smiling.

“Chalo, let’s make arrangements for lunch.” Said Shivaay surprising Ishanya.

“Lunch? Why?” she asked

“What why? We need to have lunch right or you are planning to stuff yourself and us with this salad only?” Shivaay asked jokingly. omRu smiled at Shivaay seeing this side of him with Ishanya.

“No, I didn’t mean that. Let’s order something, why should you guys make?” Ishanya asked looking at them.

“Because I have invited you for lunch today, so it is my responsibility to make lunch for you. I have already postponed it once, I don’t want to post-pone it again.” Shivaay said explaining her.

“Okay! But I will too join you guys in making lunch!” Ishanya replied making them happy.

“Even I too.” Said Nandita.

“Then finish the salad soon and join us.” Omkara said smiling at her.

“What would you like to have for lunch?” Shivaay asked her.

“Slapping fairy likes south-indian food. Especially sambar.” Replied Rudra. ShivOm looked at him with surprise to know that he knows this detail of Ishanya.

“Oh! Ok then let’s make sambar chawal.” Said Omkara.

“And for sweet dish?” Rudra asked.

“Shrikand. She loves it.” Omkara replied remembering their day out. Now, it is ShivRu’s turn to get surprised

“So, it’s final then.” Shivaay said while Nandita and Ishanya looked at them, they were talking as if Ishanya isn’t there at all.

“Oh! Hello! I am here, you have asked me, right? Then why are guys deciding yourself?” she asked.

“Ok, then. You tell. What would you like to have?” Omkara asked.

“The same which you decided.” Ishanya replied making all of them laugh.

“Arey, what’s there to laugh!! They wanted to make lunch for me so it should be me to decide the menu even it is guessed by them.” Rudra got surprised seeing this adamant side of her and remembered their initial meetings.

O’bros went back to kitchen to make lunch. Nandita and Ishanya sat in the hall facing towards kitchen looking at them.

“I think Omkara is right Ishanya, think about those women’s image too.” Nandita said and went to kitchen to help O’bros.

Ishanya took her salad bowl and went towards the kitchen asking, “What do you want me to do then?”

“ACP Kulkarni has the permission letter you got from Minister, lets tell this detail to the media.” Replied Nandita.

“Nandita you are a PR head, don’t you know that evidence is very small and media won’t believe that I am genuinely helping the girls even after knowing about the permission they will say the same thing, that I am running a s*x racket in the name of helping.” Ishanya said explaining Nandita.

“She is right.” Shivaay said and everyone looked at him.

“Then we have to think something else.” Rudra said.

“How about, making those women say all this to media?” Nandita asked.

“Do you think the media will believe them? Won’t they accuse me of forcing them to talk in favour of me as they are in my custody!” Ishanya asked.

“And more over, their identities will get revealed, which I don’t want. They will face a lot of humiliation later. We can’t do that.” Ishanya explained.

“Then, how to get you out from this?” Rudra asked whining.

“Rudy, I am not stuck somewhere to get me out, chill everything will be alright. After few days people will forget about this and media people will make another sensational news. We don’t have to do anything, everything will sort out itself.” Ishanya said making everyone sad.

While everyone got back to their work, Omkara just stared at her. He was trying to read her eyes, trying to understand her inner feelings which she is masking with that smile of hers. He knew she is pained and got hurt because of all this but she isn’t letting anyone know about it. Infact, he knew that she is trying to ignore it as she couldn’t do anything to wipe all this.

Ishanya took her phone and instructed Martha and Anu to stay away from media and don’t reveal anything to them which they obliged.

How is it?? i am waiting eagerly to know your opinions. Please comment.


:) :) :)

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