Teri Meri Doriyaan 14th October 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on TellyUpdates.com
Brars get calls from known ones asking if Angad really killed Sahiba. They refuse to comment. Akaal says he can’t believe Angad can kill Sahiba. Jasleen says it’s possible as they know how Sahiba and Angad fight, Sahiba got upset hearing about Manveer’s announcement and Angad must have gone behind her, Angad must have murdered her during their heated argument. Prabjot says maybe reporters are right. Inder warns her to stop talking rubbish. Akaal says he will never believe that Angad can murder Sahiba. Gurleen tries to comfort Seerat for losing her sister. Seerat thinks Angad can never murder Sahiba. Manveer asks Inder to bring her son back home.
Veer returns home and informs family that he saw Sahiba’s dead body and Angad refusing to accept that it was Sahiba’s. Jasleen says Angad is in a denial mode and doesn’t want to accept that he murdered Sahiba, maybe he will realize later. She thinks Garry suffered a lot because of Angad, now it’s her turn to take revenge. Angad pleads inspector to search for Sahiba as she is alive and the dead girl is not Sahiba. inspector warns him to shut his mouth and sit in a corner or else he knows how to shut his mouth. Family continues their theory. Jasleen taunts Seeerat that her plan to marry Angad failed.
Ajith walks in with Keerat and confronts Seerat for ruining Sahiba’s life by planning to marry Angad. He then blames Brars for letting Angad murder Sahiba. Inder says Sahiba was like his daughter and he will never believe that Angad can murder Sahiba. Akaal tries to comfort Ajith. Keerat breaks down. Gurleen asks Seerat to comfort her sister. Keerat warns Seerat to dare not come near her as Angad may have been accused of murdering Sahiba, but Seerat is the real murderer who manipulated Angad to get rid of Sahiba.
Inder gets a message from his lawyer Mr Dhillon that he took permission to meet Angad. Inder with Veer and Akaal reaches police station and meets Angad with Dhillon. Dhillon questions Angad if he met Sahiba and had a heated argument with Sahiba. Angad says Sahiba wasn’t in her hostel room at all and that girl is not Sahiba, he didn’t murder Sahiba. Dhillon asks him to speak truth if he wants bail. Angad stands by his words. Dhillon leaves with Inder. Angad asks Veer to contact their It department tech Shameem and trace Sahiba’s location. Veer leaves. Dhillon tells Inder and Akaal that he can’t get Angad’s bail as Angad was found at a murder spot. Akaal asks him to not to say that. They meet inspector who says same.
Akaal asks Inder not to inform Angad that he will not get bail. They meet Angad again. Akaal recalls being in Angad’s place and Angad promising him to get his bail at any cost. He tells Akaal that he now realized the pain of seeing a dear one behind bars. Inder says he loves him the most in the world. Angad says that girl was not Sahiba and Sahiba is alive. Akaal hopes so, but if god wants Angad to separate them, then he should accept it. Inder takes him from there. Angad thinks until Sahiba is found, nobody will trust him; where Sahiba must be.
Precap: Angad escapes from police. Rumi kidnaps Sahiba and says they both are two bodies one soul now.
Update Credit to: MA
Okay, day 1, of the chewing gum storyline begins haha. I actually like the storyline, but still I don’t get why they need to make longer episodes when nothing of significance happens. I’m totally team Jasleen on this Angad as a murderer track…she should continue making Manveer and Seerat feeling bad. Also, why is Gurleen comforting Seerat….I wish Keerat really did reveal all of Seerat’s dirty secrets to the family and I really want Seerat to be framed as an accomplice to the murder once Angad is on the run. Personally, besides Bebe, Inder, Veer, and Gurleen, I don’t think anyone in the Brar family cared that Sahiba was dead….it was just Angad this and Angad that. I was low-key upset with the grandpa when he was saying to Angad that Angad and Sahiba were not meant to be together due to all their misunderstandings….he’s probably right, but still, why add to their differences? I don’t get why Seerat is showing concern for Angad and wants to visit him in jail…can she please leave the man alone….maybe the makers want to show she is truly concerned about him and is a gray character, but I prefer if she is one-dimensional and ditches Angad over this lol….save the nuance and character development for Sahiba or other characters that deserve it! Hoping to see Sahiba again soon….the main highlight of the show is seeing Angad-Sahiba together, so even though I don’t mind the curent track, I want them to be back together or for Angad to be searching for Sahiba. I’m exicted for Angad’s prison break lol and to see how he tracks down Rumi and Sahiba, but not looking forward to the wait.
The makers have got audience exactly where they want, nice trick By the way
angad deserves this situation becuz for not standing up for his love and sahiba .sahiba deserves this for not trusting and listening to her husband
should have sent rumi to jail when angad was dragging him by the neck but she stopped him. I wish the girl murdered is not riddhi, poor girl
although she was bit**h to sahiba but doesn’t deserve to die in gruesome way. Did rumi just change sahiba clothes and put it on murdered woman along with other accessories ,that’s violation of woman’s body , both of them. I hope this time around he meet terrible end without mercy ,no jail

I had high hope from veer-keerat, but they r even dumber than their elder brother and sister, absolute waste and of no use
cheer up friends first sahiba is not dead, i read angad will escape from police and save her when we dont know, sahiba will sign divorcepapers angad will object manveer will order angad to marry seerat or she will comit suicide or hurt herself badly i hope this happens because i hate manveer and would rather see her dead then alive same goes for seerat and romi i hate these caracters and with me many others but the person who will stop this mariage is gary all of a sudden he will pop up and then seerat and angad will not be able to get maried not right away unless they get divorced then the danger will return of seerat marrying angad but i have read nothing about that as yet further i think the story has become boring and the bad scenes last to long and the evil people are keep winning to me it looks as if they will never loose it is time more people protest against this story then they will take it off air but up to now nobody has so we have to bare with the boring story and its boring caracters with their ugly faces
At one point I got a feeling that in India,there is too much of sisters’ rivalry over one man or two ladies fighting for one man. Its only in Junnoniyat where two men fight for 1 woman. My other observation is that evil always wins over right. I don’t know if this happens in real life or is it just in fiction, and if its just fiction, then why portray something that gives bad vibes to the people. I’m from Tanzania(East Africa) and always glued to de tv watching but sometimes feel like breaking it whenever I see evil continuing to win. I wish I would know why they portray such stuff,its heartbreaking at times.
This is the best soao I have have ever seen in a very long time. I really must say the actress who plays Sahiba is the best actress out of this world. No one can do what she can do. She is extremely beautiful.
The Brars once again are divided! Pro and contra Angad! The daughters of Brars are actually hate Manveer
and seeing her resent action, she may have made their lives difficult to leave in their parents house, Angad has the upper hand in the new generation and I suppose manveer and Inder had befor and that lead to jealousy and resentment towards Angad and Co.
Seerat and manveer are mute for the first time in today’s episode. While kirat was blaming seerat for manipulating Angad, manveer was shocked and may realized she too was manipulated, and I am looking forward for their cat fight.
i want angad and sahibaa back as soon as possible yrrkhh.. thiss era was too irritating
Look where Sahiba is kept in drama drama and more drama