Categories: Teri Meri Doriyaan

Teri Meri Doriyaan 23rd September 2023 Written Episode Update: Sahiba Argues With Angad

Teri Meri Doriyaan 23rd September 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on

Sahiba’s teacher tells Ajith that his daughter is a very talented artist and will reach new heights soon. Sahiba thanks teacher for appreciating her efforts and smiles. Rumi thinks Sahiba’s eyes sparkle whenever she smiles and he likes it. He clicks her pics and imagines romancing her. Teacher gets him out of imagination and asks him to go and click Sahiba and her family’s pic to print in a magazine. Rumi clicks their pics. Sahiba notices her classmate fainting and rushes to attend her. Event organizer asks Angad if he didn’t like any painting yet. Angad says he didn’t find any painting special. She asks him to check all the paintings, he may find his desired painting. They walk into student’s section. Seerat thinks Sahiba is found nowhere.


art enthusiast Mr Kalra looks at Sahiba’s painting and praises it. Rumi introduces himself as event’s official photographer and says whoever sees this painting praises it. He explains the specialty of this painting and it’s artist. Mr Kalra gets impressed with his sense of art and business and agrees to buy it. Angad looks at the painting next and desires to buy the painting. Event organizer says they have bid for it. Angad says he wants to meet the artist before bidding for it. Sahiba’s teacher asks if he doesn’t know who the artist is. Angad says no. Organizer says artist must be somewhere nearby, they shall start the bidding first, and and keeps the base prize as 2 lakhs. They both bid and take it to 50 lakhs. Seerat asks Angad to stop his bidding. Kalra asks if Angad gave up so easily. Angad gives blank cheque to organizer and asks her to fill 1 lakh more with whatever amount Mr Kalra bids. Kalra says he gave up and painting belongs to Angad. Angad says he wants to meet the artist now.

Sahiba returns. Organizer informs her that her painting is bid and an art enthusiast bought it with a blank cheque. Sahiba asks who is that. Organizer says it’s Brar Jeweler’s Angad Singh Brar. Sahiba gets angry and asks if he is still here. Organizer asks why she got angry hearing Angad’s name. Sahiba storms out from there. Seerat tells Angad that he shouldn’t have bid so high for the painting of an unknown artist. Angad says that art is bigger than an artist. Sahiba walks to him and says his ego is much bigger for him. Angad is shocked to see Sahiba there. Seerat asks Sahiba why is she speaking to Angad like this. Sahiba says she is the artist of that painting. Seerat says out of whole exhibition, Angad liked Sahiba’s painting.

Sahiba refuses to sell her painting to Angad. Seerat tells Angad that they should leave now. Angad says wait and asks Sahiba why she doesn’t want to sell her painting to him. Sahiba says when he can’t value her, he can’t value her painting. Seerat says she can’t misbehave with Angad. Sahiba says it’s her painting and Angad is buying it, so why is she interfering between them. Angad says he liked the painting and wants to buy it, he didn’t know it’s her painting. Sahiba says money is not everything in life; loyalty and self-respect matters, but a few/Seerat run behind money. Angad says she can’t question his loyalty. Sahiba leaves. Angad walks behind her and holds her.

Sahiba frees herself and asks if he wants to show the world that he is too good that he bought his wife’s painting. Angad says he will pay more for the painting. Rumi thinks how dare Angad touched Sahiba, he will kill Angad. Sahiba asks what kind of payment. Angad says for staring at her painting for 15 minutes and liking it, she is staying in a hostel and may need money. Sahiba says she thought he truly admired her art, but he can never change.

Precap: Sahiba gets a parcel. Sahiba finds Angad’s watch and blood-stained shirt in it with a note that he took Angad out of her life and now she belongs to him. Sahiba runs on road worried for Angad. Rumi stops his jeep and asks what is she doing here. Sahiba says Angad’s life is in danger. Rumi asks her to get into his jeep, he will help her. She gets in. He grins.

Update Credit to: MA

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