Categories: Teri Meri Doriyaan

Teri Meri Doriyaan 27th June 2024 Written Episode Update: Akeer’s Dastarbandi Ceremony

Teri Meri Doriyaan 27th June 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on

Akeer tells gurudwara priest Paati ji that his mamma is at god’s house, will she be happy if he performs service in gurudwara. Paati ji says absolutely yes. Angad tells Paati ji that they are planning Akeer’s dastarbandi, when can they perform it. Paati ji says this Sunday. Angad asks Akeer if he will not invite Paati ji for his dastarbandi ceremony. Akeer invites Paati ji. Paati ji says he will absolutely come as he has to perform Akeer’s dastarbandi. Jasleen scolds Keerat for helping their staff Gurnoor in lifting groceries at gurudwara. Gurnoor says Keerat is kind hearted and hence helped her and asks Keerat to let her do it herself. She tells gurudwara staff that she will prepare whole food today which would be very tasty. Manveer in a usual humiliating tone shouts

that they are here for Akeer and will prepare food, staff can’t mingle with them. Gurnoor says she is Akeer’s teacher. Manveer shouts that she doesn’t want to argue in gurudwara and asks her to get out of there. Sahiba asks what will she do now. Staff asks her to do other service.

Gurnoor serves devotees and gets tensed seeing Beeja and her aide and escapes from there. Akeer searches for Gurnoor. Angad says they both shall search her. Akeer warns him not to follow him. Angad calls Gurnoor and finds her number switched off. Her asks Bebe to be with Akeer and not let him go anywhere until he comes. Bebe holds Akeer. Gurnoor tries to walk out of gurudwara thinking it’s good that Beeja didn’t see her and gets tensed seeing Beeja standing right in front of her. She runs from there. Beeja thinks she feels peaceful seeing Gurnoor’s fear. Gurnoor hides in a grocery room and seeing a shadow coming towards her warns him to dare not come near her. She attacks him with a stick. Angad escapes and asks what happened. Gurnoor runs and hugs him tightly. Angad asks if something happened. Gurnoor stands silently. Angad says he will not ask her anything further until she herself open up.

Brars decorate house for Akeer’s dastarbandi ceremony. Angad gets emotional looking at Akeer’s dastarbandi invitation board. Garry says he wants Angad to smile today as it’s his son’s dastarbandi today. Angad says he wants his son to call him papa just like Bani calls Garry as papa, but it looks unlikely. Garry assures that Akeer will accept him as papa soon. Gurnoor hears their conversation. Angad walks to her. Gurnoor says she got emotional hearing him. Angad says she asked him why Akeer misbehaves with him, by now she would have realised that he and his son don’t get along well. Gurnoor assures that Akeer will understand him soon. Angad then walks to Inder’s photo and recalls calling him papa, he asks when will his son call him papa. Gurnoor suggests him that Akeer dastarbandi cloth should be pink to tune in with Angad’s pink turban. Angad agrees.

Bebe with other family members tells Manveer that they all have decided that Manveer will perform Akeer’s dastarbandi. Manveer says Bebe is elder and it’s her right. Bebe says she performed her grandson’s dastarbandi and now Manveer should perform her grandson’s dastarbandi. Gurnoor picks a pink cloth for dastarbani. Manveer shouts how dare she is to choose dastarbandi cloth, it’s her right and she will choose yellow cloth. Gurnoor requests her to choose pink cloth to tune in with Angad’s turban. Bebe and others also insist Manveer to choose pink colour. Manveer smiles thinking Gurnoor chose a beautiful colour. Akeer notices dastarbandi’s invitation board with his name and gets happy. Simran says he is a star today. Sahiba says his papa loves him a lot and is doing all this for his happiness. Akeer notices Angad chatting with guests. He walks to Angad and asks if all these guests have come for him. Angad says yes and there is a surprise for him. Akeer’s Panesar friend Lucky walks in with his mother. Akeer happily hugs him and takes him to show his room. Angad thanks Lucky’s mother for coming.

Precap: Gurnoor tells Akeer that his papa takes care of his happiness, he should do something for his father in return. Akeer says he will thank Angad Singh Brar. Gurnoor says he should do something else. Beeja tells her aide. that she wants to see Gurnoor shivering in fear. Gurnoor looks afraid.

Update Credit to: MA

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  • Everything is going very faster now gurnoor is still hiding truth from angad but cannot do this for long angad is becoming more and more intresting in gurnoor i knew makers want to turn angad gurnoor and akeer into a family because why would they otherwise ask same actress who played for sahiba to play as gurnoor i must say i like her acting more then when she was sahiba this gurnoor knows how to handle brar better then sahiba and she loves akeer a lot angad needed a woman like her sahiba was to soft for him gurnoor atleast stands up to manveer and angad only we don t know yet if beejee and zorawhar will turn out stronger then anghad and gurnoor

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    • @Marielouise.... I agree with you. I like Gurnoor and her lively spirit and she seems able to handle the Brar's especially stupid Manveer. That Manveer at times I wonder why she is always so bitter and who were her parents, she does not even understand that even maids and staffs deserve respect too.

      Manveer is a perfect example of what is wrong with the society today. People like her look up or down at people based on their class which is very disgusting and it shows the kind of vile person that she is.

      Even though I like Gurnoor, I don't want her to fall in love with Angad. That guy can't keep a woman happy and it seemed that after Sahiba fell in love with Angad, she lost the ability to be happy and still stand up for herself because she was trying to always please her MIL and her man child of a husband ( a husband that allowed his mother control him most of the time). Now I'm not even against trying to always be at peace with everyone but if shouldn't also make you loose your own peace and happiness. Angad doesn't understand the meaning of marriage.

      Although it seems nothing can destroy Gurnoor's spirit especially with the flashbacks of abuse that she has endured from zornar. But I wouldn't expect any positive thing from this PH because they thrive on negativity.

      And I must say this series have shown all kinds of illegal activity like kidnapping, domestic violence, fraud etc and none of the criminals have ever paid any price or faced the consequences of their crimes. In this series only the good people are punished. What a very stupid fictional story. ¡Qué pena!

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  • They must kill off this Manvee witch character first before they end this show.
    She is too irritating for words
    Finds a problem with everything
    She deserves a tight one from Bebe

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    • @Trix Manveer must die before the show end she is one of the most toxic character in TMD and she goes off easily after commiting her crimes from Simran kidnapping and also indirectly causing Sahiba's death and not to mention how she has always taunted Sahiba from day one this old hag must die before the show ends ..

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  • i would like to see manveer also dead but it still might happen in the very last e3pisiode because beeje and zoravhar know now where gurnoor is so it will either end with the death of all brar family and gurnoor will return back to her abusive husband or they both will be killed in serial and if akeer does not have to die he will be brought up in an ophenage because i don't believe in a happy ending of serial

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    • They have an opportunity to save the show by turning gunoor into saiba but this ph is bent to ruining the show further. I do not even think sarkar has known saiba for that long, but just trying to force his marriage on her. Well that is what this ph craved for. As for manveer I want her to die a slow painful death where he will be resented by everyone and be isolated. They should start pointing out her flaws, and remind her that she is responsible for saiba's death by bringing his only son psychopath women. And for this keerat she is beyond boring, just lifeless, nowonder there is no sparkle between her and garry. She should be standing out agst,jas and manveer and remind them that she was once treated like a stranger and if it wasn't for her marriage with garry she'd be still considered worthless. When they need her support that is when they refer to her as a brar daughter in law but other than that she is still seen as a3rd class citizen,monga. Someone needs to point out to jas and manveer that they need a life, and should reflect on why their husbands dumped them despite being rich and glamorous. I think love is already in the air for guran. I hope when akeer calls angad dad, manv will not take credit for it claiming that she told bebe to give it time it will happen. I hope simran informs her that it was gurnoor's tactic idea. It will be a slap in her ugly face. I hope the show will have good ending but nope to guarantee unless she is saiba.

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    • @Justicebar, I agree...the show is disgusting unless they bring back Sahiba, but they're trying to show Gurnoor is a different character and that love is in the air for upset. As for Manveer, everyone wants to get her just desserts, but the fact that in her mind she liked the color Gurnoor selected shows that she'll turn good and accept Gurnoor or die saving her, which again is a tragedy in my opinion cause Sahiba only got that acceptance from Manveer for like two episodes because she was pregnant. For me a happy ending can only be Gurnoor being Sahiba and Sahaneer being together, but I can't keep any expectations here.

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  • As I already said yesterday, I'm happy this show is going off air soon, but am sad that it doesn't look like Gurnoor will be Sahiba. It looks like they'll just give Guran a happy ending, though except a few fans, no one even wanted or still wants that.....I really don't know what this PH's problem is. I was at least hoping Angad could be killed and rejoin Sahiba in heaven, but per his words to Gary, it seems like he'll be there for Akir's life moments moving forward. Happy the TRP was still the same this chance of this show surviving now. I just don't even understand at this point why are they showing Sahiba scenes with doesn't really seem like Angad likes Gurnoor for her but the fragments of Sahiba he sees in her, so what is the point of Guran being's just weird. Or maybe he is fascinated by her but reminding himself of Sahiba to hold on to his memory of her as he wrestles with his feelings for Gurnoor....Idk, but it's just pointless and the makers are just playing mindgames with us if they have no intention of bringing Sahiba back, which I think is hopeless because they really sealed with cement any plot hole for her return.....but if they did, at least they could win at least a bit of good favor with audiences. If on the very off chance Gurnoor is actually Sahiba with some weird memory loss and Sahaneer end up together and give us two last episodes of happiness, I think I can actually forgive the PH for all the shit they put us through and watch old episodes in peace....but again, I doubt it. The only way the can bring Sahiba back except for memory loss is showing that Sahiba survived the bullet wound and this was Angad's nightmare or something.

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  • Now story will repeat, Akir will say Manveer won't tie his Turban, manveer will blame Gurnoor for that eventhough Gurnoor make him understand that only blood relatives has the right to do it. These has happened in choti sardarni when Param disobey Harleen because he wanted meher to tie his turban. Meher had to convince him. But Harleen kept poisoning attitude till it's bitter end. Today's episode was almost done the same way like cs Dastarbandi episode. I will say yet again this PH functional decoration is top as always. I really love their eye for decoration here in TMD AND CS.

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