Categories: Teri Meri Doriyaan

Teri Meri Doriyaan 28th June 2024 Written Episode Update: Angad Is Overjoyed

Teri Meri Doriyaan 28th June 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on

Akeer shows his room to his best friend Lucky from Panesar. Gurnoor walks in. Akeer introduces Lucky to her and says they used to attend school and play together. Gurnoor says says he must be happy seeing his best friend and asks who called your best friend here. Akeer says Angad. Gurnoor says he should do something for Angad in return then. Akeer says he will thank Angad. Gurnoor says he shall do something different. Beeja reaches outside Brar mansion and tells her aide Preeta that Brar family is celebrating and Gurnoor is also enjoying there, she wants to see Gurnoor shivering in fear. She sends Preeta as a guest to ruin Gurnoor’s happiness.

Akeer’s dastarbandi ritual starts. Akeer goes and sits next to Angad. Angad asks why did he come here, he shall finish his

dastarbandi. Akeer thanks him and calls him papa. Angad is overjoyed hearing that and asks him to repeat it. Akeer repeats. Brars get happy seeing that. Angad says he gave him the happiness of whole world. Akeer shows thumbs up to Gurnoor. Angad asks Akeer if Gurnoor asked him to call him papa. Akeer goes into flashback where Gurnoor tells him that he would be becoming a true sikh after dastarbandi, he shall follow Babaji’s path. Akeer says he will. Gurnoor says Babaji teaches to respect one’s parents and never misbehave with them. Out of flashback, Akeer tells Angad that his mom used to tell him a king, queen, and prince’s story where a queen asks prince if he will stay with the king or not; prince told he will stay with both king and queen, so he will stay with his papa king now. Angad gets more happy.

Brars discuss that Gurnoor must have convinced Akeer to call Angad as papa. Manveer gets jealous hearing Gurnoor’s praise. Jasleen asks Manveer how will she send Gurnoor away now. Manveer asks Gurnoor to go and look after the guests. Gurnoor walks aside. Beeja’s aide walks to her and holding her hand says Mrs Maan is roaming here freely. Gurnoor asks if she knows her. Aide says she knows her very well and threatens to reveal her truth to Brars. Angad walks to them and asks Gurnoor what is she doing here, which secret guest is talking about. Aide says Gurnoor is a good singer. Angad asks why is she holding Gurnoor’s hand. Gurnoor says autyji liked her bangles, she will get same to aunty. Aide walks away.

Manveer walks to Akeer to perform his dastarbandi. Akeer insists that Gurnoor should perform his dastarbandi and calls Gurnoor repeatedly. Gurnoor walks to him. Manveer accuses him of brainwashing Akeer. Akeer insists Gurnoor to perform his dastarbandi. Gurnoor takes Angad and Manveer aside and tells Manveer that she accused her of brainwashing Akeer, now she will lie for the benefit of Manveer. She walks to Akeer and tells him that her mamma had come in her dream last night and looked very happy about Akeer’s dastarbandi. She wished that Akeer’s grandma perform his dastarbandi. Akeer agrees. Brars discuss that Akeer listens to Gurnoor well. Manveer performs Akeer’s dastarbandi. Gurnoor fears thinking that when Beeja can send her aide here, she can reach anytime hear.

Precap: Gurnoor trembles when she gets Zoravar’s call. Zoravar says she must be thinking only about him, even if the reason is fear. Gurnoor tries to throw away her sim and stops seeing someone.

Update Credit to: MA

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    • Akeer dastarbandi was beatiful and love that he finally accepted Angad as his father though he is a jerk but all these beautiful moments means nothing without Sahiba,she was supposed to be at her son's dastarbandi ceremony and Sahiba was the one supposed to unite Akeer and Angad not Gurnoor all these beautiful moments means nothing if Sahiba can not witness all this events what is the point now i hate that Gurnoor is now getting what Sahiba was supposed to have we never saw a strong bond between Sahiba and Akeer but now there is a strong bond between Gurnoor and Akeer which we never saw with Sahiba and her son hope this story end soon can not tolerate this nonsense anymore....

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      • It might turn out Sahiba is Gurnoor. That's what i hoped for. Or the Maker's might just do their rubbish again. Let them not say Seerat is Gurnoor that did plastic surgery. We all saw how obsessed Seerat was towsrds Angad and no body saw her dead body. Besides, we know Veer is in rehabilitation center and Yash is in Jail. I hope the hidden face behind Gurnoor is not one of them that is coming for revenge.

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      • True, Akir accepting Angad was beautifully done. I said Gurnoor has to lie of dreaming about Sahiba to help Manveer, manveer does not deserve this happiness of tieing his turban. She still hate Sahiba that is why she is so mean to Gurnoor. Now she will be praised for mistrusting Gurnoor when her secret comes out. The most pessimist person alive.

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    • @Pee keeping with itv’s ideology poor and middle class women are just incubators for the rice and easily replaceable. Sahiba’s ashes didn’t even cool down then they had Angad run into Gurnoor. Itv continually cheapens poor and middle class women. Madveer IS an actual criminal with goons but she suffers no hardship whatsoever

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      • @Jade you are right Sahiba was replaced minutes after her demise they could not even wait for a moment to introduce her lookalike and that Manveer witch will never get punished for her misdeeds till the end...

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  • @Pee @Jade you both are right. This cheap constant portrayal of women does nothing for the storyline. And if for one moment, she has strength They make it into a negative. my problem with the way they do this is that there’s an entire generation of young women Who watch these shows for entertainment, but it reinforces a very negative existence if the female character is strong, they basically beat her down. Sahiba was becoming an artist in her own right they took that away from her. Gurnoor who is trying hard to spread her wings and become her own person is being also kept down. Can’t we have for change women who are both loving and strong. Because that is closer to reality. They aren’t all filled with spite & malice.

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  • Who knows gyrnoor might relapse in her memory that she is saiba, and that this Manoj guy just took advantage of her helpless when he rescued her from the cremotorium/hospital with memory loss. Then if known the doctor will inform them that due to repeated trauma that saiba suffered, her conscious wants to forget all the pain she suffered, that is why she thought her name was gurnoor. In this case if she becomes our saiba, she should even change her name from gurnoor to block the torture and insults, it came with and probably have a new name but keep the new attitude. Someone is yet to put the brar ladies in their place. As for her parents, I wonder if they are in some village hidden trying to care for seerat and her now deformed face from the accident. Who knows if she is alive deformed, disabled and a burden to her parents like before. We all know santosh was never fair with her girls only miss beauty queen's needs were important to her, she favored seerat more than the other 2. And for ajit , he was always ready to jump a cliff on santosh's request would not even open his mouth to ask why. I would like seerat to be alive and suffering in shame for what she did to saiba. As for manveer, I don't know if it is the guilt of not accepting saiba hunting her so she does not want gurnoor to take saiba's place, or afraid of another psychopath girl in her son's life, or just mere selfishness and hatred towards saiba, only God and the PH knows. And for keerat may be she knows where her parents are but does not want to reveal it, so she just wants to go on with her life, hubby and kid. I hope my wish is fulfilled because I want to see manveer kiss not only saiba's ass, but feet as well. The way angad eyeballs gurnoor is very fishy. Either he has developed feelings for her, or suspects that deep down she might saiba.

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  • Forum Friends, I agree I am happy Akeer finally accepted his dad. It's without a doubt Angad was a jerk for most of the show and especially to Sahiba, but i do think he loved her (contrary to what people believe)....I was always watching for Sahan), and more importantly whether Sahiba is dead or alive, she would have wanted Akir to accept, I did actually feel bad seeing Akeer rejecting Angad so badly, even if he did deserve it to an extent. However, I hate that Gurnoor is the one bringing them together and getting acceptance from the Brars, except from Manveer, a ready made baby and man, a sister in Keerat, and everything so easily, which Sahiba had to suffer for 500+ episodes for and could never even enjoy. This chick better be that the show is ending, the makers have no reason to drag this storyline on or torture us, since it's not going to do anything for TRP or the survival of the show....if she's not Sahiba with memory loss, it's clear (if it wasn't already) that the makers are sadists and hate's not just to string us along for TRP, but they get some high out of mentally toruring us lol. Like they have 0 reason not to give us what most viewers want (as per Youtube and IG), but I feel like they'll still do whatever they want and just show Guran together....which I am disgusted about...@Pee, I agree, Sahiba's ashes didn't even settle and they showed Angad eyeballing her lookalike...if they at least did like a 1 year leap, I would have still somewhat understood, but he brought her home within one month of his wife's death. If the girl is Sahiba and they actually show a happy ending for Sahaneer with maybe even a last episode leap/flash forward of Sahiba being an artist again (with a degree - thank you) and maybe even a baby Sahiba and Angad being a supportive husband, keeping Manveer in check too, I think I can even forgive this PH for all the shit they put us through!

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  • It is True what all of you say but their could be a positieve idea behind this all we have not seen seerat return yet romi might turn out to be gurnoor ex husband but it could also be yash but the fact that same actress who played for sahiba gurnoor must have a reason but that gurnoor will become angad wife we cannot be sure yet the dramatic part is yet to Come after zoravhar comes after her Esther she will get killed by him through been
    tha whipped to death or she will return back to him to save akkeer and angad who are now finaly realy father and don i also read she might turn out to be sahiba and garry knows about it further this episiode was lovely and emotionele when akeer accepted angad as his father and the negative part was that aida beetje evil servant discover her

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  • this show is such a dissapointment, women portryed as vulnerable, obbessive with men and desperate, really pisses me off, not to mention lack of originality, why do we have to wait for july, it can go off air for as i care, we did not and still are not going to get any good ending from it. saiba has already been forgotten now with gurnoor in the picture. i know people relate to gurnoor because she is Himansh, but for me i knew saiba before her real name, all i first saw was her character and that iis what attracted me, so they can make her saiba twin/triplet or lookalike, it will not make any difference as long as it is not her. all i can say that other actors and actresses should learn from this show and not trust this PH, to avoid ruining their careers. i only read the updates, do not watch the show to contribute to tprs, and unable to watch it on line i do not know why but from what iam reading it is clear that soon grunoor might become a brar. so what happens to the statement that nobody can be like saiba from angad's mouth. may be the casts will win an award but i see none for the creators/ directors etc for the bull shit they gave us for a whole year. iam not even going to watch the old episodes because they will make no sense at all when we know the ending and that being what we did not bargain for. anyways saiba consented to angad before death that he should move on with her look alike. iam not buying into this gurnoor becoming saiba idea now, i have given up and do not want to waste my time on this nonsense. as a matter fact iam not interested in any of these shows now be it old ones or new ones. they are all the same idea and copy and paste. if they know they are putting a show out there, they should fully write it or have plan b instead of pliagializing, almost all the shows are the same theme.

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