Categories: Teri Meri Doriyaan

Teri Meri Doriyaan 29th June 2024 Written Episode Update: Angad Reveals His Liking For Gurnoor

Teri Meri Doriyaan 29th June 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on

Gurnoor looks at Sahiba’s passport and thinks she doesn’t know what to do, Mr Brar was searching for this passport, what if he finds out that the passport is with her, she can get out of the country via this passport, Zoravar and Beeja know her location and can reach her anytime. She gets a call from an unknown number and picks it. Zoravar speaks and asks how is she, beats a whip in air, and says she should remember his fear. Gurnoor removes sim and throws it away. Keerat picks the sim and asks what is happening, if someone mad lover is stalking her. Gurnoor says something like that. Keerat says she shall inform her Keerat di, she will trash that man or at least they can file a police complaint against him. Gurnoor recalls threatening Zoravar that she will file a police complaint

against him. Zoravar says police comes to him to solve their problems, so police will not do anything and she will be in more trouble instead. Gurnoor says there is no need for police complaint. Keerat says Angad and Garry are partying, so we both sisters shall party and have a candid chat.

Garry serves liquor to Angad. Angad asks what was the need for this. Garry says it’s his son’s dastarbandi today and his son accepted him as a father, so celebration is obvious. Angad recalls Akeer calling him papa and says Sahiba would have been happy if she was alive. Keerat takes Gurnoor to her room, shows her saree collection, and says she will get her ready in one of these sarees. Gurnoor says she never saw Keerat in saree. Keerat says these are Sahiba di’s sarees and she got them when she came into this house after marrying Garry, she has preserved them carefully, she doesn’t know how to wear a saree. Gurnoor says she knows to wear sarees as she had many. Keerat says she shall wear one and even teach her. Gurnoor says Angad will get angry if he sees her wearing his wife’s saree. Keerat asks her to stop talking about Angad always like Garry and insists her to select a saree.

Angad and Garry get heavily drunk. Garry asks him to speak his heart out. Angad says he sees Sahiba in Gurnoor. Garry says it’s obvious as Gurnoor looks like Sahiba. Angad describes how Gurnoor decided to leave the house due to some confusion. Garry says he need not worry as Gurnoor will not leave this house. Angad says Garry made strong pegs that he opened up than usual. Garry says it’s okay. Keerat and Gurnoor get ready in sarees. Keerat tells Gurnoor that she reminds her of Sahiba di. Gurnoor says she can consider her as Sahiba di, but younger sister. Keerat says Sahiba di used to support her always like Gurnoor, Sahiba supported her during Angad’s and Garry’s brother Veer’s feud. Gurnoor says she didn’t know Angad has another brother. Keerat says Veer got into drug addiction and hence their marriage was canceled, he stays somewhere else now. She shows Veer’s photo. Gurnoor says he looks normal.

Rain starts. Gurnoor insists Keerat to get out and enjoy rain. Keerat says if someone sees them, they will be scolded. Gurnoor says it would be fun and takes her out saying if Garry sees her in rain, his dead romance will be alive again. Garry walks to Keerat and asks if she is wearing Saree. She says yes. He asks if she is going somewhere. She says no. He says he stop paying attention to her these days, she is looking beautiful in saree. He notices Gurnoor and calls her Sahiba bhabhi. Keerat says she is Gurnoor and takes him from there. Angad walks in rain next. Garry tells him that he can see Sahiba bhabhi. Angad tells Gurnoor that Garry mistook her as Sahiba. Gurnoor says it’s okay as she looks like Sahiba. She enjoys rain and asks Angad to join her. Angad recalls Sahiba in saree. Serial’s title track plays in the background…

Precap: Sahiba runs around the house. Angad walks behind her. Gurnoor says she wants to tell him something which she never told to anyone. Zoravar speaks and says even he wants to listen from her, gudiya.
Gurnoor gets tensed seeing him.

Update Credit to: MA

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  • I know show ending in 2 weeks but isn't the love story between Gurnoor too rushed and the love story looks fake and forced we never saw Angad and Sahiba dancing in the rain but we are going to see Angas and Gurnoor in the rain quite dissapointing what is Gurnoor going to tell Angad that she is in love with him what a joke come on Sahiba died 3 weeks ago and people are ready to move on already ooo hello Sahiba was a human being as well,i only had one wish before they could wrap up to turn Gurnoor into Sahiba i know it does not make sense at all but at least will have closure as loyal sahan fans who stick through all this crap that the makers threw at us in the hope of seeing Sahan reunite nommater how many times this makers separated them..

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    • @Pee, I get you 100 percent! I just feel like we all want Sahiba back (or at least most of us) and this Guran romance has not only been forced but disrespectful to Sahiba's memory.....I know this is fiction and not real life, but I'm sorry I would low-key judge any man or woman who moved on so quickly after their partner's death (though of course in real life people deserve to move on and even have whirlwind romances), but here it's just too weird.....The rain scene really disgusted me....Even Seerat of all people got that with Angad and not Sahiba....ew. But what really upset me the most was Keerat letting this chick wear her dead lookalike sister's sari and then Angad eyeballing her....for some reason that really upset Sahiba couldn't even be spared her old clothes....0 respect I tell you lol. Properly, only Keerat, Bani, and Akir's future wife would have a right on all this...but the fact the makers showed that makes me think we'll get Sahiba back....otherwise it's too weird....but again, I'm not planning any ticket tape parade about it haha.

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  • Dear Form Friends! LONG post alert….I rest confused about where this show is going or how to feel about this episode: Is this Sahiba or not - that is the question?

    If this is Sahiba:
    What an episode - let’s hope we see a little bit more than a bit more romance in tomorrow’s episode as well. Plus if this girl is Sahiba, I can peacefully rewatch this track and Sahan’s past romance/scenes in peace after July 14! For some reason, the mix of Angad saying he sees so much of Sahiba in Gurnoor, not to mention Keerat dressing up Gurnoor in Sahiba’s clothes, Keerat showing Veer’s photo to Gurnoor (why does she still have his pic on her phone anyway lol); and not to mention Gary being suspicious questioning Angad and then shouting drunkenly that she was indeed Sahiba, makes me think we may actually get what we want….Normally, I don’t like the generalize, but everything I have been reading on Youtube + IG shows that viewers want Sahiba to return, so why can’t the makers just do that….now that they are wrapping up, the best way to win good favor with fans, not to mention increased TRP for some final advertising rupees/profits, is by giving us the Sahan and NOT Guran scenes that we always longed for…..

    If this indeed is true, I have two hypotheses:

    1) Gary helped Sahiba fake her death because Veer planned something to harm Sahan/Angad with Zoravar….seems far fetched, but I don’t see the point otherwise in mentioning Veer today, unless this was the makers’ way of wrapping up his storyline and letting us know what happened to him.

    2) What I find more plausible….when Angad went to Harrpreet/Diljith’s house that night Sahiba was attacked, Gary went to the jail to help Sahiba and somehow in conversation he made it apparent that he was Akeer’s « Secret Dost. » Fearing the consequences of losing his family, Gary actually shot Sahiba or even if she was shot by Amu’s father, she may have survived after her heart failed, but Gary did something to wipe Sahiba’s memory, which Zoravar took advantage of…..basically, Gary didn’t want to kill Sahiba because in his twisted mind he loved his bhabi, but was also a coward and thought at least she was better off if she was living without her memory and thought she could live with Angad again as Gurnoor with no recollection of the past. At the end, Gary will be exposed and sent to jail or whatever, and then a reformed Veer will come back and Keerat and him will be reunited. Although it would seem like this would « make more sense » lol, I really wouldn’t want to see Gary be bad again or for Keerat and him to break up or for Bani to lose her parents, though he should have been punished for kidnapping Akir in any case. Also, I was never a fan of the Veer + Keerat relationship (though not against it), so I don’t need to see their reconciliation.

    As a side note, though new Keerat’s acting still needs some work, I must say, it has improved considerably from a few months ago….the girl can actually deliver lines now without fidgeting or making weird pauses….this all probably flew under the radar, but I think the girl is at least trying now lol….brava to you!

    Now if this is NOT Sahiba……

    I have 0 faith in the makers and they could just be stringing us along as usual and will just give us a big FU at the end of this by showing she is not Sahiba haha…..This is what I am going to mentally prepare myself for….even if I hope I am wrong. They may just be dangling this hope, so that they can squeeze out a few more advertising rupees in the next two weeks and then give us the middle finger for not tuning in and then be done with us….In which case, I am so proud of Indian viewers for bringing this show to the ground….I know I always over exaggerate…most of the time in jest and sometimes in sincerity and in the end this is a soap which shouldn’t be taken so seriously, but I really am totally against the predatory practices and lack of morals/responsibility as creatives the makers have displayed since almost the start of the show…it’s just not right. I have a feeling this show was watched by younger audiences in India, who turned their tv screens off after weeks of torture and were reading comments online….sad to say, other shows by the PH like GHKKPM will likely be on air for ages, despite the tom foolery the makers pull, because I think their demographic is older people and families, who are more immune to all the different twist and turns of these shows and probably just want « clean » content (though ITV is violent and patriarchal to say the least) to watch as a family after dinner.

    In any case, going to the episode, If this chick ain’t Sahiba:
    1. Angad is a man whore/sl*t….I know its 2024 and we have to be PC, but no man, yes, in real life people have the right to move on after their spouse’s death, but legit after one month with a woman with the same face….not to mention he’s only seeing Sahiba’s qualities in her and not loving Gurnoor for herself….Maybe a ghost of Sahiba will come to him at the end and tell him to let go of her memories and love Gurnoor for her….at which point I’ll be nauseous….instead of this, I would prefer Angad to die haha…a bit extreme but at least he’d be with Sahiba. Also, the fact this man, albeit in a drunk state, is in the rain with Gurnoor while she’s wearing his dead wife’s sari (that too pink - her favorite color) and will likely cross the line in some way in tomorrow’s episode wihether by kissing her or even worse sleeping with her that too in Sahiba’s marital bed - which she never even slept in in that sense (I don’t put anything past these makers after they showed Guran frolicking around the store room a few episodes ago) is just disgusting….Suffice to say, I’m SO livid.

    2. I can’t tell if I’m more upset at Angad or Keerat… your own sister’s saris to her lookalike and calling her your sister….girl that’s a step too far…Who doesn’t like a little makeover/dress up session between friends, but girl Keerat be like Angad 2.0 trying to find Sahiba in Gurnoor….so disgusted.

    3. Also, so much for being a professional, Miss Gurnoor…..granted Angad isn’t married anymore (though I consider him married still), is right to be dancing in the rain with your employer? Granted the girl’s lived a hard life with a deformed looking husband (the man didn’t even look that bad in Katha Ankhahee lol), but the girl needs to keep herself together and stay away from Sahiba’s man, child, sister, and clothes! I’m about to join team Manveer and Jasleen on this one, though I can’t stand them lol.

    Either way this story goes, I’m glad the show is ending and I can shut up about it after two weeks lol!

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  • @TMD Iam glad this show is ending they tortured us for too long this show used to be my favourite but iam not affected with it ending like we are done with this rubbish lol we begged makers on ig,you tube to have Sahan united but we never get them i just they turn Gurnoor to be Sahiba and reveal some conspiracy like we tuned in waited and endured this rubbish for so long we deserve closure.Keerat i don't know why he gave away Sahiba's things to Gurnoor and Angad who promised to love only Sahiba to till his last breath is now ready to fall in love with his wife's duplicate how disgusting,the rain scene is so disgusting hope Angad does not dance with Gurnoor tommorow in the rain we never got to see that scenes betwwen Sahan but TMD was bound to fall they introduced leap copied another show and as if it was not enough killed the main lead without any justice and bring a lookalike an old concept that failed in other shows TMD was bound to fall makers dug their own grave they must lie in it...

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  • now it has come to gurnoor seducing angad in the rain just like how seerat did it in the past. no direction at all in this show. why on earth would keerat give siaba's clothes to gurnoor, and for angad, he was o.k with it, other people will be furious once their wife's belongings are touched by another woman, let alone a stranger, but this bastard was o.k with it. let's see what the rest of the brars think. i did not watch the episode but just reading updates, so now this gurnoor is a seductress, and that fool is going to fall for it. will even manveer allow his son to marry let alone love a married woman, or someone not considered a virgin. such a cheap show with cheap plots, it is better off being stopped/off air than showing us what we did not bargain for. such a cheap mentality. no matter how romantic you portray guran, the majority of us will not accept her especially with angad as to that was saiba's space, nobody else deserves it, not even seerat who claimed to be angad's first love. this production house raelly messed up this show, i hope VK, & HIMANSH should have their own show, teri meri dorian unfinished bussiness, so they can show the love blossoming between the sahans, and their son plus angad always wanted a pricess, saiba can give him one or even 2 another set of twins.

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  • @love lace you are right such cheap cheap show with cheap plots from s*xual harrasment,kidnappings,fraud extra marital affairs which crime did we not see in this show Seerat used to seduce Angad now it's Gurnoor and they barely met 2 weeks ago and Gurnoor has already fallen in love with Angad a stranger she does not know to me Gurnoor is just cheap as Seerat nothing against Himanshi i love her but this Gurnoor is not for me so it's better for show to go off air we can't see a love story between Angad and Gurnoor it's just too disgusting and Angad i thought he will be furious about the Sares as well but he is completely okay with it what a jerk...

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