Teri Meri Doriyaan 2nd October 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on TellyUpdates.com
Akaal tells Angad and Sahiba that there is no problem in the world which cannot be solved via mutual discussion, they both should sit there calmly and solve their issues via mutual discussion, then they all 4 will return home after burying all the issues here itself. He walks away with Japjot. Sahiba asks Angad if he is doing all this to avoid media blaming him. Agad says he is not worried about media coverage but worried for her after seeing what happened yesterday. He asks her to sit down and calmly talk to him. Sahiba refuses. Angad says he is worried for her safety and asks her to sit or else he will break all the chairs here. She sits. Angad says the issue started since she shifted to hostel and someone is behind her. Sahiba asks if he means someone is stalking her. Rumi watches Sahiba on his phone screen and thinks what is Angad teaching her against him.
Angad tells Sahiba that the stalker is a psycho and not normal. Sahiba says if he means stalker a psycho, she is a helpless victim, Angad is a savior, and she is safe only in Brar mansion. Rumi thinks he is Sahiba’s Mirza. Sahiba refuses to accept Angad’s request and says the pain he gave her is nothing in front of the pain the stalker gave her. Angad asks if she is comparing her husband with a stalker. Sahiba says he is married to her, but loves someone else. Angad says people say right that there is treatment for everything except misunderstanding, he doesn’t know what is in her mind, but he considers her as his wife and has right to protect her from the stalker. Sahiba says she doesn’t know if his stalker theory is right or not, but she can protect herself and will never return to Brar mansion. Angad says he can’t believe that she is the same woman he loves. Sahiba says she feels sad that she will disappoint Bebe and Daarji. Rumi hears her decision and says very good Sahiba.
Akaal and Japjot return. Sahiba apologizes them for disobeying them and says she can’t return to Brar mansion as the injury she got on her heart may never heal. Japjot says even she became Brar family once and faced many issues with Akaal, but they both sorted out their issues; even Gurleen and Harjot have problem in their marital lives, but they overcame it and moved on; Sahiba should also overcome her problem and return home. Sahiba refuses. They both walk away disappointed. Angad says Sahiba broke even his Darji and Bebe’s hearts, keep it up.. Rumi thinks nobody can stop him from getting closer to Sahiba now and draws their sketch in his book.
Angad exercises in the morning. Sahiba splashes water on him. He runs to and catches her and splashes water on her. Sahiba says she was just joking and realizes that she was imagining the past event in her hostel room. She notices Angad’s message and gets angry, thinks if Angad is apologizing her, she can’t forgive him. She realizes that she had blocked Angad’s and gets surprised seeing his number unblocked. She hears Angad’s message that he tried to convince her a lot, but she is so adamant and arrogant; he doesn’t want to see her face from hereon. Angad is busy in a business meeting when Sahiba calls him repeatedly. Akaal asks him to pick the call if it’s important. Angad says it’s not important and continues with meeting.
Seerat and Manveer visit Angad’s office after shopping and wait for him. Manveer asks Seerat why did she shop only for Angad and not herself. Seerat says Angad lived for others his whole life, now it’s his turn to take care of himself. Sahiba walks in fuming and asks Pam where is Angad. Pam says sir is in an important meeting. Manveer asks what is she doing here. Sahiba says she wants to meet Angad and forcefully walks into board room. Seerat thinks when Sahiba herself is digging a grave of her relationship, why shall she stop her. Sahiba walks to Angad and asks why did he send a message that she is desperate to get him back in his life and he wants to end their relationship, says their relationship ended because of him and there is nothing left now.
Precap: Manveer informs family that she will get Angad divorce Sahiba and marry Seerat. Family is shocked to hear that while Seerat gets happy. Angad forcefully brings Sahiba home and says she will stay here as her life is in danger. Manveer yells this shameless girl can’t stay in this house. Angad warns her to dare not speak a word against his wife Sahiba.
Update Credit to: MA
Sahiba is seriously sooo arrogant nd a fake feminist.. She never listens nd thinks she is always right.. These monga sisters will drive angad crazy.. One is fake feminist nd other is characterless
@surabhi couldn’t agree more but it takes two to tango, angad is equally egoistic, dumb and oblivious to his surroundings. It’s a match made in heaven

I am about to cancel my Hotstar subscription. This is just dragging the issue unnecessarily. Gosh
@sophia why u want cancel subscription, there r many other things for entertainment on hotstar, movies , sports, documentaries and more , just for one small show??

Thats literally the only reason i subscribed to Hotstar.It is the only show,I watch on it.I liked the initial story.
Sshiba is really stubborn nd arrogant, she should sit calmly with angad nd tell him her problem regarding seerat,she has committed a blunder by leaving brar mension, it means she has surrendered to character less seerat she is DIL of brars nd has full rights who the hell is manveer to ask her to leave the house,sahiba can ask her did she leave brar mension when she came to know abut inder’s affair,she should have followed darji nd bebe advice.
The makers are dragging miscommunication unnecessarily. Only if both of them talk clearly without prejudice,if Sahiba for once talks clearly without beating around the bush and only accusing,Angad for once recapitulate that nights event, or them both talk in front of the other inmates of the house, things will get solved in a jiffy. Seerat is a slime , a venomous snake who right now is only in an advantageous situation because of these two egoists fools. Manveer in on another level of negativity, earlier I used to like her for being straight forward and standing against Jasleen, but now Manveer is highly toxic and blinded. Jasleen should make the lives of Seerat and Manveer hell. Gary really needs to return and restart his torture to Seerat. She does deserve it.
i also am beginning to dislike sahiba she had a very good loving husband and she still wants her own way she will soon regret it after seerat has maried angad because now it is certain seerat will marry angad because she does not want to reconcile with angad so i already can predict how it will end, seerat will marry angad and she will end up with romi as she prefers to be stalked by him then live a quiet maried life with angad how stupid can she be now i just wonder how she will change romi from a crazy man to a normal stable man because she herself is choosing for this life i would have much rather seen her reconcile with angad and seerat and romi exposed but makers have difrent plans they don’t want her to reconcile with angad why i don’t know
I too feel Sahiba’s character is going too far,! It’s better to trash out the whole misunderstanding and clear the air and put Seerat in her place. Seerat is behaving as though she’s Angads wife. It’s time Angad brushed her off and also told his mother to put her brakes on. Manveer is trying to get Angad divorced when she herself could do it for her happiness. These Indian families think that their match making is the family’s happiness not the individual. Manveer should realise that Angad loves Sahiba and that’s why he so worried. It’s time for Sahiba to turn around and confront Angad on The Who misunderstanding.DON’T BE DRAG THIS LONG BECAUSE ITS GETTING BORING
Where is the drama queen Hansraj, a lot has happened in Brars household, he is no where to badmouth either Sahiba or seerat? Manveer is glowing in Sahiba’s misery and seerat’s fake love and company, she too may faked it or not but they looked so alike and happy together! When Angad disobey her she should adopt seerat so that she has her wish to be daughter in law.
I agree with everyone else…Sahiba is taking this a bit too far. I understand her perspective based on what she saw, but if she did truly love Angad, she could at least give him the benefit of the doubt, since she asked Angad to trust her even when there was a clear video of her accusing the grandpa of domestic violence in the track months ago. If she feels she is right, instead of constantly accusing Angad of faking concern for her, why can’t she just say, “hey, I heard you saying I love you to my sister, so this isn’t just my misconception. Stop pretending” I’m not sure if I would label Sahiba as anti-feminist, but I guess more or less she fits into that mould by seeming somewhat hysterical instead of calmly speaking with Angad. Seeing the Dadi turn away from Sahiba was sad too! However, if anything, this track has made me like Angad more…..honestly, even thought I don’t like Sahiba’s actions, it’s actually refreshing to see Angad be so committed to loving Sahiba and caring for her safety even when she is constantly rude to him…Typically in ITV shows, it’s the woman who does everything for her man and bears his anger/tantrums (like Sahiba did for months), so it’s at least different to see a role reversal….not saying that I’m endorsing toxic relationships. Also, Sahiba is proving that she is equally as hot headed as Angad, so they are a match made in heaven haha! In any case, I really did like it when Angad put his foot down today and said that regardless of how Sahiba feels, he stills considers her his wife…absolutely loved that! I was also disgusted by Manveer’s smile when she was excited about Seerat showing all the things she bought for Angad to him….I really hope Angad and Sahiba’s love blossoms in Brar Mansion and that wipes that horrible smile off her face. Contrary to what people say, some people actually need to smile less haha. Lastly, I understand today’s episode was disappointing due to all the negativity, but I think it is a set up for how Angad will bring Sahiba home. In the next episode, I’m pretty sure, Angad will say that he never said those things and Sahiba will show him the voice recording and explain how she had blocked his number….he’ll probably realize her phone has been hacked (though of course the culprit will be untraceable…they are not going to get rid of Rumi so soon)…of course, realizing that her phone is hacked, that is just going to heighten the threat of her insecurity and then Angad will bring Sahiba home, even though she will clearly be against it, as the precap suggests. At least, that is what I am hoping is what happens, otherwise I have no interest in watching negativity/misunderstandings unless it is somehow moves the story forward. Let’s really hope they become closer in Brar Mansion!
sahiba is a kuti and a cow
she seems to be only woman who gets treated like this get over it babe
you seem to be me me me me me me me
only you know whats right and missy right
i say go and get laid and you will feel better
please shut that mouth up please
Sahiba and Angad should clear their misunderstandings and Sahiba should once again be given the responsibility of the house and kick Seerat out exposing her character
True, being confident and having self esteem vs. being extremely adamant and loud are totally different from one another. Instead of always taunting Angad, had she directly and clearly confronted him about her doubts and suspicions all this would have fallen into place once and for all, obviously writers won’t allow that but I mean logically speaking, she had witnessed how Angad had changed and how he expressed his feelings even in indirect manners so taking all that into consideration, she should have questioned him about the confession she heard and then they could have easily put 2+2 together knowing Seerat’s past behaviour obviously… and I wonder why Keerat hadn’t mentioned about such an important truth to Veer, come on your loving sister’s marriage is breaking and she is suffering and your other cunning sister is taking full advantage of the tricky situation and you are keeping mum saying I promised her lol, what’s the use of such a dumb promise when it’s ruining your loved one’s life.. had she told this to Veer then he could have told her Angad was actually proposing to Sahiba because Veer knew about Angad’s preparations and they both could have easily explained the situation to Angad, before going to Sahiba… I think nowadays Angad listens more than Sahiba lol, but he gets dumb & dumber and goes mum in front of Seerat… anyways Rumi is just rahul from Darr lol, even the dhole scene and always talking to an imaginary mother figure over the phone… only sa sa sa sahibaa is missing there
Hi @yara I think you are only one from the lot who used to comment at the beginning, I also came after a long time. There was hardly anything to comment about!
sahiba is so stupid just looked at tonight episiode on tv how can she be so stupid by not letting angad and his grandparents know what realy happened now she went to his office but does she not realize what all she is loosing now seerat and manveer will get their way how can she be so stupid realy i don’t understand now seerat will realy become his wife but it is all her own fault because she never wants to tell them the truth it makes me wonder if she realy ever loved angad sincerely because now she is fighting him and due to this she will loose him to seerat and then she might regret how she acted but then it will be too late and she will have lost angad forever
@shen, hi
I am the one who used to comment a lot in the beginning but like you I have nothing to write this days 
about it. And eagerly waiting for the new punjabi series on zeetv very soon with the name “ikk kudi punjab di!!” First promo is out and Looks very promising so I will be shifting over there since this one is only dragging. The writers are the one who wrote choti sardarni the original Ranjeev Verma and his wife so they are very capable of doing a fabulous story which I loved about them. On the top of that my all time favorite actor AvineshRekhi will be playing the lead as turbaned lad again
so I am very excited about this series and stopped being annoyed by Angad and Sahiba unfinished business. Only watching the serie for Hansraj’s rubbish talk but even he is not around much.
Sahiba is a stupid girl,her arrogance stubbornness over confidence will land her in problem,she is taking undue advantage of angad’s concern,it was v wrong she didn’t obey darji nd bebe,angad is trying his best to mend their relation but sahiba is a fool,manners seerat are really irritating unbearable dirty ladies. Both deserve whatever their partners have done to them,I wish Garry return nd show seerat her real place.